Who isn't going to vote and why?
2007-04-08 13:24:19 UTC
I personally think its criminal to waste a vote but there seems to be a growing number of people refusing to vote.
141 answers:
2007-04-08 13:30:28 UTC
i wont be voting because there all as bad as each other,i think they should all get together and work things out instead of all trying to outdo each other. if they were all on the same side for the good of the country it would be a better place to live and no lies being told just to get votes
charlotte s
2007-04-09 01:34:40 UTC
I too will be one of those who will no longer be voting - in fact, I didnt even vote at the last election. Do you think the government are ever going to take a blind bit of notice to what the general public say? When Labour came into power I believe their intentions were good to begin with and they made a few good changes (ie: as a single mum its been easier for me to return to work due to extra financial help) but they seem to have lost their minds along the way. Britain has now been replaced by a mockery of a country. Folk are realising that it doesn't pay to work these days, we are taxed to the eyeballs on everything we do, immigrants are being aloud to run riot all over the place and have constant freebies thrown at them at the expense of others, and these bloody wars that are happening or waiting to happen because Blair insists on being Bush's puppet...its all beyond me. This country is a mess, there is no pride anymore in the people - we need to get rid of parliament (and the Queen) I say!
2007-04-09 12:28:20 UTC
I want to vote, but who for?!? Tony Blair has 'done good' by me personally. I know a lot of people think he's a big pile of poo but he's given me things that the Tory's didn't. I voted him in but now I'm not sure what to do. A growing number of people are voting BNP. Now if they got in, this would be a tragedy. This would end our multi cultural pride but on the other hand, how much is too much when it comes to immigration? I think the one with the best stance on that gets my vote this year. YOU MUST ALL VOTE. A WASTED VOTE IS LIKE WASTING THE MONEY YOU PAY TO THEM!!! DO IT!!!
2007-04-09 02:09:06 UTC
i've never voted in 20 years - why?? because voting doesn't change anything. it doesn't matter who gets in so called 'power' the established rulers who are above the government will always want to keep their positions.

think about this too - if you have a problem and need to see an MP about it should it matter whether they are a con/lib dem or lab or whatever??

Also politics is full of lies and corruption

councillors, in order to promote voting say that things'll change so vote for us - for instance having a lab council instead of a conservative one will ensure regeneration of a certain area etc, but an argument for that is that there are changes happening everywhere. it doesn't matter if lab or con or lib dem are in you'll see change wherever you are but only on a superficial level and never down at the roots

i personally believe that most of what you see in this society is merely an illusion built upon the truth.

i read somewhere - don't bother trying to change anything cos there are a number of people who like things the way they are! this is true

and my final argument against voting is - VOTING DOESN'T MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY OR HELP THEM TOWARDS THAT GOAL!!

a great number of people are unhappy because their quality of life is just crap and voting won't change that

having an education system, hospitals and good public services just improves the standards of people's lives but it doesn't make them any happier

so that's why i don't vote and never will
2007-04-08 15:12:18 UTC
I agree that a non-vote is such a waste in terms of the many historical fights to gain the right to vote, but politics is becoming increasingly a corporate driven force with a corrupt underbelly. As the general public around the world become more media educated and politically aware so the cynacism about politics, politicians, corporate corruption and the self serving nature of politicians grows in public opinion, which spells a slow death for democracy as we know it. It is still worth voting however, perhaps on non tradtional lines to give established political parties the kick up the backside they need. Ultimately the People ARE power and we have the ability to change the face of politics away from hype, spin, and faceless shop window dressing with little background substance or backbone.
2007-04-09 03:01:34 UTC
NEVER HAVE,NEVER WILL.democracy=imperialism=war, more and more people are seeing through the thin vaneer of tv and mass media to the truth of what is going on around them,ironicaly a vote of no confidence in the voting system itself. Here's your lifetime supply of "democracy" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ! the real criminals run the show. if each ballot paper had a "none of the above" box i'd X that and i think millions of others would, which is why no such box will ever appear in this "so called democracy". I would like to see open public consultation about viable alternatives to the control society have you got a better idea??
The Global Geezer
2007-04-09 09:58:07 UTC
I guess there is a lot of apathy out there among voters. They don't vote because they see no point in voting: their excuses are that " they're all the bleedin' same anyway " or that " nothing changes anyway, whoever you vote for. "

It could also be due to mental laziness. People have no interest in elections or politics, or they simply cannot be bothered to get up and actually vote.

To combat this, British political advertisers commissioned a series of short cartoons featuring people in everyday situations, for the 2005 General Election. One of them an apathetic character who 'didn't do politics' and the other pointing out to him that politics actually affected all areas of his everyday life. In the USA, the political media machine created a campaign called 'Rock the Vote' with MTV for the 1992 election, designed at branding politics as more 'cool,' and getting young people more interested.
2007-04-09 03:03:22 UTC
True democracy in the UK is DEAD! Already in my local press with have the yearly onslaught attack on the BNP and any other party who oppose immigration. The media (owned by big corporations like Murdoch etc) 'brainwash' the public to vote for one of the main 3 parties thus keeping the policies of internationalism going forever more. I'm not necessarily BNP supporter, but I hate the way the establishment (media etc) corrupts the Public into it's way of thinking, which is to protect the multi-nationals and f*** the country and what the people really think and want!!!!
Just William
2007-04-09 02:40:46 UTC
Over the last 40 years voting statistics in the UK have been on the decline. The main reason is that our government do what is best for them and their big business partners. They completely ignore the wishes of the voters who did not want for instance, Longer pub opening hours and gambling casinos. I will vote only for a party that goes along with the wishes of the majority. That, after all is democracy
2007-04-09 00:40:36 UTC
Cos there is no legally binding requirement for the parties to do they say.

I believe there should be a 'no vote' party, where if more than 30% of the electorate votes 'no vote', then the election is void.

This would force honesty into the parties.

Also, when there is a change of prime minister in the leading party, there should be a mandatory election.

2007-04-08 16:07:41 UTC
im not going to vote because i cant see any one with polocies to help every one the present government should be shot if theyre in touch with the people and the peoples needs then im bob marley i think all forms of government exist for the economy and not the people the most precious thing we have is the thing they dont care about and thats life look at the health system in this country also why cant ordinary workers be paid more the politicians seem to value the euro when it comes to there pay packets but the people who actually work for a living get peanuts its all wrong and i want no part of it and thats why i wont vote i dont respect the system or those who claim to represent it
2007-04-10 02:19:39 UTC
Remember that Richard Pryor film "Brewster's Millions" when he ran as the "None of the Above" candidate? I would really like to see all apathetic and disillusioned individuals given the opportunity to vote for such a party to highlight the democratic deficit of an electoral process in which a party can acquire power with only a quarter of the votes of those entitled to do so!
Jonathan V
2007-04-09 09:14:33 UTC
I agree but tend to spoil my paper as all the parties are now the same, giving up ideologies for power. At least this is a positive action and not apathy. Perhaps there should be a box on the paper for people to register their disenchantment with all parties/canditates. Would never like to see people forced to vote as the right to abstain is a democratic right & some people are simply not politically aware voting with a pin.
I Tisi
2007-04-09 06:53:29 UTC
It is a very difficult question. I agree it is a waste of a vote but more to the point none of the parties give you great confidence in voting for them. We need a party that will keep this country independent of war-monger USA, refusing to follow its terrorist acts against other countries. Should we lose so many young people in other peoples wars
Stuart C
2007-04-09 03:42:02 UTC
I have always voted and always will but it is very difficult this time round as all parties are jumping on the environment policies regarding carbon emissions. All the evidence is quite the opposite regarding carbon than we are being told. So why are they using it to tax more? Also, Cameron fired a member of his cabinet for talking about his expereince in the army. There was nothing racist about that, the guy was simply explaining how he found thimngs when he was in charge. In short, every party is too PC and too corrupt. Someone once saide, if you want to be an MP then you shouldnt be allowed to be simply for that reason. Got to agree, they are all out for what they can get out of it
2007-04-09 02:40:49 UTC
I understand where everyone who says you must vote is coming from - and I've always voted in the past. However, I do think we should be allowed a 'protest' vote and personally would like to see 'none of the above' on the voting form.
2007-04-08 22:25:39 UTC
Which country are you in. If in the USA then the vote could be a waste as the courts take precedence over voting as in the last Presidential election, If in Britain where I live no local elections so no vote this year.
2007-04-10 03:39:09 UTC
I agree it should be a criminal offence not to use your vote and it is the height of stupidity to believe for one second that not voting is a valid method of registering a protest.

The only way to register a protest is to vote against what you believe is wrong, simple as that. By refusing to vote you are denying support to people who are trying to change things for the better and playing into the hands of people who want things to stay as they are.
2007-04-09 10:17:37 UTC
The simple answer is because nobody trusts politicians any more to do what they say they will do, they haven't for the past few decades and that is unlikely to change unless major reforms are made, but that relies more on somehow beating the system and getting an independant into a system cornered by 2/3 parties.

Those who say it is your duty are somewhat naive, as your duty would be to find someone who would help your country rather than line their pockets, which isn't likely as the form of democracy the UK uses is horribly flawed.
2007-04-09 07:46:50 UTC
Basically, the four major parties in Wales are now clones of each other. Labour abandoned most of socialism, conservatives abandoned morality, Plaid Cymru abandoned independence, everyone has just become a bunch of Lib Dems. I never liked the Lib Dems.

Seriously, I can't tell the parties apart. It's either political correctness or the BNP. And I'm not going to vote to get myself kicked off this island.
Social Science Lady
2007-04-09 03:12:09 UTC
I shall not vote, because it is not a secret ballot. Each of us has an electoral roll number, which is recorded in the electoral list next to our name and address. This number is written on our ballot paper. Therefore if the government/councils etc. want to know how we voted, they can take our ballot paper, check the roll number against the list and there is our name and address; so they know that Joe Bloggs number 1234, vote for `the Sewage Party`. It is not a secret vote, don`t think that it is.
2007-04-08 13:46:16 UTC
Here is my philosophy on it:

Can your vote sort of not count because of the electoral college -- yes..... However it like any law can be changed.... and how can you change this???? VOTING .... push the government to change this. You do have a right though to vote or not to vote.... It's what makes us free however if you don't vote.... DON"T ***** ABOUT THE OUTCOME! Last year Mexico IFE ran an ad campaign that was "Si No Votas, Callate" Which translates into "If You don't vote, Shut up!" I think this is probably the most best ad I've ever seen and sums up my opinion completely. So I will vote even if by absentee ballot, however you can feel free not to vote if you don't want to, but don't ***** about the government or the elected officials (as I am sure you and every person who doesn't vote will,) after the elections. You had your opportunity to change something or at least try to, but you didn't! so..... There
2007-04-10 06:14:06 UTC
I am. If you're a Filipino and given the choice to vote between and among political family members, I think it is not worth spending a minute lining up in a polling booth. If I vote in this coming Philippine election, then I am voting for the legitimacy of political dynasty, which violates our constitution.
Jumpin Jack Flash
2007-04-08 16:40:50 UTC
Many can't be bothered because they feel it won't matter one way or another. Many because they believe that all politicians are wasters and gangsters who don't deserve a vote. Others see the lot of them as liars who promise this that and the other until they are elected, then forgetfulness sets in big time. While I see their point of view I would urge them to vote as a politician would prefer you not to vote all rather than vote for an opponent.
2007-04-09 14:31:22 UTC
I will vote, but i don't think its criminal not to vote. Voting is a right, not an obligation. By not voting you let other people talk for you. Not voting means you don't recognise any of the options as representative for you.
2007-04-09 02:46:16 UTC
I personally will be voting, if only to counteract those people who go in there and vote for someone as a joke. Not only that, at least then if the people I vote for don't get elected, at least I can say I tried.
2007-04-08 17:59:35 UTC
I think a lot of people are not inclined to vote as politicians are all the same, me feiners, who line their own pockets at the expense of the less well off, the health and education systems, etc. However, if the government here decide to hold the general election on a thursday as they have been suggesting, I'm gonna vote, to vote against them. That would be disenfranchising thousands of young voters (students). If they do that, they have absolutely no right to complain about voter apathy.
2007-04-09 05:07:40 UTC
I voted for Margaret Thatcher, thinking that hey!! she's a woman she'll be sympathetic to the needs of the people. Hell she did!!! She took away the youth clubs, brought in a law that allowed kids to divorce their parents and call the police on them if they so much as yell at them.Encouraged childhood pregnancies by promising them council flats. Took vital facilities away from mothers who were working. I voted most of my life for a bunch of useless, lying, theiving biggots who have continuously taken more and more from me and others like me in this society. I've talked to the campaigners expressing my opinion of what i think the governments should do to only find that they still have taken rather than given. So no, i dont vote anymore. Who said we have a voice, when all they want to know is that you vote and then totally disregard what you've said. People fail to see.... its them - the government, conservative, labour and liberals against the public. And they're utmost goal is to keep us in our place, doing this pathetic dance and feeding us a load of bu**ocks. I'm entitled to complain cos thats all we have this bunch of nomads, who day by day strips us all of our personal rights and dignity. So if you wanna vote go ahead and use your leg juice to do it. But no one can force me to walk that mile to do the same. Not any more.
TBone Bod
2007-04-09 02:22:48 UTC
Because I have no faith in any of the politicians. I appreciate this is a paradox in itself as my non-vote seems useless. But if I vote for one party, any, I am then propelling them towards success; even though one party HAS to get in, I don't want to be responsible for that success. As far as I am concerned, they're all a bunch of hypercritical, lying, conceited, old school boys/girls who have no thoughts for anyone but themselves! The scandals we hear about are just that...... the ones we hear about. They're still happening, we just don't hear about them all. That's why I'm moving to France! I know it happens everywhere, but I'd rather have a better standard of living and taxes that I can, at the very least, see.
2007-04-12 19:47:44 UTC
I'm not voting. I lost my voting rights when I was 22 years old. I don't have the money to pay an attorney to have my rights restored. I know, I know, I can't fuss about who wins, because I have a vote that won't count. Don't worry, if I could vote, it wouldn't be for Billiary, er, uh, I mean Hilliary.
§ gαввαηα §
2007-04-09 11:40:43 UTC
Well im not 18 yet so i cant vote. But when i do get to that age i dont think i will vote anyway- i dont really care what goes on really aslong as im ok thats all that counts LOL.

Im not sure why though, schools dont educate people enough on this subject so i dont know what i would do with my vote and where its going anyway, if i had more education on it i probably would vote.

Thanks x
2007-04-10 08:40:26 UTC
In a true democracy you have the right to vote and the right NOT to vote. If you do not wish to vote for any candidate for whatever reason then good for you and why should anyone else tell you otherwise?
2007-04-09 15:34:46 UTC
I agree, it wrong not to vote, my grandmother was one of the first women in UK to get the vote. She taught us that we benefited from the bravery of people who fought and died to get us the right to vote and it's an insult ot their memory not to vote. We were also taught that there is always an alternative if no candidate is sayign the right things - be a candidate.

I have voted in every election since 1987 and am proud to do so
2007-04-08 17:40:41 UTC
I'm not going to vote because I can't relate to any of the political parties. I've investigated them all and they all have some things that I agree with but also many things I don't agree with. If I agreed 100% with a political party, I'd vote for them. Try to see things from other people's perspective, instead of labeling them criminals based on something so trivial.
2007-04-08 17:11:09 UTC
I find all the major political parties more worthy of my contempt than my support. When I vote I usually go for the lesser of two evils or vote for "none of the above" so I have used my vote to show I do not approve of the policies.
2007-04-09 14:57:20 UTC
I am not English but i do know that if you do not vote then the unused votes go to the government in power so use you votes if you don't want to vote for any one then just spoil you the voting paper they can't find you.
2007-04-09 13:50:22 UTC
I won't be voting in the May local elections because in our constituency there are no elections. Having said that, the last 15 years have proved that it does not matter who you vote for, none of them fulfil their election promises, all of them lie, and all of them treat us as a stupid inconvenience in their ego centric plans to further their own agendas and careers. Unless we ban all career politicians and only let people stand for election after they have done at least 25 years in the real world we will continue to be ruled by meddling hypocrites who have no idea what they are doing to the country and the people who continue to live in it.
Helen S
2007-04-08 15:43:12 UTC
it's your duty as an educated citizen of any country to vote. Too many people have lost their lives in fighting for a vote especially in England where women only gained the vote after the suffragetes died and shamed men into voting in our Parliament to make women equal. What God given right does any power crazy despot have to deny a right to vote to any citizen - look at Zimbabwe - is this a role model for the rest of the world - look at Russia and the old eastern block - is this really what we aspire to now ? If you can't look back then look to China where couples are only allowed one baby, how many baby girls have been aborted or died immediately after birth in favour of a son and heir ? Stop pretending that none of this affects the way you live - it affects all of us eventually. The juvenile unintelligentsia who are too lazy to vote or the downright lazy scroungers who live off the rest of us who work hard and pay our dues should be denied a vote. If none of these people were allowed to vote how long do you think it would take Blair, Brown and the rest of their dimwitted cohorts to get these people into a working, tax paying environment which would also be a good example to their equally shiftless children ? These are the very people who are keeping this worthless government in office. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE and see if we can eventually get this country free again of this terrible yoke of taxation, depravity, lawlessness and the ever increasing burdens of having to support people who have no right to your money nor a right to live here without making financial contributions towards their lifestyle !!! As a lifelong Conservative voter i have been at a loss to see a way forward even with them, but, a vote for the LibDems is totally wasted - they have no experience and we cannot afford to have that type of Government after this lot are thrown out ! Brown has single-handedly destroyed the pension plans of so many people coming up to retirement who have contributed for so many years only now to find that there is a massive shortfall - as a business woman i knew about this four years ago and we were able to get the pension providors for our employees to alter the routes which has made their pensions virtually intact. Why did so few other businesses do the same - because they believed that Brown was right and that it would be ok in the end ? - NO they were all aware of the facts but did not act, in fact if the CBI and the UNIONS had got together they really could have done something. Stop prevaricating, if you are staying in England then use your vote - if not then you really deserve whatever comes.
2007-04-09 17:47:12 UTC
I'm going to Vote for dear old tony blair, he hasn't really damaged the UK or lined his pockets with his nice new £5m house & properties around the country.

He hasn't sentenced millions of innocent Iraqis to death.

He has kept his promise to eradicate child poverty in the UK

He has strengthened the Police & made our wonderful NHS a world showcase. Our children are well educated & disciplined.

He has made this country a wonderful respectful society.

Look at my face, I am so happy.
Phil B
2007-04-09 14:37:31 UTC
i willl vote again once they put the queen back in the position that the royals were in centuries ago? when it was what they say goes! and not this B******T that we have to endure from every politcian saying work and benefit? hell i take home £200 a week and they say that with 2children im not entitled to help? yet they get thousands of £'s and get free houses cars etc etc , why dont we just line all politicians up an shoot em! ooooops sorry cant afford the ammo?
2007-04-09 08:59:39 UTC
In the United States, if there is a bond issue and you want to defeat it, stay home! A College professor of mine told us that. He was speaking about school bonds and why they sometimes don't pass.

If a bond issue comes up and not enough of the registered voter vote, it fails because of too low a turnout. I don't know if that's actually true now.
Archangel Gabriel
2007-04-09 02:34:57 UTC
In the upcoming Scottish Elections we have only four parties who can realistically win seats on the first vote - and they are four Tory parties. The second vote has a PR element and gives you at least a hint of representation. I will definitely spoil my first paper and possibly vote for a smaller party on the second paper. That's if anybody proves themselves deserving of my vote.

And if I don't vote, I will NOT shut up!
2007-04-10 08:09:38 UTC
whilst I agree wasting a vote is criminal, the choice is quite appauling. especially in my area last time i got too choose between Labour, conservative and the cannabis alliance!

so as usual i spoiled my ballott by putting a big cross over it, no doubt i'll be doing the same again
2007-04-09 23:54:11 UTC
i personally dont think theres a point to voting... they never keep promises.. and everything either just stays the same or gets worse... so many bad things has happened, and i have not seen any good... according to them they do whats good for the people, but in reality is for what they think is good for them and personally i think they just do things so they can just be remembered as that president who did this... our votes are just a waste of time... waiting in line to put that vote in there... and never being heard for what we really need in this country.
2007-04-09 07:40:30 UTC
I always feel that when a woman was force-fed in an insanitary and Dickensian jail, in order that I would have the RIGHT to vote, Of course I shall.

Them that don't vote, have NO right to moan if this are not what as they would want!

2007-04-09 21:16:08 UTC
For all those that are not going to vote-

As a citizen, it is your DUTY to vote. If you dont vote, your right to moaning and complaining about people in office is gone. Only uninformed, lazy, people who dont give a damn about the world dont vote.
2007-04-09 15:30:16 UTC
mainly as i dont trust the govenment. I tink they all lie just to get votes and i beleive it is a fix. And no govenment ever divelivers what it promises. If they wnat my vote they need to come back down to earth and live with us normal ppl who have to work for a living and not sleep during work. I have watch paliment on tv.
2007-04-08 13:47:29 UTC
Not voting is not an option, unless you want more of the same. Bush and Blair got back in because people didn't vote and look at the crappier world we live in now because our leaders felt like "Alexander the Great" and wanted to leave a legacy, well they have: Iraq and 3500 dead Americans and counting. Not to mention not finding the man responsible for 9/11.
2007-04-08 15:43:43 UTC
I think all non voters should go and just spoil the ballot papers as these do get counted, that way the parties cannot blame the low turn out on the weather or coronation street ect.

If over 50% did this it would be a clear message to stick their lies where the sun do not shine

At last the British people are starting to see what lying trash our polititians are.
kelly g
2007-04-09 10:40:49 UTC
Hi there i am 26 and i have never used my right to vote, maybe you think this is wrong but i just think that all party's are as bad as each other and just say anything to get elected.
2007-04-09 02:27:22 UTC
i will not vote, because i am a non european britain,the only parties available are the pro europen traitors, who are illegal criminals whoshould have been brought to justice years ago.

they have allowed our country to be raped and plundered for 5o yrs they have made things so terrable they are driving our own countrymen out of our own land and replacing them with foreign immigrants. total betrayay. no right thinking britain should vote for traitors.we need to re take our own country and you cant do that without a non european party, and there is non.
Suzanne W
2007-04-15 14:12:11 UTC
I find it very sad that so many of you won't vote. If you don't like what is on offer, get involved and change it, don't just sit on your butts complaining.

I won't be voting this time because we don't have elections, but we're helping out in a neighbouring area that does.
2007-04-09 15:47:17 UTC
Now I am older I have voted a lot, never any changes, theres nobody worth voting for.
2007-04-09 01:28:21 UTC
I usually vote, but a part of me thinks that it's a bad idea because it only encourages them. Once they have your vote they think that they know what's best for you in all situations.
budding author
2007-04-08 22:03:03 UTC
I'm not sure about the 'refusing' bit, but more like cant be bothered.

I always vote my vote will cancel out one of the Conservative D Heads votes, so it's worth it just for that.
2007-04-08 22:54:58 UTC
i wont be voting this election because im to afraid to go on the electoral register for fear of being caught by all the debt collectors chasing me. i think there are many people out there like me who are afraid of this and they are perhaps the ones who need to vote more than anything to change government policies.
2007-04-08 15:10:20 UTC
I do not vote and hate them all as they are two faced and have no character about them and will never resign no matter what flak they get.

There should be an extra box to tick on the voting form titled.


Although the candidate with the most votes should still get to power it may make them think that X amount of people thought they were not worth a vote
2007-04-10 03:43:49 UTC
i agree with you but at the same time there really is'nt any one worth voting for.

all the issues that folk of this country are really concerend about (rising level of violent crime, immigration, terrorism to name a few!) seems not to get addressed by politicians they seem to go on about being green??!!! don't get me wrong i do belive we should help the evoriment as much as we can but no one an stop global warming maybe slow down the rate. i think the goverment are using it to tax us even more.
2007-04-09 02:45:31 UTC
I'm not going to vote because there is no vote where I live.
charles d
2007-04-08 16:38:54 UTC
why should we vote I am not I never vot they are all the same fighting off each other and when you vot bad things just happen I do not believe in the British government today they just include more tax in this country I think we pay enough tax and lots of it and what do we get yes we have the N.H.S but Even that's falling
2007-04-09 06:36:27 UTC
I always use my vote... even if it's to spoil it (show distaste at all the parties by putting a line through the paper) i feel my vote is extreamly important! expecially because i'm a woman!!!!!

i think every woman should vote, women died to give us that privelidge!!

jorja xx
2007-04-10 05:29:41 UTC
i wont be voting this time around either.i just dont see any party out there at the moment who is honest and worthy enough for me to cast my precious vote on.i feel it is just more of the same,all the time.when someone comes forward and declares the number one policy is pensions,council tax,and a drop in mp!s salaries i will vote for them.and im not a pensioner.
2007-04-13 22:52:04 UTC
No its not criminal, its their right, but if you don't vote then you don't have the right to ***** about what goes on in the Country.
2007-04-09 09:48:25 UTC
people are not voting because they are disengaging from politics. Its sad really but people are doing it because they dont know who to trust anymore. Politicians lie and so does the media, it creates a mass population who are unsure, therefore they ignore it.
2007-04-09 07:55:29 UTC
I will vote the Conservatives.
2007-04-09 22:54:42 UTC
I will not be voting. Why would anyone willingly put a blatant liar in charge of their life? Beats me.

A new, honest, open party is the only way forward.
2007-04-09 15:03:16 UTC
Even if one abstains, you've got to do it AS a protest. Scribble over your voting slip, whatever - but if you're morally objecting to voting, and not just a lazy ****, VOTE.
2007-04-08 17:13:34 UTC
Pointless voting - the Government always gets in.

If voting really changed anything, the Government would make it illegal

I'm not voting because I can't spell 'X'
2007-04-09 12:49:24 UTC
Anyone who doesn`t vote deserves the party they get and have no cause to call sed party when it`s doing things they disagree with.
2007-04-09 04:38:41 UTC
I, personally, believe that politicians will say what they want to get them your vote; once in power they just do what they want.

None of them have views that agree with my own, everything must be regulated, measured and centred around money. I don't agree with any of this, so why should i put my name down as agreeing to their presence in a position of power?
2007-04-09 04:07:19 UTC
we dont live in a democracy-when everyone gets a vote on most issues that will be democracy-it could work one day via online voting-lets hope so
2007-04-08 23:41:33 UTC
I'll vote. Problem is, no matter who I vote for the military will still suffer. Anyone's better than Blair though. He closed my absolute favourite place in the UK. RAF Coltishall. I'll never forgive him for that.
2007-04-08 23:27:36 UTC
i was in hiding for a while (playing hide and seek with the bank manager) but i took the plunge and registered to vote and i'm glad i did. because of mine and others votes a very cruel and twisted sick man was forced to publicly shake hands with our representitive. we have a voice without it we are mute.
2007-04-08 17:41:34 UTC
There si nobody to vote for!

We have "new" labour, who are liberals

We have the tories, who are liberals

The only viable option is BNP, how scary is that?

I'm all in favour of voting to be made compulsory, but ONLY if I have the option of choosing 'NONE OF THE ABOVE'
person or alien
2007-04-11 17:10:07 UTC
no because im not old enough lol vote for Obama'08 for president of the united states. so he can be nice to mr. prime minister
2007-04-09 09:56:42 UTC
i am 100% agree with you, people never wast vote. who dose they are Carlee's lazy and want other people work for them, every one had responsibility to vote, so you do your duty and vote, never ever wast your vote.
2007-04-09 01:16:52 UTC
You get fined in some countries if you dont vote.

The vote allows us the opportunity to show our feelings to the ruling parties,

Get out there and kick their a***s if your unhappy with their performance.

Otherwise how can you complain about them if you hav'nt voted?
Keith W
2007-04-08 15:30:33 UTC
Because there are only 2 parties, (UK) party gets elected and then makes all the of the most subliminal cons we have, we call it democracy because we 'vote'...ha ha......the real alternative is referendums on major issues.....but look at the intelligence level of most of the population in the UK.....its grim out there...!
2007-04-09 13:36:28 UTC
I hate both the Tories and Labour. If only there was a third way *Looks at Liberal Democrat poster* but there isn't.
2007-04-09 09:24:08 UTC
can you really blame them look what you get like myself i expect they are fed up to the back teeth// now it seems we are going to get a guy to run the country we dont even have to vote for
2007-04-09 13:02:18 UTC
I will be working overseas and haven't put any arrangements in place for other voting methods.
Jackie B
2007-04-15 15:22:53 UTC
I wouldn't waste my shoe leather, simple as that. They all give with one hand and take with the other. A load of false promises.
bo nidle
2007-04-09 07:44:29 UTC
Please vote, it is apathy that lets this miserable, pension stealing, tradition destroying, bunch of liars stay in power. That and the army of dogsbodies and quangos who are dependent on the status quo to remain in cushy jobs.
2007-04-09 06:28:36 UTC
There's no good reason at all why I should even lift a finger to get ambitious self-seekers into well-paid, lavishly-allowanced and over-pensioned pig-troughs.
2007-04-10 03:11:25 UTC
whats the point we know who gets in either way .never the one we vote for.
2007-04-09 15:01:58 UTC
oh man is it voting time already? I got to lay off the hash if that's the case.
2007-04-10 13:31:02 UTC
I vote for more beer
2007-04-09 15:39:48 UTC
I'm too young. I agree, but the choice is theirs. Maybe more referendums is the answer. Give people more of a chance to give their opinion.
2007-04-09 02:14:57 UTC
I'm not voting,they are all tarred with the same brush
2007-04-08 18:02:25 UTC
Thereis no one in Parliment worth my vote.
2007-04-08 17:14:47 UTC
Once there in power they just don't care about joe public, their only interest is where can we cut back next, and keep us all under the thumb.
2007-04-09 06:39:14 UTC
i totly agree , people have the change to vote and there dont in other contries they are people who want to vote but cant
2007-04-08 16:45:26 UTC
Im not voting, i dont see the point. They all say great things to win but theyre all liars.
2007-04-10 03:30:39 UTC
Whats the point.

Its a 1 party system anyway.

Same ideas different name.
2007-04-08 16:12:21 UTC
You simply have to vote...when you think of all the million of people that faught for equality and the feminist for women rights....
2007-04-09 09:18:47 UTC
theres no point, all parties are the same and after big pay cheques instead of doig whats right for the peopl they represent.
2007-04-08 16:47:40 UTC
I will not vote because no matter who is elected,i wont b better off and they are all liars and hypocrites.
2007-04-08 15:06:22 UTC
VIKKI is right--why bother? You vote for some fool who earns as much in five years as it takes YOU to earn in YOUR lifetime--(FACT--IN ALL GOVERNMENTS, ALL OVER THE WORLD!)--they don't take YOU into consideration when voted into that office, YOU are NO ONE after the canvassers leave your door step--(actually you are FORGOTTEN!!)--they make more rules, regulations and law's, WHICH YOU MAY NOT AGREE WITH--BUT HAVE TO PUT UP WITH SINCE YOU VOTED THEM IN--they are not interested in YOU, but are only interested that YOU have put them into some where, where they can make pots of cash for themselves and have MEGABIG holiday's&write book's about their exploit's in politics...and earn EXTRA cash--(again...FACT--check school holiday's/xmas&new year hols...and the library's, in the "auto-biography' section--they have MUCH MORE HOLIDAY'S than the rest of the populas--and earn money by writing c--rap that only they believe in!)--the politicians take you into war's, where there is no need for a war, devastation, death of innocent's, massive cost, huge disruption and immeasurable grief, but a real need for upfront talking and diplomacy--need i say more...because there IS more...MUCH MORE!! I went to a war in the eary 80's, OVER A BLOODY ROCK IN AN OCEAN--i went to GW1, for the people of kurdistan...but i was never IN their country!! You think it is criminal to waste a vote?.....its criminal to have kiddy fiddler's on the street after a 'LIFE' sentance of five years, it's criminal to have a complete idiot who kill's some one--and give them 'LIFE', of ten-or fifteen years--it's criminal to hand down a fifteen year sentence to a rapist...who we all know will be out because of 'tariffs'-- 'good behaviour' 'time spent on remand''s no wonder there are a growing number of people refusing to vote--and you and your like wonder WHY?
2007-04-08 15:59:13 UTC
They are all a bunch of lieing c@nts whod slit their grannies throat for a seat, so why bother..?

Oh.....Im being chased for about £8000 in debts, so to register to vote would be financial suicide at the moment.
2007-04-09 04:41:08 UTC
i'm not voting, they are as bad as each other.

they make the rich richer and make the poor poorer!
2007-04-09 04:15:37 UTC
Those people who do not vote are normally the first to shout their mouths off when things don`t go their way.

It`s those people who make me mad!

If you don`t vote, please, just SHUT UP!
2007-04-08 15:13:26 UTC
Men and women lost their lives to win the vote here in Britain so we should use it out of respect for their sacrifice.

[There were deaths in Manchester.]
2007-04-09 07:39:48 UTC
2007-04-09 03:24:53 UTC
Im only 13-underage
2007-04-08 15:34:59 UTC
i have voted once before .......and only once....and that was when Blair came to government, and "foolishly" i thought "New Labour" would do fine things for our country, i remember my grandad was so so proud and happy to welcome a new labour government, he had suffered a stroke, and his power of speech was somewhat limited, but his eyes lit up at the prospect of a "working class" government, sadly this was not to be, my grandad has since died and out of respect for him....untill policies are implemented that stand for the working class whereby our schools and hospitals benefit,.......sadly i will "waste" my vote.

This is supposed to be a democratic society that we live in....sadly the reality is a big brother state, my ancesters fought the war to make our fine country better, that sickens me because the reality is politicians spouting for their own cause to make the rich richer and the poor sadly poorer...!!!
simon m
2007-04-09 05:00:10 UTC
If you dont vote you cant complain
2007-04-08 13:31:03 UTC
To vote ? For why? It would not make a difference anyways!!

just look at the last two Presidential elections!

Majority DID NOT RULE!
2007-04-10 16:44:27 UTC
i'm going to vote cos i can. i know it's pointless but it's modern anarchism!
2007-04-09 02:16:07 UTC
not refusing

its just it is difficult

i am a student and i reside mainly at my student address but as my address changes often i do not register at every address
2007-04-09 00:35:40 UTC

no one can say anything against that

expat but very patriotic.
2007-04-09 08:14:15 UTC
thing is if you don't vote you can't moan about who gets in,
2007-04-10 01:10:11 UTC
Im not voting! cos there all full of ****! there only in it for themselves
2007-04-09 14:19:57 UTC
im not votin as im not old enough but i will next year n the year after that n so on
2007-04-09 02:50:32 UTC
I can't vote - not old enough!!
2007-04-08 17:47:16 UTC
i dont vote because who ever becomes PM will only end up ruining our country even more than it is! why encourage it!
2007-04-08 20:46:57 UTC
I agree, you have the vote, just use it.
2007-04-08 14:51:51 UTC
You should use your democratic right and vote.
2007-04-09 11:51:54 UTC
I'm Can't, I'm Not Old Enough
2007-04-09 08:16:47 UTC
Only morons don't vote.

Bring in the Australian system.
2007-04-09 03:52:33 UTC
Me... because I'm only 16 and they're all the same really... except BNP.
k Marx ii
2007-04-08 15:05:36 UTC
It is a waste of my good time. Unless a party says that it will bring ALL British troops back from Iraq immediately and help them reconstruct their country. And Put TB on trial for war crimes
2007-04-08 13:30:11 UTC
im voting hun-no reason not 2 is there?xx
2007-04-12 16:09:05 UTC
i know i will , just to make a very big change .
2007-04-09 11:55:28 UTC
I'm not i wouldn't but i cant anyway i am underage
2007-04-08 13:31:18 UTC
With the electoral process becoming more and more corrupt as technological "improvements" are made, you will see more Americans becoming disillusioned with the process and declining to take part in it.
2007-04-08 13:38:50 UTC
I'm not voting!

Firstly we have no real choice! (its one muppet or another)

Secondly democracy has failed! (the majority of our country has not voted so our government has no legal right to claim its position)

Thirdly if i did register to vote my debtors would be able to find me! (and i don't want that)

Finally if i registered to vote i would have to pay council tax! (and i refuse to do that until i own the property i live in )
2007-04-09 05:34:54 UTC
I'm just not eligible
2007-04-08 13:30:50 UTC
There's no point in voting in a system that's been rigged by labour, tories and the liberals. The only choice you get is to which party's lawyers you want to vote for. Democracy's dead.
2007-04-09 06:57:53 UTC
Just get this lot out !.
Muslim Patriot
2007-04-08 13:29:28 UTC
If I were old enough to vote, i wouldn't in the USA, because it's like wha you said: waste for votes...but since I'm lebanese, I believe that it's my commitment and duty to vote!!
2007-04-09 02:14:03 UTC
i am one of them
2007-04-09 15:10:33 UTC
I am not.

I don't know why. I am too lazy to.
2007-04-13 09:45:55 UTC
I won't. I don't to do jury service, that's why.
2007-04-09 01:59:23 UTC
good mine will count for more
2007-04-08 21:56:20 UTC
i love my boy
2007-04-08 15:10:04 UTC
im not going too.. coz im not old enough :]
2007-04-08 13:32:04 UTC
I wouldn't waste my shoe leather, simple as that. They all give with one hand and take with the other. A load of false promises.
2007-04-08 15:02:48 UTC
i vote but it doesnt make a difference...

so why bother?!!!!
2007-04-08 15:10:36 UTC
2007-04-08 13:28:46 UTC
me, electoral college
Mr. Wolf
2007-04-08 13:27:08 UTC

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