Questions about Obama's 'change'?
Joey ;D
2008-11-06 21:28:49 UTC
(When answering please list Republican/Democrat that voted for Obama/Mccain, this is more of a survey.)

I'm 14, and to be honest I didn't like any of this years candidates. I feel like we'd be screwed either way. Anyway now I have honest questions, so none of the Mcbush, Barack osama bull please. A few questions.

I heard obama plans to end the war in 16 (?) months, and mccain planned to finish in 24(?).

Will the soldiers keep their job in the army, when/if it does finish?

Spreading the wealth, will it also spread the wealth for the army if they don't keep their jobs? Will it make it harder on the people being taxed for this, or will it be from the large companies taxes?

I wonder because i've heard we're already in debt because of the war, so will it just tax us more or will they be like those Vietnamese veterans we see in the movies?
Will spreading the wealth even start in his 4 years, or will it only affect my generation? I had heard that most of his changes won't even start in his 4 years.

What major changes will he be making besides taxing large companies and spreading the wealth?

---Also try not to be rude, i'm not some redneck or tree hugger, just someone with curiosity.---
Sixteen answers:
Call me-C-4-Curious-
2008-11-06 21:44:25 UTC
Lots of questions you've got there!

1) yes they will keep their jobs. they are deployed after they join, not before.

2) Obama has said he will cut defense but I don't think it will be in the way of their pay. It will be like disarming, and not funding development of defense. So, some defense people and companies will lose.

3) the Vietnam vets got the short end of the stick period. those that are still alive are seeing more benefits now but only after a long battle with the government. I don't know what Obama's plans are to fund the vets.

4) You are right about the changes not happening right away. I heard Obama is preaching his change to be spread over two terms. He's already working on his second term campaign..geesh!

5) Changes he will make remain to be seen. he was voted in without really knowing what his plans are. We know he's the most liberal, so hold onto your hat!

What can we do about it?

1) Oppose the Democrats’ next stimulus boondoggle.

2) Oppose Obama’s windfall profits tax proposal.

3) Oppose new bailouts for states deep in debt.

4) Oppose new foreclosure prevention measures that will simply provide perverse incentives for borrowers to walk away and delay a needed market correction.

5) No more federal loan guarantees for corporations
Evolution is Missing a Link!
2008-11-06 22:02:03 UTC
You will be hard pressed to find a better answer to your questions anywhere than by reading the platform of the Constitution Party.

The governments of men are fallible. Men over time can and will corrupt anything. The constitution of the united States and the "Bill of Rights" were, and are, some of the greatest documents ever written. If we followed them we would have a near perfect government. The constitution is all but forgotten. It is for must politicians an inconvenience that will soon be completely forgotten.

All of this focus on Republican or Democrat and who would be president would have been unknown to the founding fathers. They envisioned the president as an unknown administrator. The president was meant to have no power because it was unheard in there plans for him to do anything beyond the very limited power he was granted in the constitution. Almost all 'power' was to be centered close to the people in state government. Of course the vision they had did not last long, and nether will the United States unless we can turn it around.

Read and don't listen to television miss-informers.

(The changes started a while back. Obama is just a continuation of the same downward spiral.)
Lacey UD, RE
2008-11-06 21:53:13 UTC
Your questions are very enlightening for a 14 year old.

The soldiers will keep their jobs if they want them. They volunteered for service and I'll bet that most will either serve out their entire enlistment or go into the reserves.

Hopefully the military will still be properly funded whether they are overseas or not. However, history shows that democrats typically cut millitary funding.

The US has been in debt for years. Even before the war was started. the only way to get out of debt for the country is the same way that an individual gets out of debt. Decrease spending, increase money coming in, live within your means, and stop buying on credit. The US (both government and individuals) have been buying champaign on a beer budget. Did you know that there is only one accountant who is a member of the US senate?

It's going to take awhile for the share the wealth practice to become policy. This system is going to have be passed through Congress. Most Congressmen don't want to increase taxes on their constitutants. Increasing taxes will not get you voted in a second time. Ask the first President Bush (George H).

See above. I'm sure that he will try to make changes and he will get some changes made. However history shows that campaign promises are usually forgotten once the election is won for the most part. Plus Mr Obama never really did outline his plan for putting his campaign promises in place.

I voted for Ron Paul. I'm a libertarian and am for less government.
William C
2008-11-06 21:56:16 UTC
You really need to take a good long look at several news sites to determine the items you want but this is brief answer to your questions from my personal opinion.

Independent /Voted McCain-Palin

Both men stated that they would bring the troops out. Obama set a time of 16 months, McCain does not believe in setting a time table because the enemy can simply wait. McCain thiinls it better to see how it goes and go with the Generals on the ground for their opinion.

Neither will move too early due to the above reason.

The soldiers are signed up for a certain tour of duty, so even if the war ended tomorrow they would still be in as long as their contract extension calls for. Some have already done up to 3 tours.

As far as spreading the wealth Obama has originally stated that he would raise taxes on only those that make $250,000, but that number has gone to 200,000 then 150,000(Biden) then 140,000 Bill Richardson, so it is hard to pin down.

What is not hard to pin down is the desdription of share the wealth. He will raise taxes on the top 10% to 39.5% and then send (wefare checks) to the low and middle income folks. 40% of these people pay no income tax, so it is income reedistribution or socializm plain and simple.

In addition to the new tax hike which will be put in place as soon as January, the Bush tax cuts are scheduled to expire in December and Obama will not extend those so that will be an additional increase in taxes for all of us.

Obama also wants to increase the Social Security taxes on employers and employees, This will also be a new tax on top of the income tax.

The other major changes being thrown around are Medical Insurance for all, Medicare has been a failure so I don;t know why anyone should expect the Gov't to get medical rigiht now.

The fairness doctrine, will force radio stations to provide equal time to both sides. This is only being done to talk radio, not TV or cable news, or Newspapers, Only talk radio. This is an attempt to shut down the oposition opinion by forcing radio station owners to hire both left and right views, even though the left has proven with Air America that liberal talk shows are not what people want to hear, as it was a miserable failure and lost money in nearly every market,

They want to double the amount of money we send to other countries from 25 bilion to over 50 billion immediately, This should be done on a case by case basis and only if that country is following our policies.

Hope that this helps you understand these a bit better.

The new tax and
2008-11-06 22:05:18 UTC
Washington D.C. is a place resistant to change.

Reform Presidents are not uncommon but few had more than 100 days

of popular public support and fewer found so little political opposition

that most Presidential direction was achieved with little compromise.

This, then, answers your questions. Whatever President Obama is

most likely to do with least compromise will occur in next 100 days.

Anything else he wants is likely to be altered or prevented by the

those political establishments that serve other interests. PAC's, the

NRA, etc.
2008-11-06 21:44:28 UTC
I think Fred and Kevin are trying to say they don't have an answer to your question!

As far as I know, Obama hasn't said much on whether he'll focus specifically on taking care of the military personnel who are involved in the war. There should be ample ways for them to continue to serve, but other than that, they still need to get vested to retire.

Regarding the "spread the wealth" question, Obama intends to tax the top 2% of Americans, who make more than 250,000 a year. That's a lot of money by most people's standards, and he only wants to raise their taxes by 3%. What he wants to do with it has been pretty well outlined in his platform, but you can read about it at his website.

I think it's funny when people say Obama's "change" isn't defined. Just go to his website! and click on "issues". Seems like a pretty good plan to me! Hopefully, he'll be able to undo a lot of the issues caused by the Bush administration!

Lady *is* Lost! Ha, ha-hah!
2008-11-06 21:45:49 UTC

The forces aren't a business that can lay people off, should the need for service people decrease. It is likely they will be redeployed into Afghanistan, hopefully to hunt down Osama and bring him to justice.

If you are 14, you might define for yourself what "spreading the wealth" means. Wealth is not income. Wealth is the amount of time in the future you will have before becoming income-dependent. Say you have a thousand in the bank...if your expenses are $300 a month, you have about three months of wealth, before you have to do something to increase your income. If you have a billion dollars in the bank, and your monthly expenses are $25,000, you have 40,000 months before you have to do something to something to increase your income. Of course that really means that you, your children and your grandchildren are all wealthy, since that equals lifetimes.

So I think what Obama meant was that the rich already have lifetimes of wealth, and the middle class and working people should have some of any future wealth, so that we can do things other than worry about the next go to college, or send our children to college, or buy a nice house, or put money into retirement.

Republicans have a plan for increasing deficits to the point that any Democratic president will have to spend most of his/her term trying to rebalance the budget, and so be unable to initiate any social programs.(Google Grover Norquist).

I don't think Obama will fall for that the way Bill Clinton did. At any rate, Obama will sign into law the SCHIP childrens health insurance, which Bush vetoed.
2008-11-06 21:42:09 UTC
Obama aint gonna change shitt !! unless ORDERED To Do So .. He, just like McLame are BOTH Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, which = the REAL ENEMY !! .. 14 yrs. old ?? You seem Quite Informed/Aware .. keep Up the Good Work .. Here is Some IMPORTANT Info/FACTS > > >
2016-03-19 07:08:19 UTC
Sense? you mean "Since". I don't think "ol" qualifies as a word either. Perhaps, your should try Ole or 'ol, you know with the apostrophe. As for your question, I just see alot of people who look for instant gratification, when we've all been taught that change comes with time. They don't remodel wal-mart overnight, it takes months. So, why do you expect our government to change so quickly. Give him a year before you start complaining.
2008-11-06 21:36:57 UTC
If you've read through this section a bit, You would see that his supporters cannot answer your questions. Conservatives have been asking them "what change, exactly" since before the elections and hey just get rude and nasty and dont give an answer. They cant. They were all simply blinded by his slick talk and flash. Nothing more. He has a lot of change in store, but not good change. I'm sorry you're so'll probably be paying dearly for his so-called changes before you're 21. Sorry.
2008-11-07 15:52:31 UTC
Obama began his campaign on ending the war, now even geo bush is scaling down the military in iraq. that doesn't mean an end to hostilities, rather the emphasis will be moved to afghanistan. and it's impossible to just pick up and leave iraq. not easy to box up a nations armed forces and move them. it took years to move out of vietnam, and in this regard it is the same. then there is the issue that many troops will be transferred to afghanistan, they cannot just fly in there ill-prepared. they must be ready to hit the ground running, so to speak.

spreading the wealth around. we do that now, it's called taxes. you don't just start sending people rebate checks. this spreading the wealth around comes in the form of repairs and upgrades to our infrastructure, roads and bridges, dams and levees; that sorta thing.
lady e
2008-11-06 21:41:45 UTC
Look the only person who would not have to increase taxes would have been Jesus Christ himself. The War was totally unnecessary from the break with 10 billions dollars being spent every month. Taxes has to come from somewhere. President elect Obama is going to do his best to bring stability back in the finances of and for ALL AMERICANS. He is the President do yr best in yr circle to help him help America. As for the soliders i donnot know but if they come home at least they would be alive not in a war zone. With life there is always HOPE.
2008-11-06 21:35:33 UTC
The country is in debt-No matter who was put in office it is going to take us some time to get through the economic crisis.

Its a plan to end the war but nobody truly knows how long it will take them to bring the troops home. Just because the war will end that doesn't mean they will lose their jobs.

On the spread the wealth issue. I suggest you go to Obama's website and read up on his issues to maybe get a better understanding.
2008-11-06 21:36:38 UTC
i wonder if obama is a crip or a blood. and yah go to sleep young one so you could go to your education facility
2008-11-06 21:31:30 UTC
If you are 14 then you should be in bed for school tomorrow or you are a grown up who acts like a 14 yr old
Fred K
2008-11-06 21:32:04 UTC
Go To Bed iits too Late for you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.