You really need to take a good long look at several news sites to determine the items you want but this is brief answer to your questions from my personal opinion.
Independent /Voted McCain-Palin
Both men stated that they would bring the troops out. Obama set a time of 16 months, McCain does not believe in setting a time table because the enemy can simply wait. McCain thiinls it better to see how it goes and go with the Generals on the ground for their opinion.
Neither will move too early due to the above reason.
The soldiers are signed up for a certain tour of duty, so even if the war ended tomorrow they would still be in as long as their contract extension calls for. Some have already done up to 3 tours.
As far as spreading the wealth Obama has originally stated that he would raise taxes on only those that make $250,000, but that number has gone to 200,000 then 150,000(Biden) then 140,000 Bill Richardson, so it is hard to pin down.
What is not hard to pin down is the desdription of share the wealth. He will raise taxes on the top 10% to 39.5% and then send (wefare checks) to the low and middle income folks. 40% of these people pay no income tax, so it is income reedistribution or socializm plain and simple.
In addition to the new tax hike which will be put in place as soon as January, the Bush tax cuts are scheduled to expire in December and Obama will not extend those so that will be an additional increase in taxes for all of us.
Obama also wants to increase the Social Security taxes on employers and employees, This will also be a new tax on top of the income tax.
The other major changes being thrown around are Medical Insurance for all, Medicare has been a failure so I don;t know why anyone should expect the Gov't to get medical rigiht now.
The fairness doctrine, will force radio stations to provide equal time to both sides. This is only being done to talk radio, not TV or cable news, or Newspapers, Only talk radio. This is an attempt to shut down the oposition opinion by forcing radio station owners to hire both left and right views, even though the left has proven with Air America that liberal talk shows are not what people want to hear, as it was a miserable failure and lost money in nearly every market,
They want to double the amount of money we send to other countries from 25 bilion to over 50 billion immediately, This should be done on a case by case basis and only if that country is following our policies.
Hope that this helps you understand these a bit better.
The new tax and