Looking for opinions on the gay marriage vote?
2009-10-17 07:35:47 UTC
The state I live in will be holding a ballot question looking to overturn the legislation to legalize gay marriage. I believe that homosexuality is a part of the human experience - but am torn for the following reasons:

1.) There are domestic partner laws on the books as well as special protections in our constitution, for which I don't even qualify. Rape against women is indeed a hate crime, but it would only get true justice and attention if I were gay. So I have a bit of a problem putting yet another budget and legislation toward protecting special groups. I've been the victim of prejudice, violence, landlords turning me away, etc. yet there was no recourse for me and there will never be. I wouldn 't want to be in a place where I was not wanted nor accepted either. Another layer of laws is not going to force those to accept homosexual marriages if they already don't.

2.) The two sides of this issue have been pumping out ridiculous ads, have spent well over 3 millions of dollars on this, while my kids can't even get on a computer at school to complete homework assignments. I can't get a decent job, small businesses are folding up by the day, including mine, yet this is where our focus is?

3.) I signed a petition by a "free choice" group to put this in the voters hands, then they put me on all of these Christian mailing lists looking for MONEY! I asked specifically if they were a religious group, they stated no that they were for voters' rights. I got conned and lied to by Christians!

4.) The other side has taken grandparents who are raising their grand kids and single mothers and lumping us together as a group of "misfits". I resent this. I was married, made commitments and was dumped to clean up the mess. I know gay friends that are also embarrassed about this situation and did not think this was appropriate. We got the point that we are to accept different families, but this isn't going to ever settle well with the male-oriented Christian based codes. Getting them out of power would be the better solution for us ALL. They want to live under these Draconian codes, then they should form their own commune and do so in peace. This should be done together, not piece by piece by each special interest group. Divide and conquer still works!

5. With domestic laws on the books, I feel this should be an issue between churches and gay rights groups. As a female, I am not a valued member of the church either! They want my collection money, but not me nor my opinions or knowledge of the scriptures. If Christian groups do not wish to marry gay couples, it's their perogative. I'll do it as I am certified to marry couples within my state. I'm sure if the Catholic Church finds out, I'll probably be ex-communicated.

Overall I am sick to death of this issue. We're never going to get true justice on this Earth.

I really am looking for opinions that are balanced and intelligent. I don't need to hear chauvinistic quotes from a edited re-translated bible written by a bunch of fat monks who lived in all male communes and had no sense of reality. Nor do I need to hear from the other side telling me that I am closed minded. Homosexuality is a part of the human experience, yet if we were all gay, our species may not perpetuate itself and that part does go against nature. But the homophobes won't look at this logically that indeed it does exist and is "normal" within certain parameters. The science around this is completely lost and it is all too emotional at this point. I take my right to vote very seriously, obviously I am struggling with this and reaching out, I absolutely see both sides of this, but neither side is luring me in with any type of logic.

I spent many years socializing in a group that included gay couples. The perspectives I heard from these intelligent professional committed loving folks is not even close to the message the gay groups are putting out.

I just don't think either side has presented a decent intelligent argument here - it's all based upon emotion and this is not a good way to go about politics. I deliberately put this question in this category so I might get a variety of answers. So what do you think?
Eight answers:
2009-10-17 11:37:36 UTC
I believe what Jesus said we should do, Love one another no matter what we think and he would take care of the rest, We need to stop referring to them as those people they are our brothers and sisters.Its something they have to deal with not me im fine with what some one else does or wants.
2009-10-17 15:15:06 UTC
I don't believe that anyone has the right to regulate who someone can commit themselves to for life. That's a personal decision between two people. I also don't think that anything is being solved by the constant fighting of various special interest groups.

Once this issue is resolved, in whatever manner it will be, I suspect that the most rabid fighters on both sides will simply find something else to be angry about.

Lizzz said it the best.
2009-10-17 14:54:36 UTC
To answer your questions in order:

1. Domestic partnerships are not the same as marriages. These are two separate categories. This is not a special protection, just the same one straight couples get.

2. Ads distill everything down to the smallest parts, and usually go for emotion rather than fact. That's politics!

3. Christians are just as likely to lie to you as any other group of people. Sad, but true. (not a knock on all Christians, just the hypocritical ones.)

4. What a bunch of crap. The definition of family needs to extend to encompass the diversity of families. Any family that is trying to make it work, regardless of whether it's Grandma and Grandpa, or Single Mama and two kids, or Akbar and Jeff. Personally, I find it irritating when politicians talk about "what we need to do for the sake of the children" and family values and then cheat on their wives. Being more inclusive with our definitions of family IS good family values.

5. Marriage can and should be a civil matter. My wedding was not religious, but because I'm straight, it's still recognized. I call shenanigans on people who let religion call the shots on civil matters.

Finally, check out this article in the NY Times.:

It shows the financial implications of gay and straight marraige.

Here's another times article for you, about gay couples being refused admittance to the trauma center.

Bottom line: We live in a civil society, everyone should have equal civil rights. Though marriage is a religious ceremony for many (and good for them!), it need not be.

With regards to propagating the species, have you ever considered that homosexuality is a check on overpopulation? We have far more people now than we can sustain. Also, if this argument is used, what about child-free couples? Are couples who cannot conceive unnatural? Of course not. And then there are those of us who choose not to conceive - should we have our rights restricted because we haven't gone along with nature's plan? Finally, sexual experience, in addition to making the next generation, is a wonderful part of the expression of humanity. It shouldn't be mandated (other than restrictions on non-consensual sex.

I hope you find this helpful.
2009-10-17 15:12:58 UTC
the simplest answer to a much thought out opinion towards the right of being a queer has been written many years ago by a Crater of man in his own image inspired by GOD and here it is, no matter how you dislike it because its against what you want is "Thou shalt now lay with the same sex as the opposite sex for it is an abomination in GOD s sight, quit simple really whether you like it or not.
2009-10-17 15:28:30 UTC
Throughout the millennia over which the concept of "marriage" has developed, it has always been opposite-sexed (it included relationships such as one man/one woman, one man/several women, several men/one woman, and several men/several women).

This concept of "marriage" has been embodied in both religion AND law.

At no time was a same-sex relationship included in the concept of "marriage."

The concept of “marriage” has during its development, however, included those mixed by race, religion, class-status and wealth.

Therefore, those favoring same-sex "marriage" seek to change the fundamental concept of "marriage", and no good reason has been provided to justify such a fundamental concept change.
2009-10-17 15:00:45 UTC
~~Good I hope they get it done. More power to them.
2009-10-17 14:43:13 UTC
Gay marriage is good, m'kay?
Clatty Mary
2009-10-17 15:34:10 UTC
ANY love is GOOD love.


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