McCain, because he has the reputation of doing what is best for our country.
Not Obama, because as chairman of a board that was given 100 million to raise the standards of the Chicago School System, Obama, along with Ayers, did not.
Chosen to receive a grant:
The South Shore African Village Collaborative for their “Celebrate African-American Holiday of Juneteenth” (celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation). Some African-Americans celebrate Juneteenth instead of the Fourth of July (a report fromTexas). Kurtz commented that in his reporting of Obama’s previous church, Trinity United Church of Christ, some members told him that Juneteenth was their Independence Day, not Fourth of July (Kurtz did not say that all members held this view).
Turned down to receive a grant:
*The Chicago Algebra Project: goal to increase student achievement
*The District 5 Math Initiative: goal to aid Hispanic students in the process of learning English, to further learn math and science.
Kurtz characterized the information he viewed as showing grant preferences for ethnic identity projects. The grants were evidently not given to schools, but rather to “external partners,” to which schools sought to attach themselves - such as a South Shore African Village Collaborative.
In the meantime, after “external partners” received millions, ethnic identity didn’t help math and science scores. It is interesting to note that this Chairman of the Board position was Obama’s first “executive” experience.
There’s more: Obama’s connections to the Gamaliel Foundation, Kurtz says has a “core point” advocating for a form of “liberation theology.” He further states that his research shows that Jeremiah Wright’s Black Liberation Theology preaching is not an anomaly.
Kurtz refers to a book written by Dennis A. Jacobsen, Doing Justice - Congregations and Community Organizing. This book, according to Kurtz, embodies the views of the Gamaliel Foundation. Further he asserts that Greg Galluzo, “the most important figure” in the Gamaliel Foundation, approves Jacobsen’s book, and is also an Obama mentor. Kurtz believes that Obama was a teacher at the Gamaliel Foundation before Jacobsen wrote the book. Kurtz does not know whether Obama has read the book.
The last portion of the interview was given to callers and emails, most of which were angry that Kurtz was allowed radio time. One emailer confused Kurtz with Weekly Standard editor, Bill Kristol, referring to “the vile traitor Bill Kristol.” Another asked about FCC oversight of the “unbalanced” station.
It was striking that few callers had anything to say more than the email’s talking points. Some pulled out the constant whine that Obama was only eight years old when the Weathermen were bombing our U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, the State Department building, etc. They further pointed out Obama has “denounced” William Ayers. He did not, however, denounce him until he was forced to for the sake of his political campaign, and he wasn’t eight years old when he and Ayers began their educational reform
Look up what Obama did with the money that was raised for the botanical garden park in Chicago. Same story, only money went to the rich.