This is Obama, who has since used the disgraced Fannie exec Franklin Raines as a campaign advisor despite claiming he is for "reform" and "change". INSTEAD OF POOR PEOPLE, IT WAS A GIFT TO THE EXECS OF FANNIE/FREDDIE (abcnews.go.com/Business/MarketTalk/story?id=5521570&page=1) AND SOME CONGRESSMEN. Since the current recession was caused by inept and corrupt politicians and their cronies, is Obama -- a self-described "bonehead" when it comes to keeping corrupt associates -- really who you want handling OUR money? Only difference between Obama and McCain is Obama CLAIMS he'll do the right thing for working-class people by expanding government's control of capital (defined by Marx as socialism when 100% is State owned). Stalin & Hitler made the same promise Obama makes (2nd “S” in USSR = The "S" in Hitler's NDSAP = sssssssozialistische (socialism) ). Obama has already proven himself to be aligned with the crony-capitalists of Fannie Mae who were POSING like "we're just socialists trying to get every American into a home" when in fact they were fattening their own wallets and left the poorest Americans in foreclosure.
3. As the 1800's economist Bastiat observed:
"Finally, as it will be accepted in principle that the state is responsible [for the financial wellbeing] of its citizens, we shall see the entire people transformed into petitioners. [Today’s "special interest groups"] Landed property, agriculture, industry, commerce, shipping, industrial companies, all will bestir themselves to claim favors from the state. THE PUBLIC TREASURY WILL BE LITERALLY PILLAGED [TODAY'S FEDERAL DEFICIT]. …Everyone's effort will be directed toward snatching a scrap of fraternal privilege from the legislature. THE SUFFERING CLASSES, ALTHOUGH HAVING THE GREATEST CLAIM, WILL NOT ALWAYS HAVE THE GREATEST SUCCESS" AND INSTEAD, THE MOST CUNNING POLITICIANS (AND THEIR CRONIES, IN THE GROUPS SUCH AS "LANDED PROPERTY" ETC) WILL.
......Bastiat's quote is exactly what happened in the Freddie/Fannie scandal: Just as the last line of Bastiat's quote predicts, the poorest of the poor are mostly back into rental housing (or homeless), whilst Dems and Repubs alike, who claim to be YOUR "representative" walked away wealthier, whilst the "public treasury" is pillaged (ORDINARY TAXPAYERS WILL PAY FOR THE "FAVORS FROM THE STATE" THAT THE EXECS OF FANNIE/FREDDIE GOT). Bastiat's intent in the last line of the quote was to observe that the flaw in Marx's ideas "to help the poor" is that socialism only ENABLES crony-capitalists -- corrupt politicians and their friends -- who will
pretend to be socialists "helping the poor" when in fact they are actually helping themselves and their cronies...just as Barney Frank walked away wealthier -- and his cronies at Fannie/Freddie paid him off, and still walked away wealthier. Of course, Republicans are corrupt too (just usually w/o even PRETENDING to be helping blacks or the poor...).
When any politician expands the government's CONTROL over your finances… Control=POWER... and "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Therefore, smaller libertarian government is superior for avoiding so much corruption. (Hitler and Stalin both recognized that financial control=power, and pronounced themselves to be socialists -- the S in Hitler's NDSAP party and the 2nd S in USSR -- when in fact they violate what Marx wrote. That 20th-century history -- and the [[bracketed]] Bastiat's quote above -- has proven Bastiat correct. What crony-capitalism shares with socialism (but not communism) is that cronyists and socialists both want to put more of YOUR money in a politician's hands.)
When any politician controls growing portions of your finances, he is one step closer to having "absolute" power over your quality-of-life and DUH, of course he spends a growing portion of YOUR money on HIMSELF if you LET him and re-elect him, it's as if you just gave your money to a fat kid in a candy store.
. . . And the politicians will do this until -- as Bastiat CORRECTLY predicted -- "The treasury (YOUR money, i.e. YOUR quality-of-life) will be literally pillaged". <--THAT IS AMERICA'S FUTURE, to be pillaged. Well, it is so long as Dem and Repub VOTERS do not unite against corrupt incumbents of BOTH parties, just as the
politicians have UNITED to rob Americans blind (even if their other, non-fiscal goals are divergent from other Congressmen’s).
To answer your question (I put it here since ironically it's not nearly important for EVERY AMERICAN as all the other issues you brought up): Hillary had plenty of support from Hispanic women (often Catholic, disagreed w/Hilary on abortion), and women caring for special-needs kids should like her promise to help. Other than that, I don't quite see it myself.