Do you think John McCain picking Sarah Palin as his VP an insult to the American People?
2008-08-29 10:18:12 UTC
That with America in two wars, terrible economic situation at home, high food and gas prices and families in much crisis to potentially have a person who knows nothing on national security or foreign affairs. Who was major of a city in Alaska with about 8,000 people that she would be able to lead our country to a new era. John McCain is old, if anything were to happen to him, Do you feel safe if she would be our President?
53 answers:
2008-08-29 10:21:13 UTC
Were you talking about Palin or Obama? Oh, you said Alaska, got ya, there for a minute I thought you were talking about the Community Organizer.
2008-08-29 16:03:55 UTC
I think he chose a woman for his running mate to guilt trip us. She's from rural Alaska, a woman, and from a state in which our oil reserves are highly desirable. If McCain dies, (which doesn't seem too far off) A person who was governer for, what did they say it was, 1 1/2 years, will become President of the United States. Has she even ever BEEN to Washington? Does she have any experience with the military, or foreign policy, or anything? I feel sorry for her. Oh by the way, I'm pretty sure I heard her say this morning, in her really, really dull and poorly written speech, that she had no plans earlier on to run for the office she was picked for.


Superb job,'ve sunk to a new low.

Obama wanted a Vice President who would be willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Looks like McCain didn't have the same plans. Somehow I see Sarah Palin as the kind of Vice President that attends new bridge openings and cake-walks.
2008-08-30 23:23:51 UTC
Are you all kidding me? do you really think that Sarah Palin is a good choice? This election is not about women or Obama being black, it's about getting out of the war and getting health care for every family. Obama is not my favorite person but he will make it happen with help of all the great people around him. The lady is not qualified with all respect. the republican party have many more women who are ten times better for the job. I think McCain just wants a pretty woman who will get him the votes and after the election will have no personality to stand against his bad decisions.
2008-08-29 10:50:47 UTC
No i don't. I don't think it's an insult at all :). It might be an insult to pro-choice, people that are against the 2nd amendment. But other than that. I mean everyone will have to learn more about her of course. But everything i've learned so far, she sounds like a great pick. Obviously it would have been better if she had more experience. But according to people who know her, she has a lot of character, she's a fighter, & she's worked to fight against the status quo & corruption. For me she's perfect cause she represents a strong pro-life woman. Yeah it would have been better if she was Governor of Alaska longer, like 8 years for instense. But the Reps need her now, & she's got a step in & do the best she can.

I've heard this is a woman that's had a baby & gone to work two days later, has 5 kids, one's in the military, & the youngest has down syndrome. That's a full days work for any mom, not to mention everything else she brings to the table. I also heard she was good at sports & rumor is she could beat Obama's a$$ in basketball lol.

I mean it was a great strategic pick. Who's talking about Obama's speech last night lol. NO ONE!!!! McCan was having trouble getting attention from the press. Well he's not going to have a problem with this pick. I bet you the # of internet searches for Sarah Palin will reach an all time high. The pick is a defibrillator for the Republican Party. It brings Conservatives back into the fold. And they feel like they're part of the party again.

This is NO LONGER, A Historic Election just on one side. I mean the Dems attacked her by saying she was for big oil. Which shows they knew absolutely nothing about her. She fought against big oil companies in Alaska. I mean other than the experience factor, she's a very attractive pick & a very attractive woman. Conservative Mom's accross the nation will be chanting this woman's name like crazy when the Convention starts.

Also i think Biden will have a dificult time with Palin in the the VP debate. He won't be able to hit her over the head like he would with a male. If he does he's going to look completely ungentlemen like & he's going to get in trouble with female & male viewers. I mean he's going to have to stick to McCain only now when he speaks. If they go after Palin it'll only backfire on them 10 fold.

And i mean no disrespect to Hillary supporters, but Hillary has always been seen as someone who where's the pants. A hard a$$ female that thinks of herself & her ambitions first. This woman does not come off this way. And i bet if you asked who would you rather ask out on a date, this woman would win hands down lol.

Only thing they got against her so far is an investigation that has her firing a sherif or something cause one of his debuties was beating her sister. Hell if that's true, good for her!!! Based on what i know of her right now, i'd rather her be president than Obama, so yeah it's a good pick.
2008-08-29 11:02:43 UTC
Sarah Palin’s credentials match up very well with those of Barack Obama. She has no experience in foreign affairs, nor does he. She has no experience in NATIONAL security, nor does he. But she does have experience as an executive, both as mayor of a small town and as governor of a large state. Obama has NO such experience.

Neither Obama nor Palin have meaningful experience in foreign affairs or national security, which you obviously feel are important for a president. But Obama is a candidate for president and Palin is a candidate for vice president. Given that she has executive experience and he has none, it is fair to say that our vice presidential candidate is better qualified to be president than is your presidential candidate.

So, you are “concerned” about John McCain’s age, and I know some of your ghoulish colleagues have mentioned the possibility of his melanoma recurring. You wonder if Palin could lead us into a new era if something should happen to him. I hope we never have to find out. If McCain’s health is a concern to you, you should also be concerned about Joe Biden’s health. If something happened to him, could Barack Obama lead us into a new era? After all, Biden is the team member with the experience on your side.

Now that we have settled the “experience” issue and have touched on the health issue, are there any other issues you would like to raise?
Steven G
2008-08-29 11:44:29 UTC
This is more or less an opinionated statement rather than a question. An insult? That's a matter of perspective, my friend. If you are a Liberal supporter of Barack Obama, then you would find holes in any selection that John McCain selected, so it's not surprising to see that perspective coming from a Liberal point of view. (I am making a rather presumptuous assumption that you are a Liberal and not a Centrist, I apologize if I am wrong.)

But, if you are coming from a Conservative perspective (as I am), you view this at large as a very bold but very appealing pick. It proves that John McCain can think out of the box, and doesn't simply follow whatever path is presumptuously laid before him by the media, or by his party's leadership for that matter. I see a very strong, very well liked Conservative. I see a woman who is in support of the 2nd Amendment; a woman who is opposed to Rowe vs Wade; a woman with a son in Iraq who most definitely understands the stakes in the war that we are currently fighting.

To be quite frank, I almost feel compelled to repeat the question that you have asked me, and to ask you if you believe that the United States is doing itself a disservice by selecting Barack Obama as the enlightened one, and essentially pushing a man to the forefront of American politics who has less than 7 years experience in national politics. The United States of America is still (regardless of your perception of what is and what ought to be) a Center-Right nation, and to be honest, many are asserting that it's an insult the to the other American people (whose opinions do matter, regardless of your beliefs) to select a Senator with no Executive experience, with no significant qualifications that he can speak of in contrast to John McCain. Many people consider it an insult that he is as close the presidency as he is. Perspective matters, and yours isn't a third-person perspective, at least not socially.
2008-08-29 10:28:31 UTC
"That with America in two wars, terrible economic situation at home, high food and gas prices and families in much crisis to potentially have a person who knows nothing on national security or foreign affairs."

Sounds alot like Obama....

Anyway, yeah, I admit it seems kinda flimsy...almost pandering in effect. But really, what does John have to lose?

I did do a little research about here record and she seems rock-solid conservative. She's slashed wastefull spending, and lead major ethics reform in Alaska (Including outing some of her own Republicans). Not bad, I guess
2008-08-29 10:24:34 UTC
No, it's not an insult. She has been raised in the "last frontier" in the US. Growing up in Alaska is a tough life. She is a tough woman who is smart and probably knows more about high food and gas prices than many Americans because it is even more expensive in Alaska. She is a small business owner, so knows how taxes and government interference affect small business. She is a mother, so she has experience in dealing with a failing educational system. I think she is a solid choice.

Oh and Obama has less experience running anything except campaigns.
2008-08-29 10:25:35 UTC
Obama is an insult to the American people! Most of his policy ideas would be harmful to this country. Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Obama and has lived a completely respectable life. She would make a great President. Great pick!
Sister blue eyes
2008-08-29 10:25:17 UTC
Lets see:

She brought about Ethics reform I'm AK, she stopped the bridge to nowhere, she held her state congress accountable for spending and corruption, she raised revenue in her state, she's fought big oil's influence in AK government.

She's balanced her husband, five children and work.

No - I am not insulted.

The DNC insulted me with that charade called a roll call, the Obama camp insulted me with the first sentence about the Republican VP pick being that she is the former mayor of a town of 9000, never acknowledging the fact that she's the governor of AK.
2008-08-29 10:24:26 UTC
Yes, I am very excited about John McCain and Sarah Palin

I think they will make great President and Vice President

If you think things are tough now. Wait until after October 29, 2008

Charles Wilkinson predicts the change of half the people on planet


If you survive this then all the talk about elections Will be academic

Democrats will still be wondering *what happened?* after Nov. 4 th

Good luck to Barack H. Obama a Joe Biden..they need all the help

they can muster!
2008-08-29 10:25:12 UTC
She has more forien policy experience than bot Obama and Biden. She has to deal with foreign countrys every day with all the oil issues in Alaske where she is GOVORNER not a mayor. She is the only canidate in the entire election that has any exeutive experience. And yes I am confident that she can lead this country if something happens to our president. All of us hope that it will be McCain.
2016-10-28 16:29:46 UTC
She were given elected governor of a state, defeating a Democrat and a Republican to attain this. That became precisely what Clinton had performed earlier 'ninety 2 even as he has nominated, and dems idea he became God's present to politics. assessment that with Obama, who merely had to be the Black guy operating in a majority Black, gerrymandered Democrat Senate district. He turned right into a shoo-in. That district became interested in assure a Black Democrat might want to win. truly demanding huh.
Porkchop Jones
2008-08-29 10:23:26 UTC
You're right, Obama isn't the best choice for president! Oh, you're talking about Palin. So its insulting for his to pick an intelligent female governor, who on paper seems a lot like McCain. Is it supposed to be insulting because she's a woman?

McCain/Palin = Old Spicy 08
2008-08-29 10:31:02 UTC
"who knows nothing on national security or foreign affairs."

oh you mean Obama?

McCain ain't going anywhere, his mom is still alive and that shows good genes. In my opinion, Obama is more likely to die than McCain in office. Obama already had an assassination threat against him and believe it or not there are a lot of crazy racists out there.
2008-08-30 08:31:02 UTC
It kills me that people think this woman actually has more experience than Barack. I'm not saying that Barack is the best choice but I know that chosing a woman, whom you met 6 months ago, once...IS IRRESPONSIBLE!

Yes, you are all right...let's get technical here, she's a governor...OF ALASKA! You tell me how much experience she's really going to bring to the plate? Just about the same amount that Obama will bring as well.

Forget this election, NADER 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-08-29 10:27:34 UTC
I like Sarah Palin, I think she is perfect for the job. I was on the fence for awhile, when Clinton got the boot. Then i was thinking well obama is ok, even tho he might raise taxes, cant be that bad...hoping he would pick Clintion as VP...then along came Sarah. I hoped over the fence!
2008-08-30 22:16:16 UTC
Sarah will help McCain defeat Hussein!

As a former mayor and current Governor, Sarah has more EXECUTIVE experience then hussein and Biden COMBINED!
2008-08-29 10:22:20 UTC
You ought to rethink your questions considering "terrible economic situation at home, high food and gas prices and families in much crisis:" have nothing to do with foreign affairs. They have to do with economic and fiscal discipline, which she has more of than McCain, Obama and Biden combined.

When's the last time the Senate got a budget right? Last I checked, we were $10 trillion in debt. She's got an 80% approval rating in Alaska. (More than anyone in Washington).
Thomas F
2008-08-29 10:24:01 UTC
I don't and i'm republican. She is a terrible pick. Mitt would have been perfect. The problem is that Mccain is old and He needed someone who would be ready to step in right away if something were to happen.

I am throughly disappointed in this pick. Any republican who says otherwise is throughly confused.

She has 0 experience above the state level. Not a person I want a stone throw away from being the most powerful person in the world.

Hey Griz did you even see her experience. She none. Obama at least has been to Washington
My dude won!!!!!
2008-08-29 10:30:34 UTC
I know one thing, It will not be easy. As far as safety is concerned, I rely on the military for that. It shouldn't be too hard to sign a piece of paper to send them where they need to go. Someone will be advising her anyway. If she doesn't know what to do, she'll just listen to the advisor.
2008-08-29 10:23:10 UTC
listen, she is going to be the VP, not the President. but even ifsomething happens to Mccain, Mrs. Palin still has twice the experience that obama has, so that fluff that you just wrote means nothing
2008-08-29 10:25:44 UTC
Yeah....I mean, Alaska lacks political, social, and economic simlarities with rest of the States. Being head of 'that' state means next to nothing.
2008-08-29 10:24:07 UTC
No it's not an insult, That woman has more guts and spunk and experience than Obama has. He has not even completed a full term in the Senate and has not got anything done while there because he has been too busy planning his presidential run.

If anything , Hilary as got to be just seething at truely pissed at Obama right now.
2008-08-29 10:40:26 UTC
She has a BA in Journalism from Idaho! What else do you want? She was even on the cover of Vogue!

She also wants Creationism taught in schools and use to lead prayers in her Christian high school group. She's making Huckabee look like a moderate.
2008-08-29 10:27:41 UTC
The democrats picking another Jimmy Carter is what is insulting to the American People.
2008-08-29 10:23:06 UTC
Who not Obama has no experance either.....she grew up from a working class family her husband is a commerical fisher man also working class she's working for less than the gouvenor did.....tell what has Obama done that she hasn't?
2008-08-29 10:24:31 UTC
She's governor of Alaska. She has 80% approval rating and her state has billions in surplus. She's doing better than most Governors.
2008-08-29 10:26:59 UTC
Look where Bush has gotten us ! What are we, a couple trillion in the red now? We owe $500 billion just to China.
2008-08-29 10:24:01 UTC
John McCain again proves how out of touch he is with the American people and with the female voters. It's obvious what he thinks of women by how he treated his first wife and what he calls his second wife.

McCain is starting to remind me of Hugh Hefner and the Girls Next Door. Grumpy, wrinkled old man surrounded by MUCH younger beauty queens. When is he going to break out the smoking jacket, pipe, and ascot to complete the look?
2008-08-29 10:22:31 UTC
I don't know about that, but it is certainly an insult to Hillary Clinton supporters. Did you hear her speech a short while ago. Definitely pandering to Clinton supporters.

To compare this political newby to the experienced and skilled politician that Hillary Clinton is has got to be an insult.
2008-08-29 10:23:46 UTC
I think he slit his own throat. She may be very capable, but there are still lots of people who are against a woman in that high of a position. Many people don't want a woman president, and with his ailing health you never know what could happen. He is probably going to lose a lot of votes because of this.
Just me for President 2016
2008-08-29 10:22:28 UTC
By your same standards the majority of Demos insulted America even more so by the top of their ticket
2008-08-29 10:24:43 UTC
i think it was more of an insult to woman--he picked her purely because she was a woman--not ideologically or antyhing, he really didnt' care--he wants to steal hillary's mad women voters--but he forgot to check out her policies--they are not IN LINE WITH HILLARY VOTERS.
2008-08-29 10:23:58 UTC
She was a mayor before she was the Governor! I love how you try and twist things! LOL!

To try and answer your question, I'd say that I could see why someone of your intelligence would be insulted!
2008-08-29 10:22:35 UTC
Obama is the alternative, who is a phony and has no experience.

I would love to see a woman for President.
Darling J
2008-08-29 10:23:43 UTC
Yeah... pretty much.

Ironically, it's obvious his self-confessed political ambition is what's driving his pick of Sarah Palin, who I happen to think is a stunningly irresponsibly choice for Vice President.

As I've said before, the only thing Sarah Palin brings to the table is a set of ovaries. Period.
Casey B
2008-08-29 10:22:41 UTC
No, its McCains attempt to take some of the Hilary votes.

OBAMA 08!!!
2008-08-29 10:22:40 UTC
She's a brilliant choice.

McCain has sent a blessing to us
Yo it's Me
2008-08-29 10:22:00 UTC
No, the Democrat Party picking Obama joe Biden is an insult to the American people.
2008-08-29 10:22:19 UTC
As a Conservative woman, I am thrilled that he would choose her as a running mate. It is such a well played move I can't believe it.

By the way she is also a Governor with more experience then OBama.
2008-08-29 10:22:34 UTC
yep....all that stuff going on and Obama throws a multi-million dollar party on his own behalf....

I'm sorry, what was the question...?
2008-08-29 10:22:08 UTC
its better than f uck in obama!! MCCAIN PALIN ALL THE WAY!!!!

why would i want someone who WONT put his hand over his heart his entire campain till the last few months, that won't wear a american flag lapel pin to show he supports the troops that fight for HIS right to be in a election! FU CK NO!
2008-08-29 10:27:54 UTC
OMG LOL no way.
2008-08-29 10:21:48 UTC
I think choosing Obama is the slap in the face to this country. At least she is a governor.
2008-08-29 10:21:48 UTC
If Palin is a bad choice, Obama is a terrible choice

She has more political experience and accomplishments than Obama has
2008-08-29 10:21:13 UTC
Just shows decision-making is not McCain's forte, which is why his own wife doesnt trust him with their family fortune, which is why he doesnt know they have 7 houses.
2008-08-29 10:21:20 UTC
She is every American's perfect choice for EVERY issue!

2008-08-29 10:21:18 UTC
McCain just McBlew it.
2008-08-29 10:21:03 UTC
Better than Obama
2008-08-29 10:21:13 UTC
Why are the democrats always bashing women????? First Hillary, now Sarah
Human Cattle 555-55-5555
2008-08-29 10:21:05 UTC
No I don't. I think you are trying to make her out to be a demon and it sounds a little too familair *cough* Hillary.
2008-08-29 10:21:10 UTC
Yes, McCain/Pilin is just like Bush/Cheney. Same old thing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.