No i don't. I don't think it's an insult at all :). It might be an insult to pro-choice, people that are against the 2nd amendment. But other than that. I mean everyone will have to learn more about her of course. But everything i've learned so far, she sounds like a great pick. Obviously it would have been better if she had more experience. But according to people who know her, she has a lot of character, she's a fighter, & she's worked to fight against the status quo & corruption. For me she's perfect cause she represents a strong pro-life woman. Yeah it would have been better if she was Governor of Alaska longer, like 8 years for instense. But the Reps need her now, & she's got a step in & do the best she can.
I've heard this is a woman that's had a baby & gone to work two days later, has 5 kids, one's in the military, & the youngest has down syndrome. That's a full days work for any mom, not to mention everything else she brings to the table. I also heard she was good at sports & rumor is she could beat Obama's a$$ in basketball lol.
I mean it was a great strategic pick. Who's talking about Obama's speech last night lol. NO ONE!!!! McCan was having trouble getting attention from the press. Well he's not going to have a problem with this pick. I bet you the # of internet searches for Sarah Palin will reach an all time high. The pick is a defibrillator for the Republican Party. It brings Conservatives back into the fold. And they feel like they're part of the party again.
This is NO LONGER, A Historic Election just on one side. I mean the Dems attacked her by saying she was for big oil. Which shows they knew absolutely nothing about her. She fought against big oil companies in Alaska. I mean other than the experience factor, she's a very attractive pick & a very attractive woman. Conservative Mom's accross the nation will be chanting this woman's name like crazy when the Convention starts.
Also i think Biden will have a dificult time with Palin in the the VP debate. He won't be able to hit her over the head like he would with a male. If he does he's going to look completely ungentlemen like & he's going to get in trouble with female & male viewers. I mean he's going to have to stick to McCain only now when he speaks. If they go after Palin it'll only backfire on them 10 fold.
And i mean no disrespect to Hillary supporters, but Hillary has always been seen as someone who where's the pants. A hard a$$ female that thinks of herself & her ambitions first. This woman does not come off this way. And i bet if you asked who would you rather ask out on a date, this woman would win hands down lol.
Only thing they got against her so far is an investigation that has her firing a sherif or something cause one of his debuties was beating her sister. Hell if that's true, good for her!!! Based on what i know of her right now, i'd rather her be president than Obama, so yeah it's a good pick.