Things are bad, but not as bad as they seem.
Remember the Clinton years?
Clinton didn't have to raise taxes to balance the budget, because of job growth.
The economy grew so well, it got rid of deficit spending and started paying down the debt!
We just need to do that again, but this time with jobs that won't have a 'bubble burst'[like the dotcoms did].
For starters, we need to maintain our infrastructure, and THAT will have to be an ongoing process from now on.
[This has been ignored on a national basis far too long]
We need to develop green technology, and green products and energy,a wide open field with incredible opportunity.
Also, paying teachers a decent wage will help stimulate the economy too, when they spend more and pay more taxes [just from the higher income]
This is just a couple of measures that will help, not the whole picture obviously, I have to save SOMETHING for when I run for president.
Obama is a true leader.
He has already said hundreds of times in his stump speech that "we need to turn off the TVs" when discussing education & child raising.
when elected, he will tell us we have to tighten our belts, not "go shopping' like his underqualified predicessor Bush did.
I am a white 51 year old veteran on disibility & an Obama Delegate, but I am not asking you to take my word for it.
Go to his website, see how he wants to make the world a better place.
I have been waiting 40 years for a candidate this exciting & origional.
I have been waiting 30 years for someone as concerned about the big picture as I've been [maintaining infrastructure, decent teacher pay & universal healthcare]
I have been waiting 20 years to believe that the younger people will get off their collective butts & try to make things better.
I have been waiting 10 years [ok 8] to put COMPETENCE back in the White House!
This truly is the most important election of your life.