I have watched carefully this democratic party race. What I continue to see is Shrillary's camp putting themselves, herself in the position where she needs to apologize to Obama and the general public. Since the race first began, it is Obama who wanted to stand by the issues and represent an upright, respectable campaign, but Shrill's camp continues to bring up false allegations, Muslim rhetoric, race baiting (and Bill also), and she is unable to keep a lid on her camp, but I feel this is planned somewhat on her part.
She has repeatedly put Obama in a position where he must explain or continue to defend himself against the abusive and slashing, smear tactics thwarted by Shrillary's camp, and her directly. She says one thing "how wonderful it is to stand with Obama" but then less than 48 hours later, "shame on you Barack Obama".
She makes comments like "Oh, the celestial gates will open and the stars will illuminate and the whole world will be as one, etc.", taking yet another jab at Obama.
She even made the outrageous comment that "her and McCain were qualified to be president but that Obama was not", only to later throw out the idea of Obama running on her ticket as Vice President??? Well, what would happen if Shrillary was ill or even dead? This would mean that Obama would become President and thus would make decisions on what to do in the event the 3:AM call would come thru.
How does she slam and degrade Obama stating he isn't qualified for the position, when a few days later says she wouldn entertain the idea of him running on her ticket as Vice President??
Again, Obama has to defend himself. She's always putting him in a position to explain or defend against her constant instability and attacks, so I ask you QUESTIONER????---who is truly the dysfunctional one? Who is truly the dispicable one causing overwhelmingly bitterness and chaos in the democratic party?
For certain it has been one-sided, and the person/camp to blame for this is Shrillary, the white witch of the east. Truly she and her camp have been an embarrassment not only to the democractic party campaign, but to the U.S. citizens, our government, and continue setting a pattern of embarrassment world wild. She should concede now while she still has some shred of pride left.
Obama is our man...for sure he's been a real trooper throughout all the abuses and has come thru strong and superior, as the forerunner and winner of what America wants to see in their whitehouse. He brings forth change and a mentality that is against what Shrillary has been cesspooling in since the inception of this campaign. Shrillary has emerged as the horrible candidate that has alienated many supporters, and of course voters from her side.
I support Obama all the way.