How is it possible to be pro-life and pro gun and pro death penalty at the same time?
2008-11-01 23:42:45 UTC
Isn't it kind of ironic that the "PRO-LIFE" party is also pro-gun and pro-death penalty? how can you be pro-life and pro-gun? it doesnt make sense.
42 answers:
2008-11-02 00:10:48 UTC
I thought both parties were pro-life and pro-death. I agree it doesn't make sense, but what can you do when you're trying to get the American vote?

I'm from the UK and I'm a socialist (or I was until recently). I'm also a pro-abortionist, and I'm against the death penalty and judicial killing. I worked in the USA for several years (East Coast, West Coast, South, and Central) and I had no problems at all making friends and blending into American society - provided.....

Provided I never mentioned my views on just about anything.
Jodi B
2008-11-01 23:58:09 UTC
For the same reason the pro-choice party is against the death penalty and for social service programs.

What seems apparent is this: pro-life people believe that every person has an inherent right to be born, pro-gun people believe one has the right to protect themselves, with me? People for the death penalty believe that if you cannot live non-violently with others, then you have made the choice to be well, killed. The fact is, that you made the choice to act wrongly and deserve to be punished for it. Having a gun in itself is not bad or violent, what you do with the gun is the issue. The pro-life part lines up by ensuring that one has the chance to live in the first place. Just my opinion - but one that has been thought about quite a bit.
Mom of Twins
2008-11-01 23:57:26 UTC
It makes sense to some, myself included.


I'm pro-life because I know that a baby's heart begins to beat when a woman is five weeks pregnant. This coincides with the time that most women find out they're pregnant. By the time they can get the pregnancy terminated, their baby is no longer a "clump of cells", it's a life that will come into being if nurtured properly.

I'm pro-gun because there are people out there with malicious intentions. If I can help it at all, I will defend my family and myself against these people, violently if necessary. If I lose my constitutional right to do so, law-abiding citizens and myself will be helpless against the outlaws with guns. After all, what criminal obeys the law?

How can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? Just realize that a baby didn't do anything to deserve his or her fate. That baby is suffering because the mother was irresponsible. There is no justification whatsoever in terminating a human life when that child has done nothing to deserve it. A person on death row has already harmed one or more people in a severe way, therefore having done something to justify execution.

It all just depends on the way you see things... what makes sense to you may not to others, and that's where the U.S. is faltering right now... there IS no middle ground. People are so conformist that they HAVE to fall into one mold or the other: right or left. It's not so black and white, when it comes down to it.
2008-11-01 23:54:33 UTC
You are saying that because I own a gun I am anti-life because I don't believe in abortion and believe in the death penalty? Since all my guns shoot at are paper targets, dirt, and whatever junk we drag into the desert I don't see the point. Now if you had someone break into you house what would you feel safer with: A gun or the police on the phone? If you were being mugged what would you like to have. Liberals are pro-death. Their policies get people killed, and let babies die for no reason besides the ***** can't take responsibility.

Actually being pro-gun is pro-life. Our reputation has been tarnished by those who you speak of. There are at least 85 million gun owners in this country. Think about that. Especailly since around 2 million people a year are spared from being killed or hurt becasue they keep guns. Why a couple weeks ago here in AZ a college student had two people break into his apartment. He killed one and the other one got injured, he would of been dead without his guns and the anti's would do what they do. But that information hurts the agenda of the freedom hating media and liberals.
2008-11-02 05:20:08 UTC
You are totally right. To be pro Life means that a person has been able to overcome SOME of their own personal issues. They have just begun to grow up. To them the obvious things come first. Most people can agree that killing an upborn is wrong... certainly that child is innocent. So it is pretty easy for people to come to some level of emotional maturity... and overcome their biases about abortion. Some people who have been hurt by men hear abortion and react in panic and and fear and turn abortion into a politcal statement... "It is my body and no MAN is going to tell ME what to do"...

Others have been hurt by organized religion and have a pro-abortion stance as a way to get back at the church. If a viewpoint is grounded in fear and not coming from love then certainly it is not the right way to go.

If you do a little bit of self discovery work male issues and church issues are relatively easy to overcome... and not that many people have been traumatized in that fashion to begin with... so a Pro Life stance is an easy goal to reach.

On the other hand.... learning how to feel safe in the world without a gun... or learning how to forgive somone who committed a violent crime is much more difficult for most people....

Right now this country as not even at the stage where the evan acknowledge that wanted to kill someone who you feel threated by is even wrong in the first place... they still have a very base instinct mindset on such things. He wants to hurt me so I will hurt him. Very Old Testament stuff... Oh, I love how they think that they can use the Bible to justify their primitave thinking. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.

The NEW Testament approach, of course is to surrended... to trust. Truly difficult lessons for most of us.

So..that is your answer... sorry if I was long winded.

Republicans are not fully evolved as humans... heck about 40% is my best guess... so they only have the Pro-Life thing right so far....

But it is still a bit better than the Democrats who do not believe in humanity at all ... and think that the only way any of us will even survive is with massive government programs....

So... Republicans are far from perfect...but a lot further along than Democrats.
2008-11-02 00:02:17 UTC
How big is your brain? you sound really smart.....

1- I am a Pro LIFE because I don't kill unborn babies...

2- I am PRO GUN because I will put a bullet on any body's HEAD that would try to steal or try to harm me or my family in anyway...You betcha!!!

3- I am a pro DEATH PENALTY because I believe if you do wrong to anyone you should be kill so you won't rape or kill anyone else and if they give you the death penalty. I don't have to support you in jail with my Tax money for a life sentence.

Please let me know if you got it....I don't think I need to say that I am a proud Consevative Republican 29 year old Sarah Palin fan
Kellie D
2008-11-02 00:04:38 UTC
How are Pro Gun and Pro similar at all? Pro Life is not wanting unborn babies to be killed. Pro Gun means you don't think the right to bear arms should be taken away from us as Americans. I don't own a gun but should have the right to according to the constitution. Not everyone who owns a gun uses it to kill people. Most crimes committed by a gun are by unregistered guns that criminals acquire on the black market. Not everyone that is Pro life is Pro death penalty. I am not pro death penalty however I prefer to fight for unborn babies over murderers.

So how is it you claim to be anti death penalty but pro choice. So killing murderers is evil but killing unborn babies is fine.... hypocritical?
2008-11-01 23:55:23 UTC
You must evaluate the purpose or values set behind each one of those. To be pro-death penalty is to be pro-killing someone who killed someone else. (Yes, I know there are procedural issues with its application.) To be pro-gun is generally to be pro-hunter (a human tradition since the beginning of time) or to be pro-self-defense, since the police cannot protect everyone at all times. To be pro-life is to preserve life as defined by the believer, defending a life that did nothing wrong. Each position on these issues is very different, and to compare them makes little sense.
Breaking Stereotypes
2008-11-01 23:53:19 UTC
Pro life is very different then pro gun and pro death penalty. There are actually very responsible gun owners that own them legally. The death penalty is for convicted murderers who took an innocent life purposely. Pro life means people think killing an unborn baby that never got any chance at life is wrong.
2008-11-02 00:00:38 UTC
Why not? Innocent and guilty? Self defense (protecting your OWN life)?

I don't see how you work guns in there, at all.


and to someone on the first page, Ron Paul is anti murder, death penalty and war. But pro gun.
2016-10-06 16:29:12 UTC
that's a properly question and one I experience answering. i'm professional-life The dying penalty is meant to punish an evil man or woman as against an harmless man or woman corresponding to a fetus. besides the undeniable fact that the worry is that harmless human beings do die interior the shortcoming of existence penalty. weapons on a similar time as used wisely look after human beings, it fairly is in many circumstances a confirmed straightforward undeniable fact that aspects with looser gun legislations have scale back crime costs. So particularly possessing a gun will scale back the probabilities of all and sundry getting killed. As for conflict, I have been perplexed approximately this one purely presently myself. i can understand how conflict is frequently crucial besides the undeniable fact that no longer civilian casualties and no longer preemptive conflict. so as that's my address it.
2008-11-02 00:22:42 UTC
You're mixing apples and oranges. What has pro individual ownership of a gun have to do with being pro life? You're also confusing innocent unborn children with murderers who have been tried and convicted by a jury of their peers and spend countless years appealing their sentence. The unborn baby has no appeal process. Perhaps this is why it doesn't make sense to you.
2008-11-01 23:51:51 UTC
It's pretty simple. It's all about the protection of innocent life. Nothing is more innocent than a baby. With a gun, you can protect the innocent when you are being attacked. Supporting the death penalty it punishes those who commit attacks on the innocent. It doesn't make sense to you because you aren't as thoughtful as you presume.
2008-11-01 23:55:09 UTC
Gun doesn't equal automatic death, you know. You've simply been brainwashed into thinking they have, so when the government's spying on you with surveillence blimps or rounding you up to stick you in Guantanamo on the Hudson or unleashing their Directed Engery Weapons on you, you'll have no way to resist. If you think it sounds far fetched, it's all already happened in NYC, a place that has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
Maureen L
2008-11-01 23:53:36 UTC
It makes perfect sense!

Pro-life, when it comes to aborting an innocent human life!

Pro-gun, when it comes to defend your family and home.(or hunting for food)

Pro-death penalty, to take away the life of a serial killer!

They are different.

I am not sure if I believe in the death penalty. But, I firmly believe in protecting the lives of innocent babies that can't speak up for themselves, and our right to bear arms!

What doesn't make any sense, is when you are pro-abortion, and yet you are against hunting!
2008-11-01 23:50:57 UTC
They argue that abortion is taking the life of an innocent baby who never had a chance to live, while the death penalty is taking the life of a dangerous criminal who had a chance, and used it to kill somebody else. It's easier to sympathize with a baby than a murderer. They also believe that allowing law-abiding citizens to own guns will help save innocent lives by keeping innocent people protected from criminals. I'm not saying I agree with all those opinions, but having that set of opinions is valid and does make sense.
2008-11-01 23:50:59 UTC
Pro-life means that your against killing unborn children and that your discusted that people use abortions for birth control.

Pro-gun means your excercising your 2nd amendment rights.

Pro-capital punishment means you agree with having accountability for heinous muderers.Most states that have capitol punishment only excercise that judgement call in the most heinous murders that dont have much of a defense in their favor. I dont care who you are,nobody wants to execute anyone to death if their not 100% sure they are guilty.

I am all 3 by the way

BTW who is pro-war? Oh,I get it,...thats the lefts way of labeling anybody that supports the war in Iraq. I see...I could continue and write a long paragraph as to why I feel the way I do that might sound compelling to some,but id rather not waste my time.
2008-11-01 23:51:55 UTC
How is it possible to be pro abortion, anti gun and against the death penalty ? shouldn't life have a chance at conception or should we keep life going for those who have committed heinous crimes against others at tax payers expense .. Japan didn't come here and attack us because they knew Americans had the right to bare arms and knew we would fight back. Think about it.
2008-11-01 23:53:03 UTC
There's no contradiction. The idea is that abortion victimizes the innocent fetus. The death penalty punishes the guilty. Guns protect the innocent.

That's not to say I agree with this position. Me, I'm pro-life, anti-gun (actually, pro-gun control), and anti-death penalty.
2008-11-01 23:53:14 UTC
You must suffer from a disease called "moral equivalency".

Murdering an innocent baby is not the same as killing someone in self defense or executing a criminal or fighting a war.

But I'll tell you what, the day an unborn baby breaks into my house, I'll shoot the bastard. The day an unborn baby commits a double murder, I'll pull the switch on the electric chair and the day an army of unborn babies from unbornbabystan attacks my country or it's allies, I'll support bombing the sh!t out of it?

2008-11-01 23:54:56 UTC
Don t be ignorant. Three different issues.

Pro-Life - don't make a baby if you don t want no baby. OK

Pro-Death penalty - don t go kill'n and rape'n nobody. OK

Pro-Gun - it's my right as an american citizen. A right that my fore Fathers fought for and some died for. It is part of the fabric of our Constitution. OK
2008-11-01 23:51:08 UTC
Pro-Life : Allowing an innocent child to have a chance at life

Pro-Gun: Standing my the amendment, the right to bear arms, and allowing people to have protection for themselves.

Pro-Death Penalty: Giving someone who has done something EXTREMELY wrong what they deserve.

What's wrong with this please? Sounds about right to me!
2008-11-01 23:58:11 UTC
Common Sense 101:

Babies are innocent. Terrorists that kill innocent people are not. Having a gun doesn't mean you use it to kill people. Review these statements and hopefully you will be able to answer your own question.
2008-11-01 23:54:19 UTC
To some people it makes sense. Think about this, does it make sense for a party to support the killing of innocent, helpless fetuses and at the same time say they are the party of progressive thinkers and intellectuals? We were all fetuses at some point.
Dog Father
2008-11-01 23:53:41 UTC
A baby needs someone to fight for them. Fight for those who can not protect themselves. So I'm pro-life have child it might change your stance

Pro Gun to enforce the right to protect life.

Pro Death to get rid of the scum who rape and kill women and children.
Wire Tapped
2008-11-01 23:49:42 UTC
well, the first one is being against the murder of unborn (e.g. defenseless) children

which is easily reconciled with being pro-gun (self-defense)

as well as Pro death penalty (you commit a heinous enough crime, we shouldn't have to feed and house you until you die)

not hard to figure out
2008-11-01 23:48:48 UTC
No it is not. People that have lived can deserve to die. Unborn babies have not had a chance to mess up. Also, pro gun just means you like guns. I use mine to hunt and kill snakes. I also do not believe in feeding murderers and child molesters, or letting them out on parole. Killing them is much easier.
2008-11-01 23:51:13 UTC
How many times does it have to be explained?

Babies did nothing to warrent being killed. Some piece of crap child killer or cold blooded murderer doesn't deserve mercy, only death.

And many people believe they have the right to protect themselves. Who the hell else is going to?

And face reality, sometimes war is necessary.
2008-11-01 23:48:18 UTC
I don't see how "pro-gun" fits in but I do see the oxymoron with the pro life and death penalty thing. Oh, they justify the death penalty thing because they are criminals. Well, when DNA came out, many were exonerated that were on death row. How many innocent men have been executed on death row. I am sure the percentage is very low, but there is a percentage. I am with you on this, I don't see how you can be both pro life and pro death penalty. Just what if, what if, they jury was wrong. It happens.
2008-11-01 23:49:06 UTC
Answered this before... Abortion kills innocent babies. Homeowners use guns to protect their innocent families from murderers, and the death penalty eliminates the guilty murderers.

I hope you get it now.
2008-11-01 23:50:13 UTC
Pro-gun because we gotta protect ourselves when them dern terrorists come to our homes.

Pro-death penalty so we can execute them son of a ***** terrorists

And pro war because of them stinkin' terrorists!
2008-11-01 23:48:20 UTC
do politicians ever make sense? we have a billion dollar rescue *bail out* plan and the CEO's and Leaders of Industries and Insurance companies want to fatten their nest eggs with this makes me sick when right after this bail out AIG wanted to spend 450,000$$$

on a JUNKET..also some banks just bought out poorer banks? let them fail ?? if you had a business (a small business) the US Government won't bail you out..or a tax payer who gets behind in his bills? sorry..go broke!

Politicians sure have a double standard
2008-11-01 23:50:09 UTC
Perhaps, unlike you, they have the capacity to differentiate between unborn humans, weapons, and convicted felons.
2008-11-01 23:52:15 UTC
Because they want to preserve the lives of the innocent and get rid of the criminals. But, if they are pro-war, then they are hypocrites.
2008-11-01 23:50:13 UTC
Rhymes with shmase appeal.
2008-11-01 23:47:38 UTC
Oddly enough they also are the pro war people..

they just want to be the ones that puts value on each life. Some have more than others i guess according to them
2008-11-01 23:47:56 UTC
I have often though it should just be call anti-abortion.
2008-11-01 23:47:31 UTC
To borrow from an old Kristofferson song "he's a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction." I think we all rationalize our positions.

The only pro-life person I have read is Father Daniel Berrigan, who opposes abortion, murder, death penalty and war. I'd say that is truly pro-life.
2008-11-01 23:50:21 UTC
this will answer your question
2008-11-01 23:47:41 UTC
Not without being a complete hyprocrite.
2008-11-01 23:46:36 UTC
don't forget to mention pro-war.

I know, seems a bit hypocritical to me...
first lady
2008-11-01 23:52:18 UTC
One word "HYPOCRITE"

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