You are totally right. To be pro Life means that a person has been able to overcome SOME of their own personal issues. They have just begun to grow up. To them the obvious things come first. Most people can agree that killing an upborn is wrong... certainly that child is innocent. So it is pretty easy for people to come to some level of emotional maturity... and overcome their biases about abortion. Some people who have been hurt by men hear abortion and react in panic and and fear and turn abortion into a politcal statement... "It is my body and no MAN is going to tell ME what to do"...
Others have been hurt by organized religion and have a pro-abortion stance as a way to get back at the church. If a viewpoint is grounded in fear and not coming from love then certainly it is not the right way to go.
If you do a little bit of self discovery work male issues and church issues are relatively easy to overcome... and not that many people have been traumatized in that fashion to begin with... so a Pro Life stance is an easy goal to reach.
On the other hand.... learning how to feel safe in the world without a gun... or learning how to forgive somone who committed a violent crime is much more difficult for most people....
Right now this country as not even at the stage where the evan acknowledge that wanted to kill someone who you feel threated by is even wrong in the first place... they still have a very base instinct mindset on such things. He wants to hurt me so I will hurt him. Very Old Testament stuff... Oh, I love how they think that they can use the Bible to justify their primitave thinking. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.
The NEW Testament approach, of course is to surrended... to trust. Truly difficult lessons for most of us.
So..that is your answer... sorry if I was long winded.
Republicans are not fully evolved as humans... heck about 40% is my best guess... so they only have the Pro-Life thing right so far....
But it is still a bit better than the Democrats who do not believe in humanity at all ... and think that the only way any of us will even survive is with massive government programs....
So... Republicans are far from perfect...but a lot further along than Democrats.