2012-03-23 07:04:46 UTC
I am a Ron Paul supporter. I honestly just got into politics in summer of 2011 when I came across a video of Dr. Paul. Ever since then, I've been trying to spread Dr. Paul's message in this wanna be hick town I live in. Of course, I did countless hours of research about him and the other candidates before I concluded that Dr. Paul will be the first and maybe the only candidate I will ever support in my life time.
Anyway here's my question. Are most Americans just blind or are they stupid too? Here is a guy that is honest, consistent, and is actually trying to fix this once great country of ours but there are thousands maybe millions of people out there that still hate him for whatever dumb reason! Regardless, I'm greatful for the handful of American citizens who are open minded enough to wake up to reality. Why don't people just do their own research instead of listening to Cnn, Msnbc, and the like? What do all of you think will happen to this country if anybody else besides Dr. Paul gets to become president?
If you are going to be a no life troll, then please just don't bother posting an answer on here. You are all a disgrace to this country already.