Why do people act like it would be the end of the world if Trump is president?
2016-01-03 09:20:53 UTC
I don't think he will be a amazing president or anything but I think he would do ok. Just as good as anyone else.

Why do people freak out so bad over it?
232 answers:
2016-01-04 15:46:03 UTC
It will not be the end of the world since Trump will never be the President of the United States.
2016-01-03 09:26:21 UTC
Nobody really knows what a Trump presidency would look like because he hasn't offered any policy specifics. He just keeps saying he'll make America great again (whatever that means).

There's only one certainty to a Trump presidency - America would be the laughing stock of the world.
2016-01-05 02:42:27 UTC
1) Donald Trump has ho diplomatic skills.

He's peeved off how many groups now because he either has no idea or doesn't give a freak? (Mexico, hispanics, women, Muslims, the poor etc etc)

You might thing "So what?" or "He's being honest" but guess? He represents the US as a country not just the citizens.

He's p*****ed off the Mexicans for example, have been insulted. "Who cares?" you say. You know that huge boarder you have them? Hey guess what? No boarder control on their behalf so drugs, illegal immigrants, mafiosa types, guns come on over really easily...

You want gas? Mostly comes from Muslim countries so you peeve them off and your gas goes from whatever it is a gallon (say $2) to something huge ($10) and you suddenly have shortages because no-one will sell it to you...

A female is the leader of Germany. So what? Bye bye German bases!

2) The US is one of the political powerhouses in the world. Trump can't set a bad example for the rest of the world (let alone peeve them off)...

If Trump decides he wants to behave like a toddler, then the likes of North Koreans or Iran can turn around and say "Well neither shall we" and perhaps invade or start wars. Even the "better behaved" countries (like Russia) will use it as an excuse, and they have the military hardware to blow up the US, Europe or anywhere they want...

3) He needs to manage the economics.

He's a history that would suggest he may not be up to it...

4) He is a rich old man who belongs to the 1% who has shown he doesn't like the poorest, what's to stop him getting into power and saying "Sorry minimum wage is now $2 an hour and workers get no rights"?
2016-01-03 13:35:03 UTC
Well, not the end of the world, but he would be in for a "rude awakening". Deporting 11 million illegals, Do you really think Congress is going to give him the money to do it? You cannot disallow immigrants from coming here because of religion. He called Bernie Sanders a liar when Bernie repeated what he had said before that wages were to high. Trump did say it, he said at a rally (on video), and on Morning Joe, saw that video, too.

His mouth writes checks that his body can't cash, on certain policies, that needs the O.K. from Congress, and the Republican Party isn't thrilled with him. I can hear him now saying "I tried, but Congress won't help".

He just wants to be the "CEO" of America, His speeches are all about himself, and berating all opponents. It's a "sales" pitch.

What he has said politically, would put this country another 10 trillion in debt. If you have the "stomach" to look it up, you will find Republican Presidents have created the most debt. When I hear that Obama has spent more money than any other President, they are hoping you're stupid enough to accept it. To keep it fair, you must figure for inflation. To make it clear, In 1962 we paid $4,800 for a corvette, in 2015, a basic vet is $55,000. Get the picture?
2016-01-04 18:04:40 UTC
As an upper class, rich, white male, Trump can not equally represent America. It's not like we can't have an upper class, rich, white male (we have until Barack Obama), but his views are so racist and sexist, that not only does he have no idea what it is like to be a minority in this country, but he is part of the problem that minorities have. He has repeatedly said he doesn't want Muslims here, constantly telling America to not let them come into our country, even though they do it legally. He is against Syrian refugees, when they are the ones that need help the most!!! He constantly backlashes women, purely based off of looks (is that who you want president???). Also, America is tender financially, so having a president who is rich will not motivate them to solve our economic crisis when they're the one who's well off. Please, even if you are not a big fan of the Democratic party, please vote for the other candidate and not Trump. Anyone is better than him. And I mean ANYONE.
2016-01-04 16:01:48 UTC
It seems that Trump does not have the mental stability to be president, there is a fine line between using ad hominems and just being a plain ***. Unless you want a World War III, then go ahead and vote for Trump because with the tensions in this world we need a cool - headed president that will not make any irrational decisions. Personally, I feel like Trump is a plant by the Democratic Party, to further destabilize the already controversial GOP. No candidate at this point is worth my vote.

Resurrect the Whig Party!
2016-01-04 15:59:08 UTC
I worry about Trump's fan base. Yes fan base . Since he's like a rock star of Republican politics. His fans go wild over him. He can say anything, propose anything and he is still number one in the Republican polls. That said his racist remarks concerning Mexicans and Muslims are of much concern to me. There's been several reports of people who were Mexican or looked Mexican who were beaten up because of Trump's hateful rhetoric. Plus his talk of comlaints about Hillary Clinton's biological needs and a woman breastfeeding makes him seem to me no friend of feminist or women period. Lastly his insensitivity to people with disabilities. ie making fun of the reporter with a movement disability, He is lewd, crude and rude. May not be the end of the world it just feels like it.
Andy F
2016-01-03 18:19:14 UTC
I really don't think he'll be elected, so I have a hard time taking him seriously.

There are several reasons why he would make a terrible president, though. One, he's deliberately insulted Mexicans and Mexico, a rather large country on the southern US border whose attitude is fairly important to us. He also seems to be saying really reckless and offensive things about Muslims, and if he were POTUS, there's a risk that his remarks would make us into the favorite enemy of 1.3 billion or 1.6 billion Muslims living in dozens of different countries around the world -- in some cases, Muslims who are sitting on top of the world's largest supply of oil.

It would be insane for a president of the US to make enemies of the world's Muslims, as a group. It would be bad for our military security and bad for the security of our future oil supply.

2. Trump also seems to be doing what he can to appeal to the worst, most self-destructive, most reckless and thoughtless emotions of white American men -- by saying stupidly offensive things about women, for example, by casting doubt on Obama's US citizenship, and by whipping up hatred against immigrants. This is potentially destructive to the "domestic tranquility" as well as the legal and political stability of the United States, and no president should be doing that.

3. More generally, Trump seems to love the political spotlight and to be willing to say almost any fool thing that pops into his mind in order to keep that spotlight focused on him. If he were President of the United States, there would be no predicting what he was going to say or do.

That would make for wonderful entertainment -- the mass media would love a Trump presidency, just as they love Trump's campaign for president, because he has a talent for making news -- by being stupid and reckless, if nothing else works.

There's no way that the President of the US, no matter who it is, should be perceived as stupid, reckless and unpredictable by the rest of the world. It would be a great way for the United States to lose good friends and make bad enemies, and also a way to get people who are neither are friends nor our enemies to laugh at us, out of pity.

These are 3 reasons why Trump probably will continue to be a great TV personality, and a money-making one. But you don't elect the class clown to be the class president. In a deck of cards, you don't want to mistake the Joker for the King. Trump is Joker material.

-- democratic socialist
2016-01-03 09:22:55 UTC
I guess the fact that Trump would be the first President in history who is so ignorant of the Constitution as to think he could ban a group of people from entering the country based on religion has something to do with it.

Any President who is that stupid would be a disaster.
finn mchuil
2016-01-04 20:29:17 UTC
Personally I think there would be conflict of intrests in some one so active in the business world becoming leader of any democratic society. The prsident should be acting in the best interests of the people and the country, not for his own personal gain.

Trump ran in 2000 for the reform party and won primaries in Michigan and California.

In building his Ivory tower he destroyed valuable art decor that was promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and used some 200 undocumented Polish immigrant workers in the rushed demolition process, who were paid (if at all) just $4 and $5 per hour for work in 12-hour shifts, the records of the court settlement were sealed.

So here we have a man that clearly not only exploits undocumented migrant workers but in doing so takes jobs away from americans to further his own gain. If you want to trust someone like that with your future then you deserve all that you get.
Maestro Sartori
2016-01-05 05:10:41 UTC
The real reason is not his ideologies about Islam or the so called "intolerance" and "bigotry" that he's portraying. It's politically correct to claim that you're oppressed in some way these days and that's what libs love to do. Oh, the poor Muslims, the poor black people, the poor women with no rights, the poor atheists, waaahhh. So Trump will get painted as oppressive for speaking the truth by the liberal media.

The real reason is that he scares the hell out of the democratic and republican congress because he is on a quest for truth and justice within the American political system. He wants to expose corruption within the government and he's not letting anything slide. He can't be bought or lobbied because he's got his own money. Therefore Trump has the best interests of Trump in mind. Not foreign interests or political interests, but Trump. He will clean house and expose corruption within the Obama administration. Anyone that is crooked, which is probably close to all political figures, are starting to crap their pants.

Personally I hope he gets it. It will be nice to have a president that's entertaining and comical to watch for a change. Plus the stuff he will expose will probably be deep like Watergate.
Who Knew?
2016-01-05 02:33:43 UTC
'People' are mostly the liberals out there, don't you think you're saying? And it just may fuel a little trepidation to have someone speak so 'intolerantly' and boldly about the cessation of ideologies so near and dear to the mind with no absolutes to folow. Floating in space without a moral compass has become more than a pastime, more of a lifestyle, and Trump rhetoric foresees an end to the permissive, indignant self-indulgent 1-ring political circus this countrie's government has become. Not all campaign promises get into the 'kept' category once a man attains the office he attains to, but the Trump campaign shows some promise, and that's enough to get the boots a-shakin'. But I thnk all the steamrolling is a means to an end, and money-where-mouth-is defines a presidency. Trump is closer than any has been to having the money part enough to keep the promises. Will he depend on the American people, or the money? The rest of us get chills thinking about that question.

And I respectfully disavow all ties with most of my predecessor's responses. Except for heyo619. I like that one. I believe backbone and thick skin ARE necessary elements for assuming the office of POTUS.
2016-01-03 21:45:30 UTC
The problem here is that while Trump can get elected he won't be able to govern. If the GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak party runs the table with Trump or any of the 'front runners' in the White House none of their policies will prove out. The Party of No is like a dog chasing a car. If the dog catches the car the dog has no idea what to do with it. They may pass all kinds of laws that Trump or whoever signs, but the results will almost immediately disrupt commerce, tax collection, military matters, social services, scientific investigation and maintenance of essential infrastructure. Once chaos sets in China, Russia and the loons of the mid east will eat us alive.

These are seriously spooky times for this country. Elect these people and we WILL have a deep dish depression and serious unraveling of our social and physical infrastructure. When the people who intend to vote these characters into office discover how bad it will be for 'them' the backlash will be historic and possibly even violent.
2016-01-04 21:57:06 UTC
Remember how freaked out people were when Obama got elected? A lot of people thought we'd all be Muslim communists governed by the UN by now. Trump scares some people like Obama did others, why? people only focus on the headlines and don't see the bigger picture. The U.S. Government is designed to moderate the impulses of the masses. If trump gets elected, he will immediately face the meat grinder of separated powers just like every other president. T rump and Putin are already members of each others fan clubs so ww3 seems unlikely, and we survived aggressive, poorly planned military action recently. Hell, he could be good but given his break from the GOP I doubt he'll ever have a cooperative legislature like Obama did, we just have to get ready to remove all the gold leaf from the whitehouse in 4 years. Although... His ability to turn both the dems and gop against him could result in a good ole fashion impeachment.
2016-01-05 18:43:05 UTC
The reason why people don't like trump is for the fact that he goes with his gut. People are afraid of him being trigger happy and pressing the nuclear bomb button and bombing the whole world. People are also afraid with him and his mouth that we would loose alliances with nations. I am actually a supporter of Trump because I think we need a guy with a backbone. I think it is time to give the Middle East a lesson and bomb the place. This jihad has been going on for almost thousand years. We do need a stronger boarder in Mexico. A wall will help but we need to put radars underground to end tunnels. if the soviet made Berlin Wall impossible for people to cross, why can't we have a stronger border? As for the refugees, I think there can be a safe zone made in Syria. The true refugees don't want to leave their land. If Israel was possible with military force, why can't we make a safe zone in Syria? We need every nation to stand up and help in creating a safe zone in Syria and policing it.
2016-01-04 17:12:07 UTC
i understand the majority of people agree that trump would make an awfull president because he's not an actual politician, he's selfish, and he has said some pretty straight forward controversial and 'rude' things but i think that in a sense that's just what this country needs. all the blunt things he's said about illegal immigrants and refugees etc. is shocking, but i think for once america should only be concerned with ourselves for awhile... we've spent so long focused on helping others that we've forgotten what's most important; our own citizens and getting our own economy back on it's feet. Trump, being a businessmen could potentially help our economy improve.
2016-01-05 04:56:38 UTC
Trump is a moron and liar. Trump isn't rich, he's bankrupt. All of that money was given to him by his father. The man wants to get Mexico to pay for a wall on the Mexican-American border which Mexico isn't going to do and will ruin our country's relationship with Mexico. He's racist and he mocks and berates anybody who says anything bad about him, and retaliates with low blows. He's an idiot. If that man becomes president it will be a truly dark day in this country's history. If he wins I'm leaving. Moving to someplace where people have more sense than to elect a moronic racist imbecilic fool like Donald Trump. He's going to make the U.S. a laughingstock. He has to be stopped.
2016-01-04 09:11:03 UTC
Adolf Trump is just another control freak - even his own masters disavow him but have yet to work out (in a muddle democratic fashion) how to make him stfu.

Anyway, it's not my problem.

The best advice is to do it the British way - "ignore it and it will go away." In other words, if enough people stop giving Trump the floor, he'll wither on the vine. Well, that's the plan, so what are you all waiting for?
2016-01-03 20:05:07 UTC
When our country was founded, the elected officials were ordinary citizens that had jobs. When their term in office was through they went back to their professions. Their profession was not politics.

Donal Trump did not go to college to prepare himself to become a politician. He built his own wealth. Donald Trump is an "ordinary" citizen compared to a lot of the potential candidates that we have the opportunity to vote for.

While he may not have the tact or discretion that these career politicians do, there is a reason that he is the Republican front runner. People can get behind what he is saying. He is one of few people who is not afraid to speak truths. God forbid he become a politician that speaks truths. Oxymoron, anyone?

Political correctness continues to aid the downfall of this country. Our basic right to freedom of speech now comes with censors. That is why Trump is being chastised.

People may still be afraid to speak out, but Trump's numbers say they're listening.
2016-01-04 21:17:04 UTC
Trump is essentially what all of the racist Tea Partiers labeled Obama...He's a socialist exclusively working in the interest of the rich white man and scamming anyone that doesn't fit that category, but "chooses" to identify with that identity to artificially and superficially increase they're own self worth. To take a person like this and have them as the leader of the free world and the leader of the largest, most diverse nation in the world would be quite tragic.
2016-01-05 07:07:06 UTC
He doesn't have any plans to strengthen the nation, only outrageous social policies that will only cause damage. Additionally, the wall he intends to construct will put America in debt. By cutting off any trade with Mexico, that will also be less than desirable. He can't handle money either, he has declared bankruptcy many times in the past, and doesn't seem to have any sense of how his ridiculous spending will hurt us. His money was handed to him so he doesn't have any sense of what is needed by the middle working-class, nor any evident intention to help Americans thrive.

In short, Trump is a cancer. He has no sense of what he is doing, and is beyond ill-equipped to run a nation and be in such a position of power. His policies would cost America and destroy trading relationships, not a chance he will be anything but a disaster.
2016-01-05 12:46:46 UTC

First off he's a dictator. If you really want to be controlled by a communist republican who has been compared to Hitler, you can't be sane. This has to be a joke. Do you remember what Hitler did? Now think of that happening here.

Second, he's arrogant. Which means his head is not clear enough to handle major political, environmental, or global catastrophies. Do you really want a president who will let his love of power get in the way of the power of love?

Third, He's only in the running because he wants to be more powerful than you or any other American who has ever tried to achieve fame or fortune. He doesn't want to win president because he cares about oru country. It's just another trophy for him.

Don't be an idiot.

Vote Bernie, Vote Hilary, choose not to vote at all (yea I said it). Just vote anything before you vote this jerk. Vote Sasquatch for all I care. Just don't vote Trump.
2016-01-03 15:09:56 UTC
The problem here is that while Trump can get elected he won't be able to govern. If the GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak party runs the table with Trump or any of the 'front runners' in the White House none of their policies will prove out. The Party of No is like a dog chasing a car. If the dog catches the car the dog has no idea what to do with it. They may pass all kinds of laws that Trump or whoever signs, but the results will almost immediately disrupt commerce, tax collection, military matters, social services, scientific investigation and maintenance of essential infrastructure. Once chaos sets in China, Russia and the loons of the mid east will eat us alive.

These are seriously spooky times for this country. Elect these people and we WILL have a deep dish depression and serious unraveling of our social and physical infrastructure. When the people who intend to vote these characters into office discover how bad it will be for 'them' the backlash will be historic and possibly even violent.
2016-01-04 15:23:55 UTC
Trump will officially ruin america. Listen to what he says. He was born rich, he has no idea how most people would feel in America. He's solutions to many of are problems are idiotic. Some things are true, but most of the time he's just acting like a complete bafoon
2016-01-06 08:45:02 UTC
In my opinion Trump would bring turmoil to our country mainly because of his 'Mouth"! Most of the time he lets his mouth over ride his BUTT! and I'm saying this nicely. He is a rich self centered racist man that just wants to be in the limelight. He wants to be in control however if he becomes President he won't have the control that he thought he would have since Congress and the House rules the roost so do speak. He has insulted and disrespected so many people due to their religion or nationality why would anyone want a person as such to be President of our great nation that's just dumb! He has some good views but the balance isn't there as far as I'm concerned. Trump is a trouble maker he's already ticked off England to where as I understand isn't allowed to step foot in their country and he's made his well known statement on our friends in Mexico not too mention the Muslims so is this the man we want in the White House? I certainly don't!
2016-01-05 05:21:01 UTC
The reality is that the president can't do much without the approval of congress. However, if Trump actually won the presidency, it would mean that stupidity is so epidemic in the USA that we've taken to electing idiotic, blithering buffoons.

Of course, looking at certain other presidents we've elected, it might be argued that we have passed that point long ago.
2016-01-04 10:49:19 UTC
Because the world as we know it will cease to exist for women & children & a few men too, I'm sure of that.

Every right we now have as minorities & non- rich people, will be subjugated to the whims of the rich business owners like Trump. He's going to do more harm than good for the country. I'd take Bush back before I'd consider living under the Trump regime.

Posted by "Dee". Yahoo glitch is showing me as "?" .
2016-01-03 09:23:54 UTC
"Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrugde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe." Obmaa is a graet guy, graeter tahn the one who preecded him but not as graet as the one wlil suceced him.

Dmeocarcy is meerly an ilulison.

Yuor vtoe maens nohtnig.

Thnigs are alraedy dicieded for us.

Tehre can be no rsiks taekn.

Pueppts on a sitrng dacne to the codnucter's maigc wnad.

Sdie by sdie tehy dacne, all nihgt lnog.

It's tmie for a new consicounsses to awkean.

It has arleady beugn.

The awkeannig is hree.

The wrods of the rveolutionareis have neevr been herad more luodly.

The poets pen wrtie with ease in tiems of adeversity.

The sages' teahcnigs are underostod.

It's been far to long chilredn, litsening to thosee on stgae sellnig draems with one leg stcuk in the mud.

2016-01-05 05:01:47 UTC
Because they hope he'll be the Anti-Christ and will usher in the Rapture. (I'm not holding my breath.)

In truth, the US has created all the institutions for a nasty police state since 9-11. So far, not too many have been affected. But if someone as nutty and unrestrained as Trump controls the levers of power, the results could be quite bad for many Americans. His foreign policy would be a disaster, too.
2016-01-03 18:08:43 UTC
I think liberals are just butt hurt that Donald Trump is actually getting away with trashing thier media strong-hold and not only that but being praised by probably half the Republican Party for doing so.. And the fact that he is the republican front runner and the fact that there is a good chance he will win the Republican Party nomination and the fact that he will win the White House instead of Hillary Clinton joining the republicans in congress as they take total control of Washington for ten years and would then bring down the corrupt government enterprise that the democrats and thier liberal media have worked hard to create.
2016-01-04 21:43:25 UTC
I have a sneaking suspicion that Donald Trump is a closet liberal making fun of the entire political system (left and right, but mostly satirizing the right) just to prove the points that

1. Politics is nothing but a rich man's game and

2. The right wing is crazy and the crazier he talks, the more they love him.

He proposed a hefty tax on the rich to solve all of our nation's financial issues and was widely vilified by the right for it at the time. I doubt that such a deep-seated sense of social responsibility just evaporated in him; he could be playing the Republican party just to show them how ridiculous they look.
2016-01-05 13:32:52 UTC
They act that way because his presidency could very well change the political landscape as we know it. Say goodbye to the fifth column media, say goodbye to political correctness, say goodbye to our country going into debt, and jobs leaving the US. Theres a small group of elite in this country who covertly control everything and that is about to change as the vail continues to be lifted. Whoever the next president is, they will inherit a national debt that is impossible to pay off, a war torn middle east that was better 8 years ago, government agencies (IRS) that covertly spy on and attack their so called political enemies. Id rather have a successful business man than some guy who organized communities or the wife of a former president that has accomplished very little.
2016-01-04 17:36:04 UTC
A trump presidency would just give the rest of the world more to laugh about. No one with any real intelligence would vote for him.
2016-01-05 13:28:48 UTC
We'll have Obama for 8 years and amazingly the world is still here.

It will also still be here after a Trump presidency.
2016-01-05 07:52:07 UTC
For one to fear a Donald Trump presidency is justified, and rightfully so. The groups he targets with his bigotry believe that once he is in office, he will start making actual legal moves against them(along the lines of Jim Crow, for example, or the Chinese Exclusion Act). I have even known some folks that would consider him a North American version of Hitler.
Cassandra Harrell
2016-01-06 12:39:43 UTC
I think it's about time we had a president like Trump. People get so offended over the stupidest things. We need a president that doesn't care about offending people, because people these days are getting offended over something as small as a damn Starbucks coffee and whether you should say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas." I would like to see what he would do. He can't damage the country more than it already is thanks to Obama. (This is just my opinion. I'm sure many people would disagree and that's a okay!) :)
2016-01-05 11:47:12 UTC
He's saying a lot of the right things that nobody else has the guts to say, BUT... there seems to be a trace of "something" in him that I don't know if I'd want in the White House -- where decisions are made which very well could cause the end of the world.
2016-01-05 04:34:16 UTC
It takes more than loads of money to be successfull politician, let alone the president of the USA. His ways are those of a bloated baloon which is about to burst, he ain't really cool and he doesn't even think before he says something important. His are not ways of a diplomat, rather those of a clown and a very mediocre one at best...

America deserves and needs better than Trump !
2016-01-04 13:37:22 UTC
People tend to follow the media wisdom that political types are "working" for you. This campaign has proved that a man from the tough world of deal making actually does work. You should fear Trump if you like talk without action.
2016-01-03 18:45:44 UTC
It's mostly his attitude, especially him being a clinical megalomaniac. Though not the first, he is more driven by control over everyone because that's the personality he shows, and nothing about how much of a nice guy he is.

He's also stupid. He thinks he can stop ISIS from coming to the US by denying Muslims citizenship, and denying Muslim refugees. Not only he'll be committing hate crimes, not only he condemns hundreds of thousands to death because there might be a terrorist among them, but ISIS new battlefield in the US is the World Wide Web. The recruit online.
2016-01-05 12:14:45 UTC
If he wins or burns out, he has done something that few american leaders have done in the past 30 years.

He is fueling the desire to want to agree with him or turn there backs completely. Change is coming and he just speaking about so many people are scared to talk about.

He was blunt about females serving alongside males in the military.

He was blunt about building the wall. Deportation of illegal immigrants, not hard working Hispanic families that want to call there new home America. The right way. (Green card.)

He was blunt about Hillary Clinton who talks about woman's rights but in truth she will suck every once of morality that they have.

I am a evangelical Christian and would vote for him. WHY? Because just like a CEO of a large company or coach of a team. If he wants to become successful he has to surround himself with great leadership. He might have flaws but he has a clear purpose and a goal in mind. He will find those people and make it happen.
2016-01-04 20:15:33 UTC
Because most ordinary USA voters are people that

Trump supporters don't know very well. That was

also the case in 2008 and 2012. Isn't that correct ?
2016-01-03 21:11:23 UTC
It's because he said some really racist & controversial things. Plus, he doesn't listen to other people's side on anything and just judges people for no apparent reason. Nobody really wants a president like that.

If you like Donald trump, then by all means vote for him. I don't like what he's doing (because he hasn't apologized & said anything beneficial in my opinion) and that's why this year in November, he's not getting my vote. I'm not going to not vote for him based on what the liberals think of him, or what the conservatives think. I'm not voting for him because I don't trust him with our country. In addition, with someone in power like that, opportunities for minorities will continue to diminish rapidly (although it's already on a downslide) because of the way he enforces false stereotypes. All in all, I'm not voting for him. The end.
2016-01-03 09:25:52 UTC
Trump is a menace.

He was the son of a deadbeat atheist Marxist father and a Bohemian hippie mother.

And, then he was raised by a Muslim step-dad and even studied the Qu'ran in school.

And, then he was mentored by a Marxist and even went to Chicago to study community activism under the teachings of anarchist Saul Alinsky.

Trump was even best friends with a domestic terrorist whose organization built fragmentation bombs to kill cops.

And, then Trump went to a radical anti-American church that was run by a wackadoodle Reverend whose theology was based upon the Marxist teachings of Nicaraguan rebels.

What? Not Trump?

Obama that did all that?

Well then, never mind.
2016-01-05 20:30:13 UTC
Having trump as president is like having hulk hogan as Vice President.
2016-01-04 14:44:14 UTC
I could see WW3 happening if trump became the president. He'd wipe out isis and/or North Korea. This would provoke conflict throughout asia and the middle east. War would be inevitable
2016-01-06 09:07:51 UTC
Do you really want trumps hand on the button for the nuke after he's insulted almost everyone in the world nuclear war would happen in the blink of an eye
2016-01-05 13:35:01 UTC
Without Hillary in the house, it would be a disaster. Obama has been a great president, but Hillary is our redemption. Trump hates Muslims and wants to kick out all immigrants. He hates anyone who was not born and raised in the USA.
2016-01-04 13:58:33 UTC
Like any president he would follow his advisers but Trump's problem is he lacks the self control to not just spew out what he is thinking !
2016-01-05 15:49:47 UTC
exactly.It won't be the end of the world since trump will not be a president
2016-01-05 00:09:16 UTC
Learn how to 'read' / interpret situations. When 2 or more candidates run for high office and one of more of them makes over the top promises, or promises things we all would really want like stopping muslims invasions,then you know he will never be elected... and that is a why he makes those promises he knows he will never have to fulfill them. TRUMP WILL NEVER BE ELECTED PRESIDENT.
2016-01-04 11:57:25 UTC
People freak out over trump becoming president because he is a inhuman , racist, jerk. And I think people don't want their country represented by someone like trump
2016-01-04 14:20:10 UTC
It's the typical liberal media knee-jerk reaction: demonize anyone you disagree with and call them a racist. It's so very formulaic.

The best thing about Trump is that he pisses off the billionaires on the left (Soros, Buffet, Bezos) and on the right (Bass brothers), so he must be doing something right.
2016-01-05 12:03:48 UTC
We could stop the insane spending , We can enforce our borders , We can remove Government from interfering with our jobs and we can roll back some of the dramatic stupidity on the Health Care Reform. We can Negotiate treaty's based on benefits to both sides , We can fix the broken IRS and Attorney general offices , We can ratchet down the racism. We can fix our Corporate tax policy to attract business back to the US . We can stop spending our children's money and Maybe reduce Government interference in our daily lives .. Just saying
Cyber Gem
2016-01-05 05:30:02 UTC
Everyone has their reasons. Trump is just not fit for president, he thinks he's the boss in the everything.
2016-01-05 08:32:26 UTC
Because they don't understand Trump's point of view. They can't stand a drastic change after living this politcally correct environment for so long. America and the UK can only give give and give for so long until we are going to have to be cruel to be kind to save our natives!
2016-01-04 17:07:08 UTC
You seem to have a very blasé attitude to politics, as if it makes no difference who is in charge.

Do you not think that if a man who says he would have no problem with pushing the button on people he doesn't like is in charge of that button...that there is a very good chance it WILL be the end of the world.
2016-01-05 03:49:48 UTC
The rest of the world won't like dealing with such a loose cannon. Could be very dangerous for everyone on the planet. US needs to be very careful what they choose for a leader. It's terriying that such a person could get given so much power to influence the world, without my democratic input.
2016-01-04 20:02:02 UTC
1. He knows nothing about foreign policy.

2. He has insulted and alienated most of the rest of the world.

3. He has no respect for any domestic policy and thinks that the President is a dictator,

4. He is crude and vial human
2016-01-03 14:25:52 UTC
Great question, but from what he's said, he has a lot of very aggressive goals, Such as wanting a registry of muslims, deporting 11 million illegals, building a wall, etc.

He's also gone bankrupt several times.

In some regards he may be okay as a president, but a lot of his ideals would be really REALLY impactful in potentially negative ways.
My Baby!
2016-01-05 14:24:25 UTC
Because they are STUPID!!!! There is nothing to fear about Trump.....yes, he is not a politician but no one wants another establishment politician. I don't know about you but I am tired of working and seeing less of my paycheck while groceries are skyrocketing. We have to turn this country around and Trump is the only one able to do it. Yea, he may not be palatial to your feelings and bombastic but he means no harm. Make America Great Again is ALL that he wants to do! A true Patriot!!!!
2016-01-04 08:00:33 UTC
Because he is misquoted by people with left wing views. For example they say he is racist because of his recent comment that there should be a halt to muslim immigration into the USA. But people fail to point out that he actually added "until we find out what the hell is going on" meaning US Security staff buck up their ideas and start doing the job they are paid to do. Because he was concerned with proteting the people of America from Islamic terrorists who are said to be coming in as migrants to European countries with fake Syrian passports and then carrying out crimes including suicide bombings with intent to murder huge numbers in those countries and destroy the nation's heritage. What Trump said is equating to what Head of government in such countries as Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia have also said.
2016-01-03 09:54:53 UTC
Good question!

It is at times like these that we should remember what President Calvin Coolidge said to Ethel Barrymore at a dinner party:

"I think that the American people want a somber as* for a president. And I think I'll go along with them

Coolidge, of course, was talking about himself.
2016-01-04 12:44:08 UTC
Because he thinks in a way that will very likely end the world and if not throw us a couple hundred years back,and also the fact he has no real idea of the world,he thinks he has a tough child hood cause his dad gave him a loan of a million dollars!
2016-01-03 12:46:18 UTC
End of the World for current politics.
2016-01-04 15:56:30 UTC
Liberalism doesn't change God's law of marriage Our nation promoting fornication against God and you worry about Darth Trump
2016-01-07 02:20:46 UTC
Because he is a self centred bigot - and usually USA presidents are like him and come across as dumb, selfish and gun-ho. Obama is the first president that I actually think has a brain of his own - but he is being forced to act like a puppet and lives in a snow globe.
2016-01-05 18:18:07 UTC
Think of it as a nightmare coming true.. At first we all thought his racist ideas will be a fail, but now that we figured out that we were wrong, everyone's faces are now ( ಥـْـِـِـِـْಥ).. Hillary Clinton is a great leader, and we all at first would think she would win.. I personally support Donald Trump, so I'm just as surprised as you..
2016-01-03 09:22:40 UTC
7. We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who have entered Germany since August 2, 1914, shall be compelled to leave the Reich immediately.
2016-01-06 02:58:36 UTC
Because we have never had a leader with the capability to run our country like a successful business - $200 hammers anyone? What WOULD happen if we didn't loan money that would never be repaid only to have the same nations call our debt due and drop our international rating? If people were expected to gasp! work for their benefits? If bribes didn't work because our fearless leader didn't need the money?
Shianne Reitz
2016-01-06 18:44:00 UTC
While I envy his ability to speak his mind, I believe that sometimes you need a bit of "political correctness." He insults a new person every time he speaks, and I say they should just get over it. But, one of these days, he'll insult the wrong person. Someone with power. We don't need any more people hating us. We're already having trouble with the ones we have. We need someone in office who isn't as prejudiced as he is, or we'll have ten countries hating us within his first week in office.
2016-01-05 08:31:24 UTC
The president does not run the country. Big business does. The terrorists are fueled by big business. It is all a scam, in the name of big money. The military is not for defense. it is a money maker. Look at Vietnam. the US Military spent trillions and got it's *** kicked out of Vietnam , by a bunch of monkies.
2016-01-03 09:36:05 UTC
He wants to ban all muslims, he is extremely sexist, he wants to build a massive wall to keep mexicans out and he belives that global warming is a made up concept by the Chinese goverment. If he becomes president i bid good luck to any americans because he is a really bad politician, he couldnt last one minute without making Putin angry and starting a war. Plus, americans are complaining about Obama-care, good luck trying to survive without it
2016-01-06 08:11:40 UTC
The rich keep on with their cheap labour and the poor keep flooding to be badly treated, give the work of nation builders away to the nations that may pay poorer wages but have better sports like soccer which is truely international, you can't learn soccer in the U.S. and you can in Africa so the U.S., pay for mexicans to learn football there.
T Torres
2016-01-03 10:41:32 UTC
200 hundred rich families decide the election for us. The entire government is on Corp payroll. The fact that the media makes everything about race is the biggest joke ever. Politicians: think they are part an elite group of well deserving and smart individuals and everyone else is a peasant. Corp job outsourcing, abuse of visa program by companies is rampant and gun control is necessary as you don't want mental ppl buying 5000 rounds, Granade launchers and automatic machine guns, but I'm ok with gun ownership.
2016-01-03 13:41:02 UTC
he will be mediocre president just like bush. he will sell himself best at being mediocre . but as a president he will break all his promise, try to cooperate with congress and back stab the working class whites that put him in the white house.

you can't change a man who build a golden bathroom for himself ( with real gold ) because he wants the attention and think the rest of America should be first on his agenda. no. he will be the first on his agenda.
2016-01-04 18:14:56 UTC

Most liberals just took spelling in college and have no classes in Economics , Math, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Computers , Business

Even their Obama is just a dammed attorney thus a retard

Their famous Al Gore Failed out out of the University of Tennessee , so he took a job in his parents newspaper in Nashville as a Journalist ,,he was not even a real Journalist he was just given a job in his daddy's newspaper

he apparently did pass one spelling test in the 8th grade so he go that job with daddy
2016-01-04 11:33:58 UTC
Trump doesn't want to permanently ban anyone, only temporarily until the crises can be fixed. What's wrong with that?
Coop 366
2016-01-04 19:03:05 UTC
I don't know about it being the end of the world but we would be at war with England an France soon after he met with them.
2016-01-05 23:40:01 UTC
It seems that Trump does not have the mental stability to be president
2016-01-05 18:06:04 UTC
Because Donald trump is viewed as a joke.
2016-01-03 20:49:39 UTC
Don't freak out, seriously, they are just upset because he tells it like it is and not with the approved mainstream governmental voice. People are tired of the way the 'traditional" government works and welcome Trump because he provides an alternate 'outside' view.
2016-01-04 11:05:58 UTC
Trump will rule by executive pen, since all deals will be bad , and speed the devaluation of the dollar
2016-01-04 17:09:54 UTC
There are so many similarities between him and Hitler it is quite terrifying. I am not much of a political person but I see the power he has to manipulate people into actually believing racist stereotypes that we have been trying to defy for years and it's scary.
2016-01-03 19:01:42 UTC
People have forgotten what it is like to not have a mediocre president. 7 years of obama and most people think failure is the new normal. It really scares liberals to hear someone talk about winning.
2016-01-03 16:58:42 UTC
In essence it will be the end of the world for free stuff.

They will either have to work. Or starve. Its all on them.

And that for the past 7 years they have not had to deal

2016-01-04 02:37:39 UTC
Good on The DON for being damn great at stirring the pot and getting the nation talking and thinking about What if etc , If he was lucky enough to win (Highly unlikely) the Senate would censor him so all's good so yeah Cheers
2016-01-03 09:24:34 UTC
Its because people have been conditioned to accept only politicians as leaders of government; And that is being paranoid, as we have had great leaders in the past that came out of the private sector like General Washington, Abraham Lincoln to name two.
2016-01-06 00:48:06 UTC
Because its popular to act that way... Its politically correct to say Trump is racist and act like he is the devil (especially in liberal communities); but in reality; most of us dont really give 2 sh*ts, either way.
2016-01-03 10:53:23 UTC
The media twists and exaggerate his every word and write numerous articles a day, they manipulate people. They hear only what they want to and ignore the rest. For example, when a radical Islamist does something, they say their nationality only, recently a "Frenchman" decapitated his boss, put his head on display with Islamic flags around it. During Black Lives Matter, they never reported the full story of some of the incidents and how the suspect was committing crime or used other weapons, but said "unarmed", now usually media attention should make the cops go easier, but they kept claiming it was getting worse. They say very cliche and offensive things, and label him, but if conservatives said that, they would have been labeled numerous things. A time like this just calls a candidate like that, politicians have been doing what he been saying, but they just do it secretly. Multiple people are involved in making decisions, the president doesn't have full control, like I heard from Obama supporters.
2016-01-04 11:28:44 UTC
Trump will never be president. There are plenty of idiot voters in America, but not THAT many.
2016-01-06 23:38:27 UTC
liberal propaganda,, the federales number about 2,500k workers,plus I believe a few more ks contractor/1099s

a lot of them can count on cleaning out desks & lockers if when dt takes over

from our widda fingers to god's email inbox,if the last 2 midterms mean anything about the future,,the recent past is a predictor, I will put on my zep lp cd to when the levee breaks,hope n change may be on the way fellas
2016-01-06 05:42:23 UTC
he has extreme narcissistic personality disorder. he can never bring himself to admit a mistake. He tells you over and over again about his wealth and intelligence to hide his deep insecurities and possible self loathing.

That is why he has to call people childish names and resort to school boy name calling tactics. He sees everybody as either a "winner" or a "loser" and there is nothing in between. Seriously if any of you knew someone who only talked about themselves all day would you really be a friend with them or vote for them to lead the country?
2016-01-06 12:47:52 UTC
Because you'd be an arrogant and reckless imbecile the most powerful position in the world
2016-01-06 18:25:10 UTC
I like Trump and feel that many are used to the humdrum of Obama. As for the wall Trump proposes, it would be welcome. We can tell those moron abusers that Illegal means Knock it off and Get Out. They are Illegal and NOT Welcome!

I do think Trump is for the USA and working to make us "great again" as he plans.
2016-01-03 13:21:46 UTC
I think that all the destruction from Obama was far worse than what Trump would do.
Ozzie Klunk
2016-01-04 13:50:35 UTC
Not the end of the world, just the end of the world as you have known it. A better world.
2016-01-04 13:40:04 UTC
Those who hate the founder's republic can not tolerate having a man who follows the founders as a president.
Linda R
2016-01-05 10:15:32 UTC
Because they are afraid of the truth. Since Obama, has been in office, people have gotten so used to lies - they just don't know what to do when someone tells the truth.
2016-01-06 19:11:20 UTC
Because he's got billions of dollars that will go towards bribes to congress and 'all the right people' that will pretty much destroy democracy.

It's also because his hair is so big. It's full of secrets.
Master Infinity
2016-01-04 17:23:18 UTC
The same reason they think it would've been the end of the world, if Bush and Reagan got re-elected.
2016-01-06 03:10:47 UTC
Because people cannot accept who Trump really is.
2016-01-04 09:22:01 UTC
Because Trump is an idiot and he will bring about the collapse of society as we know it.
scott b
2016-01-03 09:21:37 UTC
Because it would probably be the end of the world if he was President.
2016-01-04 22:16:31 UTC
The way he insults people, I think that he is going to cause the world to hate Americans. We need a better representative for this country.
2016-01-03 21:24:03 UTC
Because of complete and utter lack of political experience in even the slightest amount, a history of being a laughing stock, and his having made money off of exploiting the government.
2016-01-05 03:24:20 UTC
I wish he was president. No more Muslims. They will be the cause of the worlds end.
2016-01-04 18:26:14 UTC
vote for trump. no it won't be the end of the world . don't lose any sleep or eat .
Morgan the pirate
2016-01-04 18:20:11 UTC
I think it would be terrible. One I have no problem with Mexicans in the u.s. one I love thick mexcican women and two I think trump is a bigot.
2016-01-06 12:27:38 UTC
Well he is being blunt and not kissing the proper backsides. You usually win elections by telling people what the majority want to hear even if you were lying through your teeth. He is going against conventional wisdom.
2016-01-03 20:17:28 UTC
I don't even know what Trump stands for other than himself.
2016-01-04 05:05:00 UTC
Trump has no idea of the consequences of his actions. His politics are purely knee-jerk reactions.
2016-01-04 17:10:34 UTC
Well the world has already ended circa 1995 and everything after that is merely afterglow.
2016-01-04 10:40:24 UTC
Probably because he treats the Muslims like Hitler treated the Jews. Just sayin'
2016-01-03 09:21:50 UTC
He might cut off their free ride, that would be as if the world ended for some.
2016-01-10 21:29:01 UTC
2016-01-06 11:03:25 UTC
As bad as Trump would be how could it be worse than Bush or O-Bam-a? Man I thought nothing could be worse than Bush wrong again.
2016-01-05 11:13:52 UTC
Probably because he has conservative values and wants to make some harsh changes in this nation that would leave the illegal immigrants and lazy a$$ food stamp hogs in a sticky situation.
parochial school graduate
2016-01-03 09:29:43 UTC
I agree, the president does not really have much power and if we had one that did get too far out of hand it might get Congress off their dead arses. So it could be a good thing.
2016-01-05 13:42:07 UTC
Because nobody likes it but the world is not going to end xd
2016-01-04 17:24:29 UTC
They are programmed too. Also Trump hit all of their pre-programmed hate-response trigger words and phrases.
2016-01-04 10:55:25 UTC
This is simple, he is old fashioned. He believes women do not belong in the workforce, he believe women are not equal to men. He believes that we as a human being are not of any value. So why is it horrible for him to be in office? ask the 10K + single moms in America who he would deny aid or help cause we are women.
2016-01-04 03:57:41 UTC
Ok then, so electing a racist zenophobe president ISN'T the end of the world? Ok then. Sarcasm.
2016-01-04 07:50:32 UTC
trump becoming president means bad ties with saudi arabia as he mentioned his hatred for muslims. saudi arabia and us becoming enemies will lead to all hell breaking lose all over the world
2016-01-03 16:03:40 UTC
Probably because he talks a lot and may say some upsetting things about Russia or China and may start a war
2016-01-03 13:16:16 UTC
Because people in general haven't got a clue what's happening in their own back yard let alone the country they live in. They see Trump as a Multi-Billionaire Rich man and that's all they see,they believe the media's lie's and the democratic criminals party that's destroying this country's morals and values instead.
Karo Miyuki
2016-01-03 18:26:35 UTC
I think you'll find Canada would be looking for ways to put some ocean between them
2016-01-06 01:25:01 UTC
Because half the people in the US love drugs and are Mexicans. They're angry and want their family here.
2016-01-03 21:02:47 UTC
Well all I can say is that he just cares about himself and he just wants the power and money. He really doesn't know what he's doing honestly... he's also extremely sexist and racist.
2016-01-05 16:29:02 UTC
Well some people have said the anti-Christ will come from an island and so will his herald. Hawaii and Long Island. are islands- just saying!
2016-01-04 06:28:38 UTC
Trump is not a God
2016-01-05 13:23:58 UTC
I would like to say thank you to Destiny kings Loan finance for all the things they have helped me with. I have a large family, and every time we have had a crisis Destiny kings Loan finance has helped us out. I thank God for the help they have provided to me and my family,email them today at {

2016-01-04 07:23:04 UTC
Liberals do not like Trump because he is heterosexual.
2016-01-04 14:14:49 UTC
It wouldn't. We have had a lot of incompetent Presidents and our system is pretty resiliant.
2016-01-04 17:50:29 UTC
No idea. Quite frankly the Americans could pick just about anyone and they would be better than Obama.
2016-01-05 01:08:15 UTC
Because he doesn't know what he is doing and doesn't know how to run a car let along a country
2016-01-05 00:50:01 UTC
I think he would be absolutely crazy and scary as president. Seriously, you need to give this some thought.
2016-01-05 14:49:05 UTC
what in hell is going on in our free countries ?We must be more courteous to outsiders ,even if it's definitely not going to be reciprocal !!!That is DUMB political correctness . Why don't our governments take care of us first and to hell with the outsiders unless they behave !
2016-01-04 08:39:27 UTC
Just like liberals hate truth, they hate anybody who is hard working and honest. (hence) TRUMP.
2016-01-05 22:45:54 UTC
He runs his mouth too much. He addresses things in a manner that not only disrespects people, but generalizes them as well.
2016-01-03 13:20:09 UTC
Only left wingers, drive by media, PC idiots, and progressive liberals - he'll win, like it or not!
2016-01-04 16:06:22 UTC
Because he has no concept of politics, is offensive, does not know how our political system works, has an alien on his head that sucked his brain out.
2016-01-05 05:43:26 UTC
Better than having that pervert and sex offender Clinton back in the white house.
2016-01-07 16:47:57 UTC
Because he has no experience and hes over confident and dumb. But honestly he is the average american so it makes sense why his polls are so high the average american is an over confident stupid person.
2016-01-05 10:27:56 UTC
Because the liberal live muslims and live in a fantasy world
2016-01-05 03:52:42 UTC
Clinton, Obama, fairy tale unicorn rainbow! The rest of the world wants to destroy us you poppies!
2016-01-05 20:05:02 UTC
No one ever went broke supporting voters in the USA.
2016-01-03 09:36:55 UTC
I don't think you have any idea of what the president does. Please watch the first season of The West Wing on Netflix.
2016-01-03 15:34:38 UTC
This tends to happen every election.. People love drama
2016-01-03 09:24:07 UTC
since they have relied on the democrats to let them feed at the government teat they have no idea of what America being great is like
2016-01-03 15:33:51 UTC
You are so right! It would NOT be "the end of the World" at all.....just the end of the United States of America....
2016-01-03 10:08:27 UTC
It wont be the end of the world
2016-01-04 17:47:41 UTC
Because they're brainwashed by the liberal mainstream media.
Unspoken Truth
2016-01-04 03:21:49 UTC
It is because is gets what is wants and is straight forward with everything. He does not really bother what other people think
2016-01-05 18:56:26 UTC
He doesn't seem professional enough to be president.
2016-01-05 00:59:53 UTC
Becuase he had a small loan of a million dollars
2016-01-05 18:19:35 UTC
Because people misinterpt things
2016-01-05 04:59:08 UTC
Probably because he ripped his wife's hair out in a fight
2016-01-04 21:03:21 UTC
It definitely will be the beginning of the end.
2016-01-05 07:07:27 UTC
2016-01-07 04:07:31 UTC
Because he will start giving small loans of a million dollars out.
2016-01-03 17:23:15 UTC
BeCause it will do you not see the way he acts. I like him but he is very crazy!!
2016-01-06 23:50:03 UTC
Mostly because of the weird stuff he says. crazy talks makes people wonder.
2016-01-03 13:01:50 UTC
He is a sexist, racist horrible person with pedophillic thoughts about his daughter, what do you think he is other than a awful man?
Art G
2016-01-05 22:42:04 UTC
If either Clinton or Sanders wins USA is cooked WELL DONE !
2016-01-05 09:44:10 UTC
donald trump is a ****** hustler, hes out here sayin what he feels and ****, ya'll haters leave him alone
2016-01-05 07:58:36 UTC
it will not be the end of the world ..But close.
2016-01-05 11:54:29 UTC
People fear the free ride is over
2016-01-03 16:08:10 UTC
Liberals fear truth.They fear a president with principles and courage,most of all they FEAR any politician they can not control !
2016-01-03 21:48:58 UTC
Only the liberals are saying that. They are saying it for propaganda purposes, and they are not backing it up with any facts.
2016-01-06 13:00:19 UTC
ideas make the world go-round
2016-01-03 09:22:06 UTC
This may help
2016-01-05 09:41:51 UTC
Because it would be the end of freedom.
2016-01-06 08:41:58 UTC
cause it is lol

trump needs to be thumped :D
2016-01-03 09:25:30 UTC
He is a moron and would be a danger to the whole world.
2016-01-04 02:40:59 UTC
His attitude and when he said don't let my kind into the u.s
2016-01-04 19:19:38 UTC
Donald Dump'd be dodgy.. I doubt he would do .. After "Dubya" I would hope they had learned their lesson.
2016-01-03 15:51:20 UTC
He is rude and racist. He also have a bad mouth. HE WOULD DRILL THIS COUNTRY TO THE GROUND (worst than george bush).
2016-01-05 21:26:29 UTC
He certainly could not do worse than Barack Obama!!!!
2016-01-03 14:12:38 UTC
What world are you living in, nobody in their right mind is saying that.
2016-01-07 17:17:31 UTC
His mouth will get us into a war
2016-01-04 19:39:22 UTC
Because they have an opinion
2016-01-04 18:07:16 UTC
i think its because it would mean that the dems cant get the illegals votes anymore
2016-01-03 15:37:34 UTC
Only stupid people act that way.
2016-01-05 13:03:44 UTC
Just asking this question indicates you are uneducable.
2016-01-04 07:05:31 UTC
I don't really know.
2016-01-05 09:08:25 UTC
because he's ******* crazy and will destroy the entire poor and middle class.
2016-01-04 03:33:04 UTC
No bcz terrorists have no religion
2016-01-04 22:25:57 UTC
Because he sucks
2016-01-05 07:18:23 UTC
because hes stupid and doesnt know what hes doing

simple as that
2016-01-03 20:43:34 UTC
He's an idiot
2016-01-06 13:15:31 UTC
Because of his attitude.
2016-01-03 17:51:22 UTC
Trump is retarded.
2016-01-04 20:23:38 UTC
He's an idiot. And an azzhole
2016-01-03 22:54:03 UTC
Because he has some stupid ideas
Weasel McWeasel
2016-01-04 14:02:25 UTC
It wouldn't be..............but it's simply not happening , either.
2016-01-03 09:21:47 UTC
there afraid of the unknown
2016-01-04 13:18:32 UTC
because we dont want to go back to our homeland
2016-01-03 13:47:42 UTC
hes crazy
2016-01-04 11:24:32 UTC
Because it very well might be.
2016-01-04 10:56:11 UTC
Just might be
2016-01-06 19:05:00 UTC
He is the spawn of Satan.
flying dutchman
2016-01-05 19:13:52 UTC
because they are blind to the dangers surrounding them!
2016-01-05 00:38:06 UTC
because its politics nobody is right ever
im awsome
2016-01-03 19:54:19 UTC
He is a busssinessss mun!?!?! vut is all wrong with america?!?!??!
2016-01-07 06:26:52 UTC
Not really sure
Tyler J
2016-01-05 15:01:28 UTC end of story!!!
Shirley A
2016-01-06 10:31:26 UTC
Because it would be!
2016-01-05 16:53:22 UTC
Because he is a dumbass
2016-01-03 09:36:00 UTC
NO SHORTAGE OF STUPID PEOPLE / VOTERS , Democrat or Republican ... ROFL, yet , sadly , true :( !
2016-01-04 17:20:50 UTC
he is strong.his critics are weak
2016-01-04 18:51:52 UTC
Because it will be.
2016-01-05 22:14:39 UTC
It is
2016-01-04 17:38:46 UTC
Because he is a racist man...
2016-01-04 14:29:02 UTC
Because it will be.
2016-01-04 06:17:51 UTC
he would help usa so
2016-01-03 09:21:58 UTC
Liberals are retarded
2016-01-05 00:58:08 UTC
Midas The Ruler.
2016-01-04 17:50:20 UTC
2016-01-04 22:24:42 UTC
because it will
2016-01-03 22:15:04 UTC
He is the new hitler
2016-01-05 15:35:44 UTC
cause he is racist, rude and childish.
2016-01-05 18:03:02 UTC
Som De e
luis l
2016-01-05 01:04:41 UTC
2016-01-03 09:32:05 UTC
wont happen
2016-01-03 16:21:17 UTC
it would me
2016-01-04 16:21:44 UTC
Go Steelers !!!!!!!!!!
2016-01-06 06:10:28 UTC
Because he has fugly hair. LMFAO x""""""""""""""""DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
2016-01-04 08:17:03 UTC
IDK but I think he would be a great, awesome and outstanding POTUS!
2016-01-04 06:57:09 UTC
2016-01-03 20:14:12 UTC
2016-01-03 09:43:08 UTC

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