I really don't think he'll be elected, so I have a hard time taking him seriously.
There are several reasons why he would make a terrible president, though. One, he's deliberately insulted Mexicans and Mexico, a rather large country on the southern US border whose attitude is fairly important to us. He also seems to be saying really reckless and offensive things about Muslims, and if he were POTUS, there's a risk that his remarks would make us into the favorite enemy of 1.3 billion or 1.6 billion Muslims living in dozens of different countries around the world -- in some cases, Muslims who are sitting on top of the world's largest supply of oil.
It would be insane for a president of the US to make enemies of the world's Muslims, as a group. It would be bad for our military security and bad for the security of our future oil supply.
2. Trump also seems to be doing what he can to appeal to the worst, most self-destructive, most reckless and thoughtless emotions of white American men -- by saying stupidly offensive things about women, for example, by casting doubt on Obama's US citizenship, and by whipping up hatred against immigrants. This is potentially destructive to the "domestic tranquility" as well as the legal and political stability of the United States, and no president should be doing that.
3. More generally, Trump seems to love the political spotlight and to be willing to say almost any fool thing that pops into his mind in order to keep that spotlight focused on him. If he were President of the United States, there would be no predicting what he was going to say or do.
That would make for wonderful entertainment -- the mass media would love a Trump presidency, just as they love Trump's campaign for president, because he has a talent for making news -- by being stupid and reckless, if nothing else works.
There's no way that the President of the US, no matter who it is, should be perceived as stupid, reckless and unpredictable by the rest of the world. It would be a great way for the United States to lose good friends and make bad enemies, and also a way to get people who are neither are friends nor our enemies to laugh at us, out of pity.
These are 3 reasons why Trump probably will continue to be a great TV personality, and a money-making one. But you don't elect the class clown to be the class president. In a deck of cards, you don't want to mistake the Joker for the King. Trump is Joker material.
-- democratic socialist