How will Obama help this country?
the first issue is the economy, the unemployment rate is now 5.5 percent. Price of gas and food had gone up and people who do not make a lot money are suffering.
* in one city alone there is more than 600 houses in foreclosure because the government doesn't support the people. Many lobbist in Washington are part of the problem. The lobbist in the the Republican party are in the interest of the elite, people who owns oil companies, pharmaceutical comp. The lobbist do not want to pay a lot tax, so the middle class is suffering because they have to pay more tax than the rich.
3, college is expensive and the loans companies are making money on the students.
4. Healthcare and insurance is a problem, many people can't afford insurance, especially low income familes.
5, the war, it takes 10 billion per month to stay in Iraq.
The politics in Washing ton needs to be fixed and the middle class families needs to get a break from paying Higher taxes than the rich. Senator Obama says that these are the problems that the county face. I believe that with the help of senator Clinton and other democrats, the problems such foreclosure, health insurcance, saftety and the costly war will be resolve. but they have to clean up the mess first. I believe the democrats will bring changes because they are in the interest of the people, not in the insterest of the lobbist or the elite or the oil industries. They can bring changes in many people's life who are now suffering.
Today, the republicans vote against a bill that will help lower the cost of gas for the Americans consumer because they make a lot profits. Also, they have business with lobbyist, According to yahoo, 93% of Mc Cain funds come from lobbyist.