There is no reason not to vote for Hilary Clinton.
She wants to raise taxes, yes she does but someone has to, becuase of Bush we might a recession, the country is 13 trillion dollars in debt, and yet people bash the Clintons, there was no debt when Clinton was in Office.
So its either raise taxes or this country will be a 3rd world country in like 50 years, there is no choice one must raise taxes. And Who should it be rather then the republicans or rich that caused it, becuase of their war.
Someone else said socialized health care, whats wrong with that. She didn't say no health care, Look there are about 50 million families struggling to pay for health care. As well as the new immigrants taking health care from those who pay for it.
You see our policy is help first, then pay later, but you see a immigrant can get the help but dip out on the pay, and with her plan, that wont happen anymore.
Hilary is 30x the president Bush will ever be, I'm not voting for her, but its either Obama or her, NO REPUBLICANS, THEY MESSED UP THIS COUNTRY ENOUGH!!