How do you feel about Obama's win?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you feel about Obama's win?
278 answers:
2008-11-04 22:33:15 UTC

i am over the moon


im in australia which is quite near singapore as you know. i think that obama will bring a new way of looking at the world.

once that DINGBAT bush is outta the oval office

maybe some good will come to the world once again

we can all breathe a sigh of relief.
2008-11-04 22:29:27 UTC

This is really happening, I dnt ever want to wake up!

America's majority is becoming one!!!

2008-11-04 22:29:14 UTC

singapore is an authoritarian state.
2008-11-04 22:28:08 UTC
Congrats to Obama
2008-11-04 22:31:39 UTC
2008-11-04 22:30:05 UTC
I feel freaking AWESOME
2008-11-04 22:29:06 UTC
I just can't explain how I feel! But All I can say is that I'm so happy!! and I will have him all night in my prays....
2008-11-04 22:29:56 UTC
Obama deserves it.

Congrats Obama.
2008-11-04 22:29:11 UTC
I feel Proud and Accomplished and I will go back tomorrow Doing my things, so watch out all.

Obama is our Next President
2008-11-04 22:30:10 UTC
I am proud for Americans in general. I hope he's the medicine America needs. He is our Abraham Lincoln. Our JFK. He is something millions can believe in and look up to. He is the American dream. He is our next President. We should join hands, whether red or blue, to unite these states of America. We need to Unite America where it has begun to unwind with political disunity. Republican, Democrat - it doesn't matter. The dreams and hopes of millions are the same. If it takes McCain, then so be it. Obama has won, though, and I will support my president when he is elected in office. I believe some are just mislead, sore losers. McCain's defeat speech was very well executed. God Bless America.
2008-11-07 06:11:37 UTC
I feel great!!! I don't even live in America!!!!

I think having Obama as the President will put all that racism **** at bay and everyone will love America again. Martin Luther King's dream has come true!

Singapore seems to be building a strong link with Barack Obama already! This Wednesday Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long Wednesday congratulated Barack Obama on being elected the 44th president of the United States. Citing the challenges ahead, Lee made a case to president-elect Obama for the importance of South-East Asia to the United States.

"The US has many friends and many interests in this region, which is happily not a problem region for the US," said Lee.

"We can keep it that way. An ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) with strong ties to the US will help to keep the peace in the Asia-Pacific," he said.

Lee pointed out that US-Singapore relations are excellent, underpinned by a Strategic Framework Agreement on security matters and a Free Trade Agreement.

"You can count on Singapore as a friend and partner," added Lee.

People in Singapore will gain many benefits from Obama! I really think Obama has stepped in at the right time.... when people really want Bush out!!
2008-11-05 19:28:40 UTC
There is a feeling of expectancy that good things will result from an Obama win. But these are very perceptual at the moment. I think it is also too early to say what impact his or even McCain's (had the latter won the presidential elections) have on Singapore. Let's wait for the euphoria of the win to subside and the unraveling of both home as well as foreign polices by the president elect. before forming an opinion.
2008-11-05 07:54:04 UTC
I think that the United States will have more support from all over the world as Obama as the president. This year's election has been special and meant a lot to people all around the world as Obama was a running candidate. It has brought on a lot of attention to people who were not even interested in the U.S elections before. I feel that with Obama as the President things will change tremendously from the Bush administration which only had an agenda with the middle east. The Bush administration also did not help much the people of the United States and the rest of the world because of the War. Millions of people have suffered and died from this and I know Obama is different. He actually cares for what he is doing.
2015-11-08 14:41:31 UTC
This year's election has been special and meant a lot to people all around the world as Obama was a running candidate. It has brought on a lot of attention to people who were not even interested in the U.S elections before. I feel that with Obama as the President things will change tremendously from the Bush administration which only had an agenda with the middle east. The Bush administration also did not help much the people of the United States and the rest of the world because of the War. Millions of people have suffered and died from this and I know Obama is different. He actually cares for what he is doing.
2008-11-08 04:46:51 UTC
I'm an American living in Singapore, I've been here since July '07. I'm extremely happy and relieved Obama was elected president. His motives for America are good and he's what America needs right now. I'm very proud of the Americans who campaigned hard for him and the new voters who felt like they had a voice and voted. Obama did that to a lot of people, he inspired people and made them believe they had voices and that they can be heard if they all joined together. A lot of states who normally voted for Republicans voted for him, that says a lot. Well, I'm over the moon about all this and I can't wait until he makes some changes. I think his presidency will affect the world in a sense that people will become more open minded and learn many things from him. It would be hard to miss his big heart and charisma also.
2016-02-10 08:57:14 UTC
There is a feeling of expectancy that good things will result from an Obama win. But these are very perceptual at the moment. I think it is also too early to say what impact his or even McCain's (had the latter won the presidential elections) have on Singapore. Let's wait for the euphoria of the win to subside and the unraveling of both home as well as foreign polices by the president elect. before forming an opinion.
Sean T
2008-11-06 07:18:08 UTC
It is GREAT to have the CHANGE definitely! We do not wish to lose more US soldiers and sons and daughters in the IRAQ wars and we need to put the US Government and Economy back into shape. We definitely need some masterful hands to put the US back onto track as the world's superpower (regardless of natural disasters or man-made disasters in the stock markets!!).

What we definitely need are continual changes for the better, and the best possible directions that the US Government could take for a complete turn around of the present state of affairs and of things to come.

Singapore and the rest of the world, including Japan and Europe, will benefit much when the US are back on track to its past glory and prosperity.

We have liked the way that the Americans have worked towards keeping peace and harmony around the world, and for helping the economy to grow vibrantly in the past - and we know that they will be able to do it once again cos' these are very resilient people that we are talking about and we have faith in them.

So, God Bless America and their new President! Hurray!!!

6.11.08 - thur - 11:09 pm - Singapore
Irvin R
2008-11-06 06:57:40 UTC
The electtion of Obama WILL HAVE ABSOLUTELY LITTLE OR NO IMPACT ON SINGAPORE. The US president has alot of his own country's problems to contend with and ameliorate; the economy and the job losses being among them. So, because Singapore is not ready or willing to allow what happened in the states to happen here, then a black, freely elected US president will not be able to impact any aspect of Singapore government control or rule.

Singapore's government and the city state has to become more democratic and start allowing freedom to the people and not curtail free speech by anyone who is in the country, including Americans and other foreigners. Maybe, once the Singaporean government embraces true democracy, they will not be seen as so restrictive and controlling for fear of losing their lucrative government positions!!!

Fear by Singaporean leaders controls Singapore and the greed for money and prestige keeps those in governent from ever allowing a true deomcratic spirit from ever ruling in Singapore. Otherwise there also could be a black leader in Singapore and more acceptance of other peoples of all races and languages in government.

Until Singapore understands that rule by the people and for the people is the door to true democracy and freedom, no country or president will ever give more than lip service to Singapore. The world needs more countries like the USA, were anyone, from any race and culture, language or religion can be elected to the highest office in the land.

Come on Singapore, let go of power and greed and embrace true democracy!! Then and only then will presidents and leaders recognise Singapore on the world stage as a legitimate and equal member of our global multicultural democratic society. Once Singapore develops an open and transparent government, then and only then can any leader have an impact on the city state of Singapore.
2008-11-06 06:36:11 UTC
Firstly Congratulations to the elected President Mr B Obama. I am deeply moved by the way the people of America have acted in choosing Mr Obama. My heart tells me that he is a good man.He will listen, digest and analyze before making decisions. In his delivery on the day of election after winning, I cannot help noticing the way he coined the words to let the citizens of United States of America know that they have to belief in themselves before believing in him. The phrase Yes We Can - will now be implemented as Yes We Will make that change USA has been waiting for. It was indeed a very historical moment to hear the victory of this wonderful person. From the way he spoke, one can tell that he is not a egoistic person. He projects care and love in the way he smiles. There is a magnetism in him that will surely bring about miracles to the country. Surely he is not going to do it by himself. There will be his team of men in the White house who will standby him to put into practice all that he had promised the citizens of USA. I have no comments on the impact it will have in Singapore. Sorry if my grammar is not up to the standard.
2008-11-05 17:58:11 UTC
Firstly I think Mr Obama will further convince the Americans that as a non-white or should I say 50%white & 50%black American President he will try his level best to formulate a workable local and foreign policies that can truly make a different to USA and the world at large.

If he succeeds in his policies the result will be definitely strengthen the bond of the white and black.

As for Singapore the impact is not that obvious as all the long we work well with the former and incumbent President of America.
2008-11-06 09:24:25 UTC
Not a major concern as the government always sucks up to the US. Then say that they are non-dependant on the US by investing in Asian economies. If this is so why are we in an economic turmoil. Billions in Asian economies also seem to be sinking.......

A major impact would be for Mr Obama to to re-locate US military facilities and support Units out of Singapore. The numbers are minute yet the implications are major. Same if US Naval fleets and support craft bypass Singapore and use Thailand namely Pattaya etc.instead for their R and R.

Berthing and/or locations of the support Units considerations could go to Indonesia after all he grew up there and knows the the people. Not to mention the cost is cheaper. May even re-think Vietnam in Cam Ranh Bay. Vietnam war over, now forgotten and again cheaper. Philippines is a joke not considered. Malaysia and Thailand main problem no deep water berthing facilities.

This would be a good idea for him to consider and keep lion city on her toes to be a true democracy not a puppet one managed by a single entity.
2008-11-06 02:42:59 UTC
I followed the US election diligently at CNN. I was one of the millions of Obama supporters who celebrated his historic win. First and formost, I agree with his plan to initiate a dialogue with the leaders whom GW Bush consider as members of the "axis of evil". I believe that conflicts and war can be resolved not by using force but by using more diplomatic means. Perhaps the time has come when the issues and conflict in the Middle East can have a solution. I personally feel that the conflict between Palestine and Israel which has been going on for years should be settled because in doing so there will be a concerted effort to achieve PEACE in the world. I also believe that Pres Obama will have the support of people who are experts and the best in their field to advise and assist him in finding stability in the US economy. Once the US economy becomes robust again then and only then will the countries affected like Singapore will also begin to recover and be progressive. The US after all is still and will remain to be the most influential economy in the world.
FAITH is coming
2008-11-05 10:21:46 UTC
Regards to the win of new President Obama ,

the fact for the economy will grow better . that is the plus point in recent crisis of recession (in Singapore as well) . Results will be increasing slowly but better rising for world good economy

Most of all , this President will be bring the peace with the other Nations especially understanding the root of unnecessary war !!! He will create close ties with global leaders . That is what we all want to see , and the impact should be joy to all of us .

Keep going president and do your best as what you have promised the people on your speech!!
ace kindred
2008-11-05 09:13:53 UTC
I am very glad that Obama has been elected as the 44th President of the United States.Not only that, United States will go down in its history for having a first black President.I am sure that Obama will be able to lead US of A back from poverty to prosperity.

I also believed that a prosperous US is good for the world.I also believed that Obama will be one who will encourage business rather than finding ways to create wars like the former president which i consider his leadership style as "Cow Boy Diplomacy".

I am looking forward to Obama visit as 44th President of the United States or POTUS to Singapore.I am disappointed that former and 42nd President Mr Bill Clinton did not visit Singapore during his tenure as President.

I believed Singapore and America will have a better relationship under Obama leadership in many aspect such as in business, exchange of ideas, and many others
2008-11-06 20:26:30 UTC
Congratulations to Obama!

Direct impact, perhaps not. But soon, the impact will come in. Globalisation is real and of course we will be affected. Singapore has close ties with the US so if the economic confidence is not present, our local economy suffers too. It is such a great challenge for the new president who is not only making history as being the first black president, but also part of history in economic terms.
2008-11-05 18:27:54 UTC
Victory for meritocracy, liberation for racial minorities, hope for justice and democracy and an even bigger hope with anticipation for world peace and progress. My prayer is that Obama will be able to shoulder the tremendous burden thrust upon his shoulders. He has proven his ability to win trusts through the election. I'm sure he'll be able to live out to the trusts. The economy will pick up in about a year or so and prices of necessities will eventually go down with an increase in pay packets especially among the working class. My children will have a smooth upbringing with no gluts due to war or economic sanctions. When good things happen in great nations then the positive repercussions will be felt all over the world. I feel good about Obama's win and I think more of us feel the same way too.
2008-11-05 01:55:53 UTC
Well, Obama has mentioned that he promotes protectionist policies, which would not be very good news for other countries' economies as they might lose out on a viable market in the US. This would naturally include Singapore, of course. Thus from an economic point of view, Obama being elected isn't really very advantageous.
2008-11-07 21:36:39 UTC
Winning of Obama doesn't make any clear and specific difference for the rest of the world since policies of America will be more or less same. America is only doing bad things to other countries. They have created terrorism, they have developed terrorism. Still they taking it along with them, even they blame others for terrorism. Americans are still "frogs in the well". Even the people of America called Mr. Obama, terrorist since his father is a Muslim. They only think what happens in America. They dont know anything what America does outside. In India, also, I strongly belief that the bomb explosion has the back ground support of CIA. I hope at least dirty things what America does to other countries may be reduced, but not sure.
2008-11-07 04:44:29 UTC
I dont feel really good bout it. Firstly he wants to retreat the war in Iraq and Afhganistan which allows the Talibans or other terriost group to reform again.Secondly hes spreading the wealth and increasing tax rates for those that are richer. Then who the hell wants to be rich. Everyone will then be lazing around cause the wealth is being spread if you get what i mean. Ah OOObaammmaa. Wander whats going in his mind. Like McCain said Americans makes history and not run away from history! . Impacts on singapore ? Well wait and see..
2008-11-08 06:41:42 UTC
I admired and congratulate him,Mr. Obama. Obama as a new President should not have any negative impact on Singapore as a whole.Singapore has an established trustworthy friendship and partnership with America. Changes are only technically required to administer adjustment. On the impact of ethical minority in Singapore, Obama success may only act as small catalyst to encourage more younger citizens to participate politics. American system and society is rather different from Singapore.
2008-11-06 07:36:55 UTC
It's about time the blacks in America has something to rejoice about. I was in South Carolina before and I was sad to see a lot of discrimination against them from the whites. Hopefully, in due course, the blacks will be given more respect.

His journey through his term will be rocky, being the first black President. I am sure many Americans will feel the same way.

The Americans need a younger leader, something for a change. Obama has impressed us in his speeches, let's hope he does what he had promised to his people. If he is able to turn the economy around, the world will benefit too.
Sha T
2008-11-05 22:27:12 UTC
Congrats to OBAMA!! An also to all the Americans you've made the right choice. I nearly cried..... It is about time that changes should be made. Only the cruel & cunning people will not support Obama...

He Obama have experience a great deal in life as he came from a humble beginning I am sure he can make a great difference not only to America basically the world.

2008-11-05 18:17:51 UTC
One thing for sure is that he is a God chosen representive for the people in this world whose dream of being a President of the US since young age had been approved & fulfilled.

Hence, whatever is the impact if not only to Singapore, Asean or to the whole world, there's a cause for a better change.
2008-11-05 03:00:15 UTC
I think it tells us that racism gets less and less and people become more educated and the world becomes more globalised.

If Obama carries out all he promises, then it will be a great change for the world because America is a world leader, like it or not. So if he goes green etc, the environment will totally be saved. Same with the economy if he can come up with a solution and stick to it.

And of course, it will affect the whole world, including S'pore.
2008-11-05 05:55:39 UTC
Obama winning says A LOT about the American public. How far they have come as a nation from their days of segregation and racism to embracing an african-american as their president. It is also a time for change. The world will be watching.

As for me, I am glad that America is showing the world that it is possible to put aside the issue of race, language and religion for the better good. It reaffirms what Singapore stands for all along. That when it comes to race - it is mind over matter.

Personally, I believe that the newly-elected president of USA will be able to deliver his promises given time and support. All he needs now is a team of capable people behind him. Congratulations Mr President!
2008-11-05 04:34:01 UTC
I agree that history has been made. However, I wonder if too much hope is being placed on one person. From all the hype that I have seen/heard, it seems that people have a lot of expectations for an Obama presidency.

I don't think US policy will change too much towards Singapore.
2008-11-05 04:12:41 UTC
IMO, i felt relieved that its all over cos this is the start of the answer to whether the change is really coming. The key now is : what is step forward? How to bring US to the next level or to as what the president envisages? Now its how to improve its current situation without compromising the established stands with the other countries.

As for Singapore, i dun think there is much impact even for the political stands between the 2 nations.
2008-11-04 23:12:00 UTC
I'm delighted that Mr Obama is the 1st African-American president.Though I'm myself is not an American but I can't express my profound happiness to Mr Obama families & himself.

To the Americans people whom had already judged Mr Obama even before he steps into the White House then I suggest you re-evaluate back your statements.You can judge a book by its cover by not a human by its looks or SKIN color.Irregardless either Mr Obama is white/black/brown or blue he's a human being like you & me.Shame on the people of America whom are living in such a magnificent country & yet having a rather worse than 3rd world country human thinking.

Give Mr Obama a chance to prove his qualities, his dignity & promise to all the people of the world.You have no right to judge anybody in this world only god can do so.By judging others its shows that you are questioning god of his actions.

& by doing that..that's what you got in return for the 9-11 tragedy.Till now only 20% of the American people belief that the 9-11 tragedy is caused by Islamic Extremist & the rest believe that it was the work of Bush Administration & the Israelis Gov.

But whatever its Mr Obama deserved to win after all the hardwork he had put in all this while.I believe he will prove everyone that's against him & his COLOR of skin so wrong!!
2008-11-05 18:55:25 UTC
I am very happy and feel it is a fair result. Americans has choosed very right person in this decade. it could be the 8th wonder of the wold. I beliave all the countries including Singapore will have good future and better relationship with US once Obama take over his office. All the best to him and his family

Subramaniam Kaniah (
2008-11-05 06:48:07 UTC
I had this predicted the day he was fighting for the Democrats nomination against Hillary Clinton. I just felt that he will be the US president. Something that Martin Luther King dreamed of. The Blacks can be proud of. This also shows how magnanimous the Whites in US are.These is something that people in other countries will take decades to learn. Wish Obama 8 years in the office. Go on " Make the Change".There will be no significant changes for SG.
2008-11-06 07:25:51 UTC
I feel happy with the outcome of the U.S election that Mr. Obama is now the president of the United States of America. The first black american to be president of the U.S. He is like president Palmer of the teleseries 24..As a new comer if the polical arena President Obama will be facing difficulties in uniting the american people considering that there are those who don't want him to be the so called ''founder" of PUMA. which in my own point-of-view is a die-hard Republican. Since am from the Philippines, I couldn't tell what's the impact it would have in Singapore...but as far as the Philippine is concern, it would be in the military treaties between the U.S. and our country.

Am looking forward to seeing President Obama the best and doing what he promised during the campaign. I also would like to congratulate Mr. McCain for being humble enough to admit his defeat. How I wish politicians here in the Philippines would do the same as Mr. McCain did. 'Coz politicians in the Philippines think that when they are defeated in the election, it means that they are being cheated and wanted to have a recount of votes...(Hungry sharks huh?).. that's Philippine politics... politics of cheaters and corrupt politicians... CONGRATS MR. PRESIDENT OBAMA SIR!!!!!
2008-11-05 19:50:12 UTC
The US ruled the world for more than half century. The future for most countries are uncertain due to the double standard and sanctions. Some countries go hungry, while some became terrorists. I really hope that Mr. Obama is not like LB Johnson or George W Bush.
2008-11-05 18:02:59 UTC
I feel happy, of course. His way of dealing with things, especially the education problem and the tax cuts were impressive.

Naturally, his inauguration leaves no impact on Singapore, a popular democratic-authoritarian country. It's not as though his policies would encourage the Singapore state-run media to free up; not as if his laws would allow more freedom of speech amongst the population.

Therefore, his election will have the but the smallest on impact on this country.
2008-11-05 17:21:17 UTC
I didn't follow the debate but basing on the presentations that the two senators gave, Obama gave me a sense of assurance in the goals he wants to achieve with the Americans, whereas for Mccain, there seems to be hesitations, speaking out of white hair experience. Be it Obama or Mccain who wins the election, there will definitely be a lot of impact not only on Singapore, but all around the globe, in term of the global economy. Matter of fact, America is the economic 'director', no country can replace her position. A blessed country she still be, I hope that Obama will not only improve the economy situtation in America but lift up the value system in the country.
Mohd Ali H
2008-11-05 00:20:39 UTC
I come from multiracial country Singapore where racialism exists like anywhere else but with good Government , honest this feeling is being toned down unlike those felt in US since decades ago.Am extremely overjoyed for Obama great success not only for the minorities but for all Americans. I followed the campaign trails for 2 years and never slept the whole night watching the result.Congratulations Obama and America.
dj a
2008-11-05 23:04:06 UTC
In addition to the enormous implications of this election from the social-historical point of view, we finally put an end to 7-8 years of negligence, intolerance, fear, secrecy, ignorance and brutality.

Democracy is the dictatorship of the Majority!!. Good for the USA, good for the world. Now we have to pick up the pieces and rebuild .....

Get the thinkers back to leading. Send the plumbers back to.... plumbing!

US citizen residing in Singapore
2008-11-05 18:42:20 UTC
Obama have a very steep mountain to climb. He promise "Change"

what can we all expect ? Withdraw US troops in Iraq ? Peace talk to

Iran ? Russia is installing missile system near to Poland ? How to

settle peace in Middle East ? Worse of all how to resolve the huge

financial crisis ? Does he have a team that can handle all these big

big problem ? I think he will quickly look into past records of US

relationship in Asia/Asean and then capitalize he need partners

to help him to move Singapore can play important role in

doing this connection for Obama during his presidency. As he have so much real problem to tackle and what he promised in the election - he need to show his all those American who voted for

him. As Obama is belonging to young generation leader so what he

said during election and practise, I guess will be a big different as he will know this during his term as President of USA. I think the next

president of USA should be an Asian !
2008-11-05 06:42:56 UTC
It is great to have a person from a different race for a President and hope the same can be possible in Singapore too for the role of PM.
2014-06-25 18:27:37 UTC
we may have wanted to win (though perhaps this is easier for me to say; I wanted Obama to win) perhaps we should all feel lucky to have been here to witness such a pivotal and important moment in history. We just elected our first ever black president - how can anyone think that's not incredible, Republican, Democrat, or otherwise? Let's show a little respect for our new Commander in Chief. I am so proud of this country tonight.
2008-11-06 05:27:40 UTC
Obama Rocks!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!
Tiong E
2008-11-05 07:25:33 UTC
I feel extremely great and honour to be able to witness this historic moment in US history.

I was moved and wept when I heard his victory speech. Everyone in US should be proud of themselves now. There have moved past the old days, and look forward to the future with a new era.

As for the impact of Singapore, it should be little. Singapore and US will continue to enjoy very co-operative and friendly relationship with one another.

Once again, congrats to President-elect Obama and Vice President Biden 2008 & 2012.
2008-11-06 02:45:35 UTC
Before i have no idea how he is, just think that he may be more creative because he is younger than he opponent, But after hearing his speech, I am happy for america. With a sharp & young president, is definitely better than anything. God bless America, I hope one day Singapore will have a fair system that select all citizen voted president.
Asura Kyrie
2008-11-05 02:09:29 UTC
As far as I know, each time a Republican steps into power, America goes to war and the world suffers the consequences. Do we need reminders of each one?

USA (i hope) is sick of war. The world is sick of all the terrorism and the violence that Bush is using to quell it. Does ANYONE even stop for a second to think about why 9/11 happened? And for those who support that reason, congrats, you have been brainwashed to the Bush doctrine.

I believe Obama can begin to reconcile the world that Bush has alienated his country from. To what extend he can accomplish this is yet unseen, but we have to give him the chance to even do it.

For me in Singapore, I'm looking forward to more peaceful times with Obama in power and less of the lies for Iraq/Afghanistan.
Sharon S
2008-11-05 00:15:21 UTC
I am not excited about Obama becoming the US President for two reasons: 1) his lack of experience in US governmental roles, and 2) the fact that in his very short time as a Senator, he has shown a very 'leftist' view by his voting record. I do not see this as a good way to bring the American people together at a very critical time in their history, or to bring confident leadership to the country. I feel that once the 'emotional high' has waned, people in the US and around the world are going to be aware that there is a very inexperienced man leading the USA. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, I feel the world is in for a confusing and rough 'ride' with President Obama at the US helm.
Shani sham
2008-11-05 22:56:51 UTC
I think this is a truly wonderful historic change that is so much needed in the world today. There's a sense of renewed hope and a feeling of vibrancy in the world as a result of his victory. I'm sure he'll be a great President, not only for USA but also for the whole world.
2008-11-05 20:43:52 UTC
It's the start of a brand new United States Of America. I'm sure both parties, America and Singapore, will need to work a lot harder and smarter to boost the economy.
Grandmaster Benny Tan
2008-11-05 17:54:33 UTC
Congratulation Mr Obama !!!

It's a major break-through for the Afro-Americans, however I hope that Mr Obama knows that this is only the beginning, what lies ahead remains unseen, Hopefully he would improve the current international economy condition. All the best for his presidential run next year.

May God bless Mr B.Obama
2008-11-05 08:15:37 UTC
I hope obama will bring peace to the world especially to Asia.

He will settle the Iraq problem and return all forces from Iraq ASAP.

He will support singapore as usual as like other presidents earlier.

Obama is far better than other presidents in the view of bringing peace to the world community, as father of world
2008-11-05 03:40:47 UTC
I feel really good that at last the United States of America have elected a man of vision, a man who wants to unite his nation, and move with the world on equal terms, bringing peace through dialogue and diplomacy, and engaging both friends and foes for the good of mankind. Congratulation Barrack Obama, May God bless you and protect you and your family always. Amen!
2008-11-05 00:33:40 UTC
I feel absolutely sick to the stomach because Obama is the most liberal and brainless **** to have ever become the president of the USA. If he comes to Singapore I'll go to Pulau Ubin for that time period and stay there till he leaves. Because Singapore almost always copies America, soon we'll also have gays, total abortionists and communists running all over the place and no one will ever be safe. Anymore.
2014-09-25 20:13:52 UTC
I am very happy and feel it is a fair result. Americans has choosed very right person in this decade. it could be the 8th wonder of the wold. I beliave all the countries including Singapore will have good future and better relationship with US once Obama take over his office. All the best to him and his family
2008-11-05 23:44:08 UTC
I felt Mr Obama will bring a new era of leadership into America and the world. A lot of things that need to be done and is a great challenge to the new president.It's hard on him but I think he will deliver. Time for action now less talk. Cheers!
2008-11-05 18:35:29 UTC
When i look back in time when Mr George Bush who won the presidency campaign a decade ago by a wafer margin it has no effect in the emotion of the people of the world. And it got worse when Mr Bush hit Iraq after his advent as president a few days ago.

But Mr Obama's scenario is entirely different. His win has brought happy and elative feeling for the people of the world. This is like daybreak after years of darkness. The cheers around the world for the victory of Obama is a victory for hope , i think. I believe he can govern successfully as well as he campaigns

best regards
2008-11-05 15:22:09 UTC
Our economy might be improve and the security may be at risk. But never the less, im sure the newly US President will boost the global business confidence by getting support from all countries whether christian or muslim. And it will be economy talk from now on instead of terrorism or military subject.The President is not a racism character unlike the out going president.
2008-11-04 23:55:01 UTC
I guess the impact is not really felt here, but I feel happy for the American people. I hope he will be able to settle the problems facing the world now, such as global warming and the financial crisis. Kudos to Obama!
Ramya M
2008-11-04 23:51:34 UTC
He had the guts to come all the way and he definitely deserved this landslide victory. I definitely wish him all the success through the first term and the second re election eventually. With a conservative democratic approach, I hope he builds a better world for everyone.

At the same time, I can't help but feel a bit anxious over his personal security. I hope he sails through the term safely.
2008-11-05 23:17:10 UTC
It is an immensely historic event. I did not think I would see it in my lifetime. I am old enough to remember segregation in the Southern US. However, once the troops are removed from Iraq and Afghanistan, the terrorists will be free to roam the world looking to foment destruction. Places like Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. And yes even the US. I hope that it will not happen, but I fear that it will.
2008-11-05 22:45:34 UTC
Well, I personally think that Mr Obama has the will and determination to help his country - America, as well as the world in the recent financial crisis. He dares to step up and run for the president position, and has gave word that he can help the people of America, so I'm sure he has something up his sleeves that can help us. We all should support him instead of complaining because complaining would not solve the recession. Since someone stepped up and lend us a helping hand, why not support him and lets pin our hopes upon him? Of course I hope he can help us furthermore in ASEAN and strengthen our ties with USA, not forgetting the world too.

2008-11-05 21:56:00 UTC
The day I heard president-elect Obama’s voice on TV delivering speech for election campaign I said, oh my God! a great New Leader of the World is born. But I was lamenting to my wife, and friends, saying that he is born at wrong time, and in a wrong place, given the fact of his African link. American people (majority of white of them) are yet ready to elect a black president gifted with outstanding knowledge and charisma. But I had slight hope; probably, he would win thanks to GOP’s mishandling of the economy that caused melting down of the world financial market let alone the Wall Street. And it happened. Americans clocked back the year 2060 and beyond in the present time by voting Obama as their President. That is America!
Tahir Jumat
2008-11-05 19:32:13 UTC
He'll be watched by the Freemason on every step he takes as President of USA.

Anything he does that does not favour israel will probably be his last.

It is surprising that he manage to come this far.

Anyone who wants to be President of USA have to be endorsed by the Freemason. Obama have already swear allegiance to Israel in Tel Aviv.

Anyway he can't do much to change US. Another factor he manage this far is because the people wants him, after eight years of failure by the Bush administration which totally ignore the people of USA. Plus the current economic failure in major US banking instituition helps too. A plus factor on himself is that He can talk extremely well, very well indeed.It helps anyone to acheive their dream. And he dont talk rubbish like Mccain and Palin. His points are clear enough for the masses to accept.

This is also one way to please the rest of the world that they are not racist.(facade)

The Muslim world is watching to see if there is any difference between Obama and Bush.

I wish Obama the best of all and may he succeed in achieving all his promises to the people of USA.

Anyway It never cross my mind that I will live to see a Black US President. I thank God to have let me see this historic occassion.
Roger K
2008-11-05 18:32:10 UTC
The American people wanted a change and they got what they had asked for. America has shown the world what Democracy is all about : regardless of Race,Language,Religion and Color.

Asian leaders welcome Mr. Barrak Obama's endorsement as the next American President and look forward to work with him closely.

I sincerely hope that Mr. Obama is able to carry out what he promises to do not just for the Americans but also promote Peace to the whole world.

Many people will be watching him during his first 100 days in office and I wish him the very best and hope that he will remain for a second term as well. Cause one term may not be sufficient to carry out what he had promised to do.

I expected him to win and felt very happy when he did. As for the impact that it will hold for me I really do not know how to answer this part of the question.

One thing I know for sure is :

America is UNITED

America is ONE

America is TOTAL

God Bless !
Tan X
2008-11-05 04:48:49 UTC
I would like to send him my best wishes. From what I seen, he is young and capable and most importantly the correct person that could lead America out of crisis. I hope that the economic crisis that the world is embraced can recover quickly. Singapore can benefit more from the current situation when America is out of recession. This mean that we can have more jobs and better salary increments as well

as our routine return to usual.
2008-11-05 00:34:42 UTC
It has got to be the best thing to happen in years! There will definitely be changes in the next few years and the world will be less volatile. Peace around the world means a peaceful and secure Singapore as well. Same goes for the economy!
2016-09-29 04:18:43 UTC
nicely, i will say with life like giddiness that we purely dodged a calamity. no longer whilst narrowly as I feared it enhance into going to be. He gained with a especially stable quantity of electoral and usual votes, so as that's relieving. i'm purely thinking the place we are going from right here. If the vitriol and racism gets worse, in the event that they attempt to bust his balls for the subsequent 4 years through fact the republican wing are sore losers. I additionally ask your self what the tea occasion will do now that he gained. They teamed up with the republicans to, "verify Obama is a one term president" and clearly failed their undertaking. no longer basically that, however the election threw out some tea partiers, people who gaffed approximately how women persons ought to have rape toddlers. If something, i think of that's a substantial step in a extra advantageous course for each guy or woman's lives. i'm hoping we are able to finally kick the stable components of Obama's rules into overdrive and not get too hellbent on his rightwing element. a minimum of in tolerable quantities, yet nevertheless extra advantageous than what we would are turning out to be with Romney. different stable issues approximately this election being over is that we purely isn't inundated with a ton of marketing campaign categorised commercials, the PaulBots will subside, and with a bit of luck this cements the thought the USA of a is finally coming down of it is George Bush Jr precise wing extremist severe as we challenge back to a extra life like place on the political scale. universal, i'm very hopeful that we are able to have the skill to progression ok in well being care, guidance, and with a bit of luck production will see a stark return to our shorelines. i understand, for my particular section, this could make a majority of those social classes, or maybe issues like public transit, much less stressful to end and an quite actual and reachable exchange, so i'm excited approximately that. undergo in strategies it wasn't purely an obama win, particularly some the severe righties have been given kicked out of their seats around the board contained in the federacy, and state governments! Even in particularly some the midwest and bible belt!
2008-11-08 00:25:16 UTC
Americans have come a long way in recognising the contribution of its minority race. Mr Obama's presidential election success signalled the start of a new era of matured Americans embracing new ideas and changes on who and how the country should be run.

Being a Singaporean, I've witnessed the the changes and styles of many influential Americans presidency since the 80's but none has created such an impact as Mr Obama. Being young, charismatic & convincing, many Americans including many around the world believe the time has come for someone of such charisma to inject new concepts and ideas to run the most influential nation on the planet. It needed someone as young and energetic to understand the needs of its people and the world.

The current global financial meltdown and its military presence around the Gulf has presented many new challenges for the new president. These are very real issues he has to grapple with even before he takes office in a few months time. By soaking up the challenges now, the world can see Mr Obama is serious about shouldering the burden of its nation to make life a little better for his countrymen in the coming months no matter how untried and untested he is at such a big stage.

As for his global policies, especially Asia, I believed he will have to recognise that the transfer of wealth powers and influence is slowly shifting from the West to the East. His new policies should embrace this trend and work with close cooperation with prominent Asia countries to give the American economy a jumpstart by opening up and encouraging freer trade liberation with East Asia countries.

The Americans ' Big Brother' involvement in this part of the world should continue to bring peace around this region, so that there is political stability for new investments opportunities from Americans and other western companies. This will be another opportunity to jumpstart its own economy by transfering wealth back. However, it takes time.

I wish to see positive changes when Mr Obama takes office. I hope its new Administraion will not unduly interfere with individual countries political and economic policies but learn to accept and respect each nation's cultural and political identities. This will have a reciprocal effect as cooperation and mutual understanding will suffice, thereby creating wealth and opportunities for all involved.

My heartiest congratulations to all Americans whom have taken such a bold and radical move in this election.
2008-11-08 07:53:41 UTC
Praise GOD ! H alleluia! I am American and am not sure how it will affect Singapore, but I have a feeling from watching the news that the rest of the world is Elated that Obama is our next President. We all need to stand with him,support him and try to right what Bush has wronged for the last 8years! btw- I am sick of people saying that he is gonna be all for black people- nothing against the blacks,but did they forget that he is half white? This is the man who is here to UNITE us ALL. We need to accept everyone- that is what America is built on!
2008-11-05 20:45:01 UTC
I suppose, he was meant to win. To many Americans, he represents hope and change. We are inclined to support him because of his incredible charisma and that unforgettable smile of his. Obama's victory in the election tells us one thing: politics, both American and global, is undergoing an evolution, and the society is becoming more open and receptive to fresh and innovative ideas. To most of us, Obama's landslide victory signifies the start of a new age of ethnic equality. Our hopes are all placed on Obama- let's hope he won't disappoint.

Obama's win definitely will have its impact on not just America, but the world as a whole. His policies should bring about a more dependable American economy that will bring prosperity to other countires that trade with America. In the midst of this economic crisis of recession, Obama is our beacon of hope and optimism, who we fervently believe can restore the global economy and improve all our lives for the better.

Cheers to Obama's win!
2008-11-05 18:53:56 UTC
Change is good! US need changes-I have been there and seen how bad things are for the pass 8 years and just got back to Singapore.
sofyan s,
2008-11-05 17:34:26 UTC
The most important thing about President Elect Obama is unity and equality. His vision of one people, one nation regardless of the differences. His sincerity and enthusiasm will bring forward the true meaning of democracy, harmony and stability for America as well as rest of the world,

God willing.
2008-11-04 23:40:21 UTC
I am a Singaporean. But I have been following the elections ever since it started. I was drawn to Obama's ideas, dreams and most importantly the hope he gave.I honestly wished I could register to vote. I am extremely happy for the Americans. Change has come & only good things will happen from now onwards.Obama's speeches were always inspiring but his acceptance speech was stellar.

I think the Americans were tired of hearing " A change is going to come" but now they know, A change has come.

Singapore Citizenship for $1
2008-11-04 23:04:35 UTC
Winning the election is one thing, performing what he has promised over the next 4 years is another thing. Just hope he doesn't turn out like some President where they promised one thing to the voters (just to win votes), and then do a whole lot of other things.
2008-11-05 20:04:27 UTC
I feel like he is my President tooo!!I think he has given hope to many people and he seems to have a certain kind of magic.If it's McCain, it'll be another dull day!!But it's early days though I think he will probably focus more on what's happening at his backyard which is definitely good for America instead of playing cowboy elsewhere.Don think there will be much difference in Singapore who is US President, we have positioned ourselves very well and to me , we are also a great nation despite our size and insignificance to many.
Mr Vertuz
2008-11-05 18:10:07 UTC
Gratz to Obama for winning, hope you do not let down the people who voted for you.

Secondly, to answer the editor's question, it will not have any impact on me in Singapore.
Ibrahim B
2008-11-05 17:21:29 UTC
From the very beginning, I always have the confident he will win handsomely. He is young and energetic with full of confidence of himself and the enormous task ahead of resolving the commitments of US in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as bringing back the recession and financial crisis to a normal situation.

His slogan of "Yes we can change" has been the most effective tool in the campaign. Obama has the quality and diplomacy to win the hearts and minds of the American as well as the world population. His policy will further enhanced the good relationship with Singapore and strengthen the mutual ties with us in maintaining peace and stability in Asia pacific and major trading partner with us and the region. The world will be more peaceful with Obama policy.
2008-11-05 07:10:32 UTC
I felt happy for him. I felt happy especially for all the 'suppressed' minority in America.

Being young, bold, aggressive & smart (with circumstantial luck), Mr. Obama deserved the praise. But substantial experiences would be required in this extremely challenging period faced with worst America crisis ever. Good in speech but limited by political experience has the potential to have many problems unsolved, a year or may be a term of presidency.

United States of America has a strong supportive political structure & work culture that provide constructive support, tactful problem resolution that disallow failure. Great effort will be exerted to place a good frontage to project favorable image with great pride as the 'strongest country of the world'. There will be thousands of talents to support Mr. Obama for whatever short-coming.

Regardless of which country Americans are in, all will still be highly concern for the economic, social security, mortgage, health, education issues impacted by the upcoming national policies.

Being a strong influential country of the world, Mr. Obama's sound judgement, possible mistakes or any neutral actions on future political/military/economic decision would certainly impact many countries & the world's economic stability to great extend.

God Bless all Americans! God Bless the World!
mohamed r
2008-11-05 06:46:26 UTC
Congrats to Obama, This is not an election of USA but an election of the entire world.Obama's win will bring the entire world together. Even the worst enemy of USA would want to support Obama as he now represents

every citizen of the world as such no one would ever dream about doing any harm to him or to his nation.

World's people now have a Representative who could relate to every person and bring about a great change. Now African-Americans will have an idol to be truly proud of. They will move on to being not just rappers and hip hop dancers but people with respect love and very cultured citizens of America, who can achieve many things to great heights. God bless Obama and may God lead his way in the righteous and just way benefiting entire human race.
2008-11-05 04:29:36 UTC
Sir Obama looks better and cleaner in person, thinking and visualizations. I feel good and happy for those in US. Future will be walking through the brighter path for them.

He will be successful in terms of many issues. Singapore's market might fall slightly due to his great brilliance and abilities.
dean d
2008-11-05 03:37:16 UTC
i am so happy to see him on the stage as a president, i wished i could have been there to celebrate and join the crowd, i never been interested in politics or anything related, but i feel so happy to see him as a an attractive and energetic and charismatic, i feel like hugging him and wishing him all the best for his future and the world, i dream that i will meet him personally and look into his eyes for sometime. best of luck to him and singapore. i am just wondering when is his birthday? to send birthday wishes
2008-11-05 00:14:14 UTC
I feel relieved that the AMERICAN voters have chosen to act according to what their hearts have urged them to do when they went to cast their votes instead of being governed by their heads in 2004 when they voted in George W. Bush for another four torturous years with the FEAR factor ! I'm confident with the new administration Singapore will benefit from the CHANGE !
2008-11-05 20:35:25 UTC
I am glad for the United States for this HISTORY in the that will be a COVER candidate for history books. :-) Hope that they (US of A) behind the leadership of this intelligent man will help all nations and lead all nations to move forward for a better future.

Business will be good not only for Singapore but for the ENTIRE ASIAN market as well as...being initially shown in stocks and business gain after Obama winning the most prestigious office. Generally, it is also a good sign for everybody (not just ASIAN), because the new president elect has shown that he transcend race and color.

Having said that....may I say...Good Luck US of A and to your new president elect. As well as, Good Luck to all of us and may we always rally behind to what is good for the future of everybody.
gurmir s
2008-11-04 23:27:00 UTC
i feel a more safe world, n greatest achivement for a black man to win

impact on singapore i have no coment, as impact to singapore is only cause by the extremely few singaporean here
2008-11-06 06:53:46 UTC
i love obama he have got a style of his own i knew right from the start that he will win and he"s going to be the future president of america when i saw him on tyra banks show.he dont lack of anything in him.he"s a very honest in everything he do.fromfrom the bottom of my heart i jist love him so much for singapore i hope that he will do somethng good and benefecial in the coming future.god bless him from all evil people who like to see skin colour.this kind of people are sick in the brain.instead of praising a good man thy try stupid things god protect him i wish him all the best in his presidential future
2008-11-06 02:27:26 UTC
The feeling was euphoria! Mr. Barack Obama's acceptance speech was so inspiring that it brought tears to my eye. It gave a vision of hope and dreams of multi-culturalism -people of different races coming together to achieve a world of peace and harmony. Seeing how the Americans coming together to celebrate Obama's victory was touching. Afterall, isn't this what Singapore stands for too? Multi-racial, multi-religions, one people, one nation!

Personally I feel that Obama's win means a more open-minded and tolerant society that holds more opportunities for people globally.

So, I am ALL for Obama's win and look forward to welcoming him in Singapore next year for the ASEAN meeting.
Robert G
2008-11-05 21:10:19 UTC
The Republicans have run The US into the ground, and I think the type of campaign that Obama ran, staying on the high ground, is what is needed at this time in history throughout the world. I look forward to his leadership and his vision of what the entire world can be.
Susanna L
2008-11-05 19:37:38 UTC
Obama represents a refreshing, energising change from the "old guard". He is smart, inteliigent and present himself very well. I believe he speaks for all races - one people leader. I trust he is capable of taking on the very difficult challenges presented to him and he will play a big part in resolving the world's conflict through dialogues and cooperation with reduce need for physical conflicts.
2008-11-05 00:44:01 UTC
Joy with tears!!! Its time for a change in the only superpower nation USA that has affected the world in politics,finance and many others areas. We had a bad leadership for 8 years that has caused much violence,pain,sorrow and depression.

Its time with Obama's leadership and the democrats party we can see better changes in the economy,politics and many other social and environmental demands.

It also gave me a joy that equality survived, and a man/woman is not elected based on the colour of skin but by the character/intelligence and by what policies he/she will work on for the future of the nation and the world at large.
2008-11-05 00:34:46 UTC
Hopefully, with Obama being the President, the international relationships will mend better, after what Bush had did by ignoring the UN and aggressive pushing into foreign territory.

Howeever, this is not going to be an easy presidency as he will have alot to cover and patch up, not to mention with the financial void that Bush had caused and left
Zook K
2008-11-05 02:11:57 UTC
I do not understand the elated mood shared by so many after obama victorious run. If you all think the change has been long due.. why did you reelect bush for second term 4 years ago while everyone around the globe has poor opinion about him.. why? the 4 years were not enough for you all?
Sgpore T
2008-11-05 01:41:13 UTC
America is hungry for change ,our economic recovery!

Obama win this elections is because USA feels that they need equality between the different races and to lower the risk of facing coflicts between wars and disputes.

But what USA needs now is our economic recovery!

And USA needs a president that is capable enough to stop the USA crash!

Instead of spreading wealth around, John McCain & Sarah Palin will spread opportunity.

In singapore the government will never spread weath around,its unrealistics.

Consequences:Barack Obama will raise taxes on hardworking Americans to give a government handout to the 40% of Americans who pay no income taxes.

But as surveys and national reports shows that america have very little educated people...

There are many people living below 1 dollar us per day...

And there are many people who don't even care about the economy.

The next President won't have time to get used to the office. America faces many challenges here at home, and many enemies abroad in this dangerous world.

So like what obama says:

I won't be like bush , i won't go for war , i won't case harm to u all!

and he repeatedly say this '*10 years of failed bush policy"

What is the meaning by failed?

Obama is bold , he claim that he will stop enemies abroad in this dangerous world , he try not or won't as possible as he could not to go for wars......

But can he help?






John McCain has a comprehensive economic plan that will create millions of good American jobs, ensure our nation's energy security, get the government's budget and spending practices in order, and bring relief to American consumers

Barack Obama wants to "spread the wealth around" ?WIll this work??How will he get such money to spread the wealth ?Where is the wealth?FROM TAXES??MAyBE......

John McCain has a record of working to end Washington's stagnant, unproductive partisanship. He will end wasteful government spending and put the government back on the side of the American people.


The American people have not seen Barack Obama forsake partisanship for progress.


Barack Obama opposed the new strategy and predicted wrongly that it would fail. He voted to deny critical funds to our men and women fighting in Iraq.

John McCain had the judgment to understand that America's strategy in Iraq was failing and the courage to call for a dramatic change. That strategy is now working, and America is succeeding in Iraq [years of experience]

We can trust John McCain and Sarah Palin because they are reformers with a record who stand by their words and will always put their country first.


But i still wish the best blessings to obama but i hope that he will stay long as the president....
2008-11-04 23:26:27 UTC
I feel great winning of Obama, this was known to the whole world, since his win bring stability in business all over the world. To singapore it is important - it improves economy, create job opportunities, relationship improves between countries more than Bush administration & also it is great for Indonesia that Barak Obama lived in Jakartha, Not only to indonesia also to Japan. In japan OBAMA (place named as Obama) people will be celebrating Obama's winning festival.
2008-11-06 06:34:21 UTC
It's wonderful for the American people! He brings a fresh vibrant outlook to the world and America. He reminds me of what American can truly be - open, forward-thinking. Him in office will create a new look to the USA, non-Americans will look at it with different eyes. Most importantly, many of the domestic and international problems associated with USA will be dealt with, given time. He's truly the American people's President.
Judy K
2008-11-05 03:45:02 UTC
I am indeed very proud of Obama's win. He will change America and America need changes. I wish I can celebrate with him tonight and meet him face to face. I can't help but smile when Obama said, To those who voted against him, "I will be your President too." Long Live OBAMA .. we love you! Judy from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -5 NOV 08
2008-11-05 00:44:43 UTC
Is great is hear that Mr Obama is an new USA Presidetial

as we are in Singapore will gived he a Geat support
Deep Fried Doom
2008-11-05 20:39:35 UTC
If Obama eases or even does away with the Cuban embargo, then cigars from Cuba will be available to America again, and hopefully the hefty price of Cuban cigars will fall.
2008-11-05 04:53:14 UTC
The American people have picked the right leader! Congratulations Mr Obama..we all have faith that you will make a difference. Your change will come...slowly but surely. WE LOVE YOU! Sabrina...Singapore
2008-11-04 23:03:20 UTC
I am really glad that Obama is the President. May Allah (swt) bless his well being, sincerity and dedication to the US people.

Singaporeans, together with all the people in the world will prosper if he is the next US President...I am so proud of Obama.

I really pray that, hopefully everything runs well with his guidance and dedication. Amin.
2008-11-06 15:08:55 UTC
Obama is amazing! He's the new bastion of hope and change!

Petrol & diesel will be cheaper because of him, as he slowly pulls the troops out of Afghanistan & Iraq over the next 16 months.

Farouk Ferrari.
2008-11-05 21:21:42 UTC
It was a great history of change. It wasn't white (wrinkly white hair, McCain), it wasn't pink (Paris H wish to build Pink House), it was a change that America (and world) hope for.

I hope this will follow with a real policy change for the American attitude toward the world, no more 'yaya papaya' - arrogant - country with their strong military presence.

Impact on Singapore?....It's your wishful thinking for change in Spore. Nothing will change in Singapore, as long as same policy of no contestant in constituency = no vote be necessary remains.

NOW...go back to work Sporean, don't linger your wishful thinking!

The Country need your CPF!
2008-11-05 19:49:47 UTC
I think that Obama can do a really great job as he's really dedicated and he knows the needs of the people. I was rooting for him even though I'm a Singaporean and I knew he could do it. He has proven that skin colour etc doesn't count, and we should be one big, united world, sharing one heart and one mind.

Yay for Obama! (:
2008-11-05 18:42:26 UTC
I hv been waiting for this. It's about time the world had a change......It's not just about America,'s us, the world. All of us are interdependent, one's action affects the rest.

I pray that this change will break down barriers of colour, creed. We share this one world.

May God and His angels be with Obama.....
2008-11-05 17:13:07 UTC
The name of the President of the US is Barack Hussein Obama. I wonder what happens to Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, etc?

I wish him best of luck. Challenges, controversy and racists. His mission, vision, speech and communication skills are great actually.
2008-11-05 15:42:36 UTC
Peace and harmony.

Short live the recession and inflation period.

Short live the economic crisis.

Slightly lower if not improve the cost standard of living in Singapore..i hope.
2008-11-05 04:09:06 UTC
He wins because he has much talents that people believe can manage US. His policy will influence not only US, but world wide. As South East Asia countries hope will be better than before. His policy will soften some negotiation, and others.
2008-11-05 02:58:18 UTC
I am an American in Singapore for a short while. All you Obama lovers will hate it when all the foreign aid and the military assistance dries up. Then you can fight your own wars and peddle your substandard products elsewhere, because we Americans won't be able to help you nor will we be able to afford your junk. Hope you all you ill-informed ideologues are happy!! Only a strong America keeps the world safe. Now you can fight the terrorists ALONE!!!!!!!
2008-11-05 01:23:52 UTC
Feeling really, impossible things happing,obama is capable of resolving global problems and will definity over come economical crisis in America, he is real hope for the nation... the whites have really cleared the issue of discrimination by electing him... GOD bless him to keep all his promises .. keeping in the mind the words of Maccaine,He will unite the world,,, where as the Past President was really cause of downfall of America,,,, unnessariliy intervening all countries .. saying something of tearrism,was responible for horrible position of Iraq and Taliban,, ended in killing of Saddam hussain . ,,What ended thousands of people homeless,, withoutbasic needs,, kids without parents,,, new hopes are born.

He will keep good relations with all countries instead of dramtically acting has big brother,,, super power.
2008-11-07 03:11:45 UTC
What can I say? The first african american president in US history. So, this breaks the stereotype that "Race drives politics to a large extent" A change in political leadership in the midst of an economic crisis, and a change in political leadership that have defeated centuries of racial stereotypes. This is shaping to be an interesting era we live in.
wilma m
2008-11-08 01:06:18 UTC
The winning of Obama presidency depicts at last that American has transcends discrimination of color and race that it focuses instead on the culture of America itself that it wanted to uphold. Obama being of American culture who undergone highest development of citizen of United States and that is being graduate of American jurisprudence or finished the LLB degree.
2008-11-05 11:26:42 UTC
It is indeed a historic moment to see a non-White getting the top job in America. This helps everyone to see beyond race and to regard people for what they are able to contribute and not the color of their skin, their religion or gender.

It is an inspirational occasion for all . . . to build on their dreams to achieve what they have potential for!
2008-11-05 00:24:54 UTC
It is a decisive win.The Americans have voted well.The glimmer of hope is alive and well.Long live democracy.Good luck democrats.God be with you,Mr President,Obama.You have done fair and well.

I would like to see some positive changes in Singapore.

The pie must be shared equally among us.It is every humans freedom and rights.You have validated this fundamental law.

I love Singapore! God bless the Republic of Singapore.Mr Barrack Obama,hopefully,your influence will bring about a positive change in the my country.Im sure it will.
2008-11-05 00:24:52 UTC
I think it is a piece of good news. No matter how tough the current situation is, the new president will lead the world to another new era. He has energetic with a new view in political, financial and current macro environment. I will think that the current situation in USA will need to focus how to solve the global credit crunch issue, Iraq war, unemployment rate and inflation issues. Singapore will continue to survive and do well for year 2009. Hopefully, new President will have more change in policy and helps the world to move on.
2008-11-08 15:24:42 UTC
Obama and change are correlated and he opens a new hope to every one not only to singapore.The world at large expects change not only in color but also in ideals and principle of good leadership and create peace, harmony among its people and nations around the world.
2008-11-05 20:04:49 UTC
I'm very proud of him as the 44th American President. He very talented and have long vision to the country and the world. I believe he can change as well deliver as spoken.

Congratulate Mr. President of America may God bless you.

Maybe he can booms up the ecomony as well part of Spore too.
fanta o
2008-11-05 11:13:13 UTC
Well wishes to Obama. Hope from now on this world will b better place4 us to live. No war. Peace. May god bless the world. Cheers
2008-11-05 02:33:30 UTC
USA: The beginning of the end.

Barack HUSSEIN "Osama": The audacity of inexperience

A pseudo politician who is full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

It is just sad that Clinton may have to wait till 2016 to clear up the economic mess and political instability created by a president who is just famous for his eloquence and nothing else.

What a tragic day for USA and for everyone around the world.
2008-11-08 07:39:08 UTC
I feel relieved that Mc Cain was not President and at the same time happy that Obama won the US Presidential election.
2008-11-08 04:30:28 UTC
lol.. This is the impact towards singapore:

1) End Tax Breaks for Companies that Send Jobs Overseas: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that companies should not get billions of dollars in tax deductions for moving their operations overseas. Obama and Biden will also fight to ensure that public contracts are awarded to companies that are committed to American workers.

There will no longer be foreign companies coming over to Singapore to set up their business since THERE WILL BE BILLIONS OF TAX CHARGE FOR AMERICAN COMPANIES COMING TO SINGAPORE.. unemployment rate will be much much higher isn't it? Btw, read the news : Marina Bay IR, may have to re-evaluate the project as it is struggling to raise capital.

2) Invest In A Clean Energy Economy And Create 5 Million New Green Jobs: Obama and Biden will invest $150 billion over 10 years to ...promote development of commercial scale renewable energy, invest in low emissions coal plants, and begin transition to a new digital electricity grid. ...that will be in high demand throughout the world.

We all know solar energy etc stuff things are more expensive than oil/ fuel.. He investing 150billion to research and develop green technology will raise up electricity costs in america.. Singapore, which always compares the cost will certainly increase our electricity as well ( PM Lee's salary is one of the highest in the world is becasue they compared his salary to one of the highest paid CEO in PRIVATE sector)
2008-11-07 07:01:45 UTC
I was amused! I felt very happy that he actually won. tho im just a 15 year old girl but i do take note of those lil political stuffs, tho im too young to understand most of it. but im really glad that he won. I believe his quality of protecting the nation and working out on the financial crisis. I mean, he has all my support man! I believe he'd bring many countries, including Sg, many benefits!!!
2008-11-05 22:48:58 UTC
He was voted in because the media protrayed him in a very positive light as compared to Mccain. Personally for me, ppl voted for him, favoured him the way how ppl treat a super idol. Do you think he can really deliver what he promised? He may have stayed in Indonesia, but does he remember anything, so what if he is born from a kenyan father, does he remember anything about kenya?

How will a democrat president affect singapore, i think the impact might be greater than what was said. The world just wants someone else other than bush to be honest.
Abdul Karim
2008-11-05 21:05:51 UTC
O ne

B lessed

A merican

M ale

For America

2008-11-05 11:00:23 UTC
it's seem Obama's president whom all poeple in the earth waiting for. Poeple realy want change, so many poeple in many country support Obama. USA is very bad under G.W. Bush, he is bloody president in the world.

We hope Obama can change the bad image of USA tobe good image, mostly can make world in peace.
2008-11-05 06:25:14 UTC
It was not a surprise to hear him win today. After hearing his Victory speech I am very certain that he will be a great leader indeed. Seeing him winning today is seeing one of my very own family member winning. I am a Malaysian but his victory is certainly a victory for me and hope. I wish him many years of good health for the actualy journey starts hereof.......

Best Regards,

Seetha Rajalingam.
* roger *
2008-11-04 22:38:45 UTC
Obama will be written on history and won because ages between 18-24 young adult wants changes while seniors voted for McCain..On Jan.20,Pres.Bush will turn over his Presidency to Obama and I think will take another three or four months for Mr.Obama to find out the solutions for everything.I also think he will consult his adviser in all his moves.I also think he will continue good realations to Singapore and all the countrys around the world.
2014-07-06 20:14:28 UTC
We just elected our first ever black president - how can anyone think that's not incredible, Republican, Democrat, or otherwise? Let's show a little respect for our new Commander in Chief. I am so proud of this country tonight.
2008-11-06 12:11:05 UTC
absolutely estatic!! obama deserves to win & he has won. even John McCain admitted in his defeat speech that the people of america have spoken. yes they have mr McCain, thank you for being such a good rival to obama because without you & your 'celebrity' ads against obama, he might not have made such a clean sweep through the polls.:P

god bless this world! we finally have someone who seems to understand what is really important in this world. go obama!
kartina r
2008-11-05 20:49:45 UTC
Obama is great in every prayers is always with him to be the next president of the united state of america! not only america will chang but the whole world will change..
2008-11-05 10:30:48 UTC
Congrats To President Obama! I knew from the start he'll be the next President. Hope he can really succeed & be a good President...
2008-11-05 06:29:55 UTC
he will be one of the best Presidential and remember by all when he was old i believe he can help save my dream also the world but he need to support recycle more and all of you must act now or the last hope will be gone for this world
2008-11-05 04:29:14 UTC
i think he will be a great leader.

along the road there will be a lot of challenages for him.

if he stable the econmic crisis i think there won't be any bad impact not only on singapore in any other country also.
2008-11-05 02:40:24 UTC
Without doubt there's no way that we can totally extradicate racial discrimination totally, BUT at least at the end of the day we know that that justice and meritocracy prevails. GOD is fair -- despite our differing skin colours, everyone deserves his fair share of chances. 3 Cheers to Obama once again for showing us that miracles do exist :)
2008-11-08 10:54:36 UTC
Terrible. Totally unqualified. (2 years in congress) and 130 "present votes", plus questionable friends. Dumb choice. The people has chosen and now it will be 4 more years of lack of leadership. Good luck to those who like the rhetoric and think he is Jesus who will heal the world and the country.
Alan C
2008-11-05 01:08:28 UTC
I am really not concern about Obama winning.If I am a white american,I would prefer John M.Lets hope he can bring some change for the better for Americans since that is his slogan
2008-11-08 10:09:22 UTC
i feel really jubilant about obama winning. i think obama will help Singapore by doing lots of stuff such as: helping out the poor and the needy and dealing with the economy.
euphoria Chn local
2008-11-05 18:11:26 UTC
it's the greatest thing ever to happen in my life time..its about time certain draconian governments in our region CHANGE like how America has evolved and changed. They rose from the ashes of yesteryears and become a United Race of America!! Way to go, OBAMA, my HERO...and way to go , Michelle O...the woman behind every successful man!!!!!!!!!
2008-11-05 05:26:03 UTC
Disappointed to say the least. He is elected only because of circumstances unfavourable to the incumbent party. His stand on moral issue like gay marriage and abortion are worrying. It is yet to be seen how he can deliver what he promises.
2008-11-05 04:08:58 UTC
He reminds me of Martin Luther King, Jr!

Martin Luther King, Jr--I have a dream

Barack Obama--Yes we can

All the Best to USA and the world!
2008-11-05 02:01:51 UTC
I am an European and wanna say only one thing: when a nation called itself "the greatest" counts only on one person to revive it, this nation is declining. And of course everything is "in the name of Democracy". America will not recover its strenght under Obama. It will continue to decline.
2008-11-08 12:00:50 UTC
I thing this is the start of a great turn around for this country it is a great thing that obama won and i am happy to have him is my president.

2008-11-08 11:52:22 UTC
I dont really care who wins but congrats to obama.
2008-11-05 23:27:37 UTC
Hail, Technical President Barrack H.Obama!

Yes You Can!

Enter JUSTICE, Peace and Prosperity!

Sorry McCain, not your fault.. BLAME it on liar w.bush!

Goodbye, Nasty Hypocritism!
nafisha a
2008-11-05 10:01:34 UTC
I am just glad that I dont have to see Bush face anymore on tv. Hope this president bring some changes to the world.
2008-11-05 07:12:42 UTC
I dun really applaud the idea though i think he is more deserving than McClain.

There will be eventual obstacles down the road cos not many Americans would like this outcome anyway. U can bet there will be racist issues, riots, social problems coming soon ..............
miss fishy
2008-11-05 04:48:30 UTC
I'm happy!!! He breathes hope into people, and gives people courage. I'm glad to witness this event in my life time. Let's hope his victory will really unite the Americans and make a positive change to the world. We are all one.
2008-11-05 01:14:19 UTC
Woot! Nicely done! CONGRATS Obama! Welcome, Change!!!

I'm so glad Obama won, he seems to be the sincere candidate!

Nothing against McCain, but didn't agree with the Bush Administration 90% of the time... So, that means I just don't agree with McCain 90% of the time too.

Let's hope for more mutually benefitial FTAs, World Peace...
2008-11-05 19:27:12 UTC
I think he is inexperienced especially when the world financial is facing great danger.As for s'pore,our relationship with him shd continue to be gd as before.Relationship and running the world's biggest brother is different, alot of fate is in his hands
2008-11-05 19:07:53 UTC
Obama is a very complicated man his mother is a white american and father is muslim from kenya.But,still can cope with differences of race and religon of his childhood life and teenage life therefore like recesion and no recision he can still cope with other difficulties in other countries.
2008-11-05 07:07:07 UTC
Now is still early to tell, hope he will keep his promise during the election and hope he better than the bush not only give empty promise to his us people
Suzy E
2008-11-05 00:57:20 UTC
Absolutely elated that American citizens are able to rise above rascism issues and focus on Obama's abilities. I hope this election will teach elitist Singaporeans and expatriate residents to treat fellow countrymen and residents with more respect.
2008-11-08 07:58:36 UTC
I am just waiting to see if the CHANGE he has promised throughout his entire election campaign will come materialised for USA, and impact the world include Singapore, of cos. I am hoping for a better impact.
2008-11-06 07:41:29 UTC
What matters most is one's heart. When one's heart and intentions is pure and good without expectations or anything in return, one's skin colour does not matter. His winning tells the whole world that.
Srithar S
2008-11-04 23:35:53 UTC
They Wont To Chanch Thats
Bor Hor Hor
2008-11-05 22:41:08 UTC
Congratulations !

Whoever is the President , he will definitely have a **** time thinking how to clear the financial mess / **** passed over by Bush ( bull **** )

Good luck ( Needs a lot )

Bor Hor Hor !
2008-11-05 06:22:21 UTC
Great. I was hoping that he will win. Sure enough he won.

His speech is good.honest and his facts are correct. He speaks intelligently.

Singapore will definitely work well with Mr Obama.
2008-11-06 05:35:18 UTC
congrats to obama. =)

now the only thing i am worried about is whether the white supremacy groups are plotting to kill him. i jux hope now that any higher being in this world, if there is one, the universe, the ppl ard him, everything good, will protect him and let him bring about the change we need.
2008-11-05 01:39:08 UTC
2008-11-05 00:24:48 UTC
I'll only be elated if he gives us a day off from work for winning the election.
2008-11-04 23:13:29 UTC
Finally there is a change in the American History and hopefully the world.

Man should be given credit for his abilities and calibre but not his colour or religion.
2013-10-21 09:07:32 UTC
Very amazing discovery

Abraham Lincoln's story and his companions in Quran with accurate dates and coordinates
2008-11-07 05:45:24 UTC
I say he can definitely affect USA not so sure bout Singapore
2008-11-05 04:46:41 UTC
He hasn't being a USA President, the economic was bad for the hold world, GET LOSS OBAMA !!!
2008-11-04 22:34:19 UTC
I feel great. Despite who we may have wanted to win (though perhaps this is easier for me to say; I wanted Obama to win) perhaps we should all feel lucky to have been here to witness such a pivotal and important moment in history. We just elected our first ever black president - how can anyone think that's not incredible, Republican, Democrat, or otherwise? Let's show a little respect for our new Commander in Chief. I am so proud of this country tonight.
2008-11-06 06:02:57 UTC
I am so glad for the american people.

The way he spoke after the election results was what a leader should be.

How I wish as a singaporean, to have somebody like him to be our

Francis K
2008-11-05 06:38:18 UTC
I support Obama all the way. Think he will put most of his effort on the economy then war with other countries....
2008-11-05 02:29:49 UTC
Democrates never look into asia as an friends to them. I think

more tought time ahead for him.Especailly dealing with Iran,Afgan, Iqrai and N.Korea.
2008-11-04 23:13:00 UTC
I feel glad for him coz the first time I saw him in TV during the speech for the election, I tell myself he can win. My instinct just tell me that.
2008-11-06 00:04:52 UTC
Obama's the new dawn for the world....I pray that he doesn't get assassinated like JFK , RFK and Abe Lincoln, great presidents..... tragic ending.
2008-11-05 01:02:27 UTC
I've seen all his videos on Youtube since election starts and I'm a Singaporean and from what I've heard from him he deserves this(to be US President). So I'm happy to hear about this! Go Obama!
2008-11-05 18:12:34 UTC
to me bush had create enough chaos n what can be worst even if obama dn perform. at least there is a chance he will do better.

for spore...sama sama la...what changes to be expected? we are the loyal side-kick n even 'granted' the 'swap facilities' - this i dn know for good or bad.
2008-11-05 05:44:41 UTC
How do I feel? What a stupid question! Of course I'm SUPER HAPPY!!! I've never been this happier in my whole life apart from my son's birth & my wedding! LONG LIVE BARRACK OBAMA! LONG LIVE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD!!!
2008-11-08 08:41:29 UTC
not much for the general public

the us dollar may rise against the sg dollar

free trade agreements maybe revised

terrorism efforts maybe increased cos obama is so dead set one getting bin laden the best of usa's allies may have to follow suit
2008-11-04 23:19:19 UTC
I am happy. Congratulation to Obama. Looking forward to his victory
Magdalene T
2008-11-05 17:16:49 UTC
It is time for America to inject new blood. Obama will create a new legacy.
2008-11-07 16:32:49 UTC
I hate that Obama is going to be our president .I think our economy will get worst.I think it will have an effect on us.
2008-11-08 06:18:23 UTC
ITS "HISTORY BEING MADE FOR THE FIRST TIME THAT A AN "AFRICAN-AMERICAN" is being a President of the Power House of the World....Im happy that he won & want to see what changes that he will bring to USA like he promised.....
2008-11-08 17:42:25 UTC

i think its gr8 that obama won. and he's going to be way better than Bush. he is also going to impact singapore like bush did, cuz he made the mistakes and now obama is going to fix them.. :P

sefton s
2008-11-05 15:43:46 UTC
He will be a great president. If only Singapore has him as a president..
2008-11-05 02:30:11 UTC
obama,obama,obama thats the feeling everwhere in the world. it will be better for singapore because obamas foreighn policy is better than the rival
2008-11-06 06:30:55 UTC
Obama has gotta be the coolest president in the world
2008-11-08 01:32:52 UTC
His more towards the working class.

Coming from a humble background and a mix family.

He is the people's voice.
2008-11-05 21:01:14 UTC
Right now? No comments. Waiting to see what he does with the current economic downturn.
2008-11-05 01:15:24 UTC
Big Changes in history!no more wars!...peace!.

I Feel more secure.This election shows that black people is accepted in America.

Long live Black Americans!
Lexxie T
2008-11-04 22:41:00 UTC
Im so excited right now. We have a black president. Being a black woman myself, Im just so excited about his amazing win. This is what our country needs to get back on the right track. GO PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!
2008-11-06 02:37:24 UTC
America i represent you our truly american idol Barack obama'

You did it. You showed America -- and the world -- that change can happen.
2008-11-05 00:54:05 UTC
I am glad that Obama won the Election.I feel that it may be the time for America to change some of their policy instead of their current policy.
2008-11-08 09:43:05 UTC

well not much impact for spore but pray the WORLD 4 peace
°•cH∞c∞ˆ¡¡πD¡ë ∂¡r∫•°™
2008-11-07 21:51:04 UTC
Im from Mexico but Im awnsering here

I like that Obama win

He is inteligent and young

2008-11-07 00:43:13 UTC
Simply ME
2008-11-05 04:23:35 UTC
He wants to change America and I have a feeling he will. He totally deserved it.

2008-11-05 01:59:01 UTC
I saw some comments below and its really sad some ppl has still racism about it huh. Live with it.

Obama is the new USA president.

And Obama, we are all proud of you.
2008-11-05 16:31:52 UTC
well im happy and i hope he as new idea to change a new economic method that can be apply to a current that the market can flow smoothly.
2008-11-05 00:16:49 UTC
This is the beginning of a bleak period in US History. My only hope, other nations will be more independent and continue to grow no matter what happens to the US. Not because he is black but because he knows how to speak but he woudn't know what to do.
2008-11-04 22:35:09 UTC

I've been to Singapore many times. I believe the Chinese (Han Chinese run Singapore) will welcome someone who will use diplomacy first. China is emulating the Singapore model of managed government, and will feel the same way imo.
2008-11-05 22:52:04 UTC
Very happy for him.

He deserve to be the president
jasmine a
2008-11-05 06:49:54 UTC
I love it - simply love it - hurray, kudos, cheers , congrats to the new Afro American President.


2008-11-05 04:25:15 UTC
Hope he isn't a restless grobal driver,going through no entry sign at will.
2008-11-05 04:17:51 UTC
finally obama wins. congrats to the new america's president.
2008-11-05 03:20:04 UTC
he's suave ,young and has the ability to relate to younger and older generation. the president is none other than OBAMA
2008-11-07 01:37:20 UTC
Is nothing surprising I'm on obama's

2008-11-05 21:17:12 UTC
I feel there's a new hope for everyone.

Overjoy Obama won.
2008-11-05 02:28:40 UTC
awesome!. Obama is the obvious choice for america. Wish him all the best!
cynthia b
2008-11-05 00:48:38 UTC
wooohooo he won! trust me on this when i say the prices of fried chicken will rise up and the prices of oil will fall. Dave Chappelle has a point when he says that. anyways grats to the new black president of the leading country! cant wait for shits around to go ghetto. BLACK POWER!
Clarence L
2008-11-05 02:38:08 UTC
let's see. All politicians will make lots of promises during campaigning but when it comes to actual, they all seem to be same eventually...
Alex N
2008-11-04 23:50:52 UTC
very happy. he has the control of policies in US that affects the world's markets, so SG will benefit in trade, technology and tourism.
2008-11-07 05:34:16 UTC
TOtally estatic!
2008-11-05 06:55:14 UTC
its good to see a black man in usa win a fair n free election.

it makes complete sense that the GRC should never have

existed at all in our system
Melanie D
2008-11-05 02:04:55 UTC
true blue singaporean
2008-11-04 23:21:54 UTC
Being a woman, i'd rather have a 1st woman president (ie Hillary Clinton). After she lost, it didn't matter to me who wins the presidency.
2008-11-04 23:03:48 UTC
Wow...finally...I have got enough of the Texas Cow Boy...
2008-11-05 00:31:48 UTC
I feel liberated and it clearly showed that anything in life is possible regardless of your background,colour,religion and the whole underlying believe is that changes in this world are inevitable...Yes, We Can.
Anil Satya
2008-11-05 19:57:19 UTC
I like to Obama.He is good for US as well as other countries also, because he has clear vision.

2008-11-05 00:22:18 UTC

now i hope he can deliver results and not give in to pressure from all sectors & old guards to not Be the Change that we all want.
Werner B
2008-11-05 00:52:01 UTC
Probably the best thing happened to Americans.
- purplestar-
2008-11-06 20:28:17 UTC

I'm sure he can change the world's economy to a better one.
2008-11-06 01:41:29 UTC
it was about time---powell showed the way rice cemented it now OBAMA will walk on it
2008-11-05 09:44:07 UTC
Great now America has a muslim president
2008-11-04 22:40:27 UTC
I feel very sad for our country.

We are now the land of the free and "sitting ducks".

You might as well put a huge sign on all of our borders that says "Come on in, terrorists. Obama won't do a single thing to stop you." "If you want to chat with Obama, you can find him at the Ritz."

All American Companies will now head south to Mexico to avoid the insane tax hikes Obama and mamma Palosi have planned for them. That will flip things around and completely solve the immigration issue because we'll all be crossing their border to get to the American Companies newly located in Mexico. If it wasn't so sad, it could almost be comical.
anathan p
2008-11-05 23:15:35 UTC
Not much difference from bush but will improve
2008-11-05 01:31:58 UTC
how could any one volt for a rag head and be a USA citizen,after 911,this country going down on a one way ticket.he will have to pry my gun out my cold dead fingers...................
Johnson U
2008-11-05 11:03:53 UTC
Well I feel great because that’s what we have been praying for long years ago, and now GOD has done it’s THANK GOD BECAUSE HE WILL BLESS AMERICA FOR GIVING A BLACK MAN CHANCE TO PROVE ITSELF
Sir Isaac Newton
2008-11-07 00:11:05 UTC
i think it is good as in my opinion, he is better then McCain. he would help singapore i think and i hope...
2008-11-06 05:52:39 UTC
Let us watch and wait. Let us not be ruled by emotion.
2008-11-06 19:30:10 UTC
this great win is a historic moment!! time to celebrate!!
2008-11-05 00:25:17 UTC
we're gonna have a peaceful world again!! one united one people!! all de best Mr President (Mr Obama)!!
2008-11-04 23:04:12 UTC
Right on right on!
Zan freedom
2008-11-05 17:27:46 UTC



2008-11-05 23:14:05 UTC
I am very veryyyyyyyy happy.
2008-11-05 16:12:45 UTC
Excellent. All the best to OBama and Not Osama! thanks and All the Glory to God. Amen.
♪NAJ ♫
2008-11-08 21:18:41 UTC
Hafizur R
2008-11-08 07:56:32 UTC
he is very strong man i like him
Sk@ter B0y
2008-11-07 01:08:51 UTC
I feel that he deserves it. CONGRATS OBAMA
2008-11-06 05:09:46 UTC
Cool !
2014-02-06 20:53:59 UTC
He ruined the country.
2008-11-05 11:29:17 UTC
Change. It's about time. "CHANGE" that what the young wants.
2008-11-04 22:43:33 UTC
That's low. Ghetto my --- !! You should look as good as the new first lady. Your green with e-n-v-y....
2008-11-08 06:17:02 UTC
finally i reason to move back to Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks osama while you'll be making america cry ill see u die

It dosn't even matter what you think since he'l get assasinated in the next 4 mo nths so enjoy it while you can american destroyers
2008-11-05 01:05:53 UTC
It reflects equality ...
2008-11-04 22:37:14 UTC
I can finally rest in peace *boom* blood brain is out

I feel happy...and I know u are too

Obama Obama.....Yes We Can
Hazel girl
2008-11-07 07:26:06 UTC
i feel GREAT, honestly.

There will be world peace at last :)
2008-11-05 01:53:04 UTC
i m very happy. he first black racial discrimionation broken in america.
2008-11-07 09:01:42 UTC

2008-11-06 03:15:02 UTC
great....America now has a better and peaceful future....
2008-11-04 22:32:19 UTC
why dont you all make yahoo answers a diffrent color?

please? it would be nice to make this place more entertaing too it would draw more and more people to your services :)

at least make the green blue for a week? lol
2008-11-04 22:34:26 UTC
I'd rather talk about Bush having the lowest approval rating of any US President!
Call Me A B*tch But 1st Put Mrs
2008-11-05 07:01:41 UTC
YOO! I'm not even in America but I am soooo WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IN YOUR FACE HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2008-11-08 15:57:52 UTC
i don't like it at all
Joel Dean
2008-11-05 21:55:33 UTC
Unbelievable, still in Shock... How can he had won?...
pumkin king
2008-11-04 22:34:18 UTC
i feel like this win is gonna bring the hatred of the concealed bigots out and racism tension will be at an all time high
2008-11-04 22:30:21 UTC
I think it is great.

This will put a proverbial nail in the coffin of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.

I know it is premature, but, Obama will be the Democrat's choice again (as incumbent) for President in 2012. So, there is no way Hillary Clinton can run then. The next chance for Senator Clinton would be 2016. And no one will vote for a 69 year old, shriveled up Hillary.
Ben I
2008-11-05 21:01:17 UTC
khine k
2008-11-04 23:18:51 UTC
not because of black( we do love blacks).. I don't really trust him.. he might be another destroyer for the world.(may be ..may be)
2008-11-04 23:15:18 UTC
clap! clap! hoorayyyyyyy!!!

I'm so proud of him :)
2008-11-04 22:33:40 UTC
I'm elated, absolutely elated!
2008-11-05 22:34:29 UTC
I am elated. period.
2008-11-04 22:34:00 UTC
I'm not very happy about Obama winning, they were both really bad candidates but MCain was the better choice.. Obama will crash the US economy and dig the huge hole that the US won't beable to get out of...

Not much will impact of Singapore..
2008-11-04 22:30:39 UTC
im not sure about singapore,

but i feel great that Obama has one


2008-11-05 03:29:03 UTC
Maddie A
2008-11-07 11:24:10 UTC
2008-11-04 23:33:39 UTC
The know-nothing.
2008-11-04 22:29:22 UTC
I think this is one of the most fascinating nights I have ever felt.

Let us come together:
Just Wondering
2008-11-04 22:29:42 UTC
I'm not in Singapore.
2008-11-04 22:28:41 UTC
yes he was elected with white votes and white guilt will forever be erased. The race card will not be played . It will be the joker in the deck.

Hurray for Obama. You have led the whites out of Egypt.
pRoM nITe kInG
2008-11-07 10:21:41 UTC
2008-11-05 03:19:00 UTC
it was WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Johnathan M
2008-11-04 22:30:25 UTC
Who cares that is not America? If he cuts the goverments spending then that means soldiers are going to lose money you want that to weigh on your back?
☻Elijah's & Isaiah's Mom
2008-11-04 22:28:56 UTC
na na na na na na na hey hey hey goodbye

let the good times roll

sore losers say bye to misery we're no longer its company

Obama 08 :-P
don't look at my name!
2008-11-05 07:37:51 UTC









































+############### ++++ +++++###########



good but feel but for mccain.
2008-11-04 22:34:42 UTC
»-(¯`v´¯)-»ღ ηεşşα ღ»-(¯`v´¯)-»
2008-11-04 22:31:46 UTC
i really hate it. now he is going to do that stupid thing to the s-corporation and i'll have to move bcuz i'll b broke. well i hope all u obama supporters r happy!!

u voted for obama = u voted to destroy the U.S.A
ms. j
2008-11-04 22:28:38 UTC
i am happy !!!!

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