I am no expert but have been watching all the political shows over the past couple of days on ABC, Fox, NBC, BBC and every single one of the pundits say that Obama is going to win New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada and Michigan. Hillary will have to wait until Super Duper Tuesday to pick up some states - if she hasn't entirely lost support by then.
I think (hope) Hillary will stay in the race for her sake but also for Obama's. Her campaign might get dirty, but she will "shake all the leaves off the tree" in the process, leaving Republicans with nothing to smear either of them with (or possibly opening a can of worms, but better we know now!).
The party suffered immensely in 2004 when Terry McAuliffe effectively decided to call it after New Hampshire. Since Howard Dean should have been the nominee and he is now party chairman, I don't think we'll see a repeat of that mistake.
Edwards' is already dead in the water, sorry.
Claire works for the Clinton campaign. You are so busted!