Are you having a hard time choosing between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, like me?
2007-06-19 12:28:12 UTC
Clinton seems strong. But Obama looks like the type of candidate that can make all my liberal dreams come true. Is anyone else experiencing that?
46 answers:
Dr. Bradley
2007-06-19 12:41:25 UTC
I was having the trouble.

But I have grown to despise Hillary.

She is a strong person and candidate, but she doesn't impress me with her demeanor.

She still does not regret voting for the Iraq war and still won't admit her mistake.

She seems as if she will do anything to get the vote, which really pisses me off.

My cousin's wife is a radio personality for NPR, and she has interviewed both Clinton and Obama. She told me that Hillary is a strong person, but would do anything for votes and is extremely annoying. She said that Obama is a very genuine person, keeps his promises, and admits and fixes his mistakes. She has a few friends in Illinois that have worked with Obama for years that basically swear by him.

This confirmed my belief that Obama is the better candidate of the two.

Also, if Clinton got the Democratic nomination, there would be a lot of Dem's that wouldn't vote for her over a moderate Republican (me). Obama has a way better chance of winning in 2008 against all of the top 3 Republican candidates. I saw a poll showing that Clinton would lose to Giuliani and McCain if the election were held today, and Obama would beat all three top Republican candidates.

I think the choice here is clear.
2007-06-19 15:21:45 UTC
Hillary spoke to executives in silicon valley saying that she wants to increase the h1-B visa's which takes well paying jobs away from Americans and gives them to people from India and China . They can pay them lower and make better profits why pay an American 80,000 per year when you can pay someone from India at 40,000 or less.

She is too divisive and if elected Republicans would spend every waking moment trying to bring her down like they did with Bill Clinton ( so nothing would get done )

I have to evaluate the other candidates but I know Hillary is not a good choice.
2007-06-19 13:15:26 UTC
It seems to me that the next Presidential election will be a three ring circus. I heard someone say that Black people should vote for Barak Obama. Black denotes someone descendant of those in the American family who triumphed over the yoke of slavery or were at least part of the Civil Rights movement. You cannot claim to be Black simply because you have skin darker than a White persons. However, even if ancestor was Frederick Douglass that would be no reason to vote for him. So take him off the "Black Ticket". We've already experienced Billary for two terms and seen what happened (Osama went free when he was offered on a silver platter-thus 911). Rudolph Julliani says that he's personally against abortion but he is for the right to choose. If he believes abortion is murder than it is ridiculous to say that someone can choose to murder. If he does not believe it is murder than he is an idoit for being against it. I happen to not believe in magic. I happen to believe that a child does not magically become a child simply because it exited the womb. Just because it depends on someone else doesn't make it any less human. And don't give me the viability crap. a baby has survived after living in the womb for only three months.

My advice: stay aways from the voting booths.
2016-05-20 02:41:06 UTC
Your question assumes it will be Obama or Clinton who win the nomination. I have issues with both of them. But, I will wait and see who it shakes out to be, if either of them. As of now, I prefer Richardson. He is highly qualified in the departments of foreign policy and what he has done for the state of New Mexico. Not to mention the cabinet posts he used to hold. IMHO, Obama doesn't have the experience, and Hillary leans too far to the right on a lot of issues to suit me. When push comes to shove, McCain will go with the conservatives almost every time. I won't vote for someone simply for the novelty of it. They will have to show me what their ideas are, and how they will fix some of the problems we face as a nation. But, I still have a couple of years to decide. Things change. So, we will see.
2 Happily Married Americans
2007-06-19 12:53:33 UTC
No, because I won't be voting for either of them, I am more conservative. But if we did have one of those two elected, I would be happier with Obama. He seems like a genuine person with some values left in him. As an American, I would be embarrassed if we elected Hillary. As a woman, even more so. She is a tough broad, I will give her that. Just my least acceptable choice in the field of Presidential candidates.
2007-06-19 12:39:59 UTC
its like picking between dumb and dumber. Clinton goes anyway the wind blows, and Obama is unexperienced clueless candidate. If this is the best the dems can do, its going to be an easy election for the republicans. I would think if a strong independent gets into the general election they might beat either of these two.
hello T
2007-06-19 12:46:40 UTC

He listens, receives inputs and makes a decision. He is not afraid to say what he thinks off the cuff. If he is wrong, then he can say it.

Hillary listens to the focus group to see what is the popular idea from which way the wind is blowing. She says she listens but she does what she want anyway. Kind of like a wife instead of a true leader and president.

My choice is Obama.
2007-06-19 13:01:30 UTC
Let's just keep swapping the dynasty.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton.

There's not really that much difference. The country keeps going downhill.

How about some real choices?
2007-06-19 12:37:45 UTC
Obama: He seems like the best candidate

Clinton: She seems too guided by trying to judge the response to her actions than by some guiding principles.

However... what I really want to see is the foaming at the mouth of the republicans when Hilliary wins so Bill walks back into the White House. That would compensate for all her ills.
Mr. Taco
2007-06-19 12:36:57 UTC
Yes and no. I am having a hard time... but it is way too early to even worry about it. So much will change between now and next year when it actually matters that there is really no sense in even trying to figure it out. Watch and see how consistent they are between now and next January. Find out how they really stand on ALL the issues. This early most candidates are really holding back and feeling their way. You won't really know who is right for you until more information is revealed.

p.s. Notice that most of the "Hillary sucks" comments provide absolutely NO legitimate or logical explanation for why they feel that way. :-)
2007-06-19 13:16:15 UTC
I have a hard time choosing between them....................which one is the most useless of the two, its a toss up, but in the end Hillary wins.

The pair of them at the end of the day are a disaster for America if either gets voted in.
2007-06-19 12:38:30 UTC
John Edwards is a better candidate than both. He has the most concrete plans to deal with global warming, Iraq, health care, etc. etc. Obama is okay but too inexperienced. Hillary refuses to admit when she's wrong, which has proven to be a disasterous quality for a president to have.

Hillary also has the least chance of winning the general election of the 3 because almost everyone outside the Democratic Party hates her. Edwards has the most support outside the party, but even Obama is more popular than Hillary.

Vote Edwards.
2007-06-19 12:58:34 UTC
Obama is a muslim and went to an ALquada school when he was a kid, hil ain't the worst but so far if you value your freedom Ron Paul looks good, he's against war and against tax cuts and although republican he acts more like a libertarian, he doesn't belive in policing the worst and interferring with others affairs like bush hs and he's against wire tapping and big government... he's kinda old but I think he will give us more freedom at a state level like how the constitution meant things to be... he reminds me of thomas jefferson... just go check him out on youtube... of yeah and although republican he doesn't hate gays and minorities, he's not greedy either, he's a good guy.
2007-06-19 12:53:06 UTC
Not really...I don't like Politicians so it is therefore easy to ignore both.

Why Obama?? He has NO EXPERIENCE.

Why Clinton??? Did I miss something or is she just another in a long line of politicians. The last President that was liked by the masses was Regan for crying out loud....why do you suppose that is?
2007-06-19 12:39:39 UTC
I am not interested in either of them as President. I think Obama still needs more experience, and Hillary does not strike me at all as presidential material.

It's really hard finding a candidate that I feel is both qualified and somehow represents my ideals. Party doesn't matter to me, I'll take anyone that I think meets the criteria.

It's a bummer.
2007-06-19 12:53:22 UTC
i like obama dont get me wrong but hes too good too be true and im not voting for someone with only two years of political experience too the most powerful position on the planet ! the world is too complex! the last honest guy too think he could do the right thing in Washington was jimmy carter and that was a disaster! you cant go into that town and expect every body too pass the legislation you need just because its the right thing your not going too change that town your going too have too wheel n peel and this world is too dangerous i supported this war were in because i know how they have too keep their secrets about how they find stuff out classified from us !and when Colin Powell got in front of the un and said saddam was a threat '' a man who i would trust with my life'' i saported the war and i would have voted for him for president and crossed party line too do it. but for barach too say he didnt vote for this war because he new what was going too happen is a bunch of bs! what if he was the president and they came and told him if we dont invade Iran or statigicly r5emove a threat their going too lob a nuke at israel what would he do? i know what Hillary would do i just dont know about this guy pluss with Hillary we have got bill close bye as an adviser too her basically we get two president for the price of one! im voting for Hillary because of her experience and practical view of the political scene. i could care less about barachs color got nothing too do with it were talking about the most complex world in history you want somebody with two years experience leading it
2007-06-19 13:04:17 UTC
Are you kidding? Even considering HIlary Clinton makes me sick!! Go Obama!!!!
2007-06-19 12:33:54 UTC
No I wouldn't have any problem choosing between Hillary and Barack. Hillary has put up with too much from Bill to get to where she is. I'd have more respect for her if she dumped him long ago. She's a case of sleeping her way to the top. She'd never dump Bill if he could get her just a little higher.
2007-06-19 12:32:20 UTC
I, too, really really like Clinton.

But based on the fact that we've had a Bush or a Clinton in the White House for the past 20 years - I'd like to see a change. Nothing more - I just want someone NEW at 1600 Penn. Ave.

So, between the 2, right now, I'm inclined towards Barack!
Jeremy P
2007-06-19 12:32:43 UTC
I am definitely for Obama right now. I don't feel like Hillary Clinton is strong enough to run our country. She doesn't seem decisive enough. I think it would be disastrous for our nation to have a female president, due to the muslim ideas of females being inferior. Also, Cliton wants to do some serious downsizing to our military which i feel would be a mistake.
2007-06-19 12:30:17 UTC
No because I will not choose either one. However, if forced to choose between them, I would choose Barack since he might have potential. I am sure Hillary does not.
2007-06-19 13:34:49 UTC
Nope, neither of them are any good. Why can't democrats select a good person to nominate? Oh wait...Never mind.
2007-06-19 12:36:05 UTC
I wouldn't choose either and I will be curious to see who the Democratic party chooses to support.
2007-06-19 12:30:25 UTC
No, I won't be voting for either. Too liberal in my opinion. But do some more research on each of them, and I am sure you will make the right decision for you.
2007-06-19 12:30:50 UTC
Liberal or Socialist? Clinton is the next Dictator. Obama is the next President.
2007-06-19 12:38:14 UTC
No not at all. I see Rottenham Clinton as a liar, cheater, thief, and murderer. I would rather see Bush back again and I HATE him! I'll be voting for Obama.
2007-06-19 12:48:54 UTC
NO. Hillary and Obama" NO WAY.
2007-06-19 12:31:16 UTC
Let's elect hillary and let another clinton make a joke out of the whitehouse.
2007-06-19 12:35:01 UTC
No, they are both HORRIBLE!!! Hillary Clinton is a MAN which is why her husband had to cheat on her and Obama's middle name is HUSSEIN. I find that a little disturbing. Of course these are not the only reasons for my disliking them, but they are just icing on the cake. Take my advice, STAY AWAY FROM BOTH OF THEM!!! THOMPSON ALL THE WAY!
2007-06-19 12:34:44 UTC

Anything's Better Than Bush
2007-06-19 13:25:12 UTC
Nope I don't like either one.
2007-06-19 12:32:56 UTC
Nope...After the incredibly dishonest activity perped by jeb bush in florida that propelled his mentally incompetent brother into the office of president of these united states, I have chosen to never vote for a candidate for the president of these US again.
only p
2007-06-19 12:32:11 UTC
Ha Ha. I wouldn't vote for either of those two, even if you held a gun to my head at the voting booth.
2007-06-19 12:35:49 UTC
They both suck

vote Jim Gilchrist of the Constitution Party also known as U.S. taxpayers party.
»-(¯`v´¯)-» xox
2007-06-19 12:30:19 UTC
Yeah, i know. it's a really hard choice, but i am leaning towards obama
2007-06-19 12:35:26 UTC
They are both losers who will ruin the country
2007-06-19 12:34:14 UTC
That's like asking me to pick between cow dung and horse doo, both stink equally.
2007-06-19 12:31:01 UTC
the heck with them both, I am voting for the Obama girl!
Layne B
2007-06-19 12:30:53 UTC
Who are they?
2007-06-19 12:35:40 UTC
hilary clinton sux. if she wonprez our country would go into poverty.
2007-06-19 12:30:35 UTC
No, I DON'T like either one of them.
Hussein Obama
2007-06-19 12:31:03 UTC
2007-06-19 12:30:53 UTC
one is bad as the other
2007-06-19 12:33:44 UTC
nope,,,i really like them both...but i will stick to my usual belief that the best man for any job is woman.........!
2007-06-19 12:30:44 UTC
Waiting for Madelyn :)
2007-06-19 12:30:15 UTC
No, They both SUCK!

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