Some liberals are in denial that they are socialists, others are open, collectively, liberals believe any earnings not confiscated by the government is a crime. That's really the bottom line, liberals look to government to make our lives fair and just.
As many liberals are in denial of their socialism and communist tendencies (because they believe their version would not evolve to dictatorships), liberals are surrounded in deceit, lies, distortion and propaganda, by repeating these lies and hearing them resonate throughout the liberal media, the lies become truth.
Well, our tax structure requires only half of our wage earners to pay federal income tax, so half of the earners get free government services. Instead of everyone paying the same percentage of their earnings, there is no attempt, whatsoever, to make the tax system fair to all people.
Any reference to reducing confiscation of income by government, is termed "tax relief for the rich". Is there any doubt that insane government bureaucrats will spend every dime they confiscate from wage earners and over-spend x 1000 ?
Instead of focusing on government's insane spending, liberals want to play the class warfare card, to create class envy and hatred of wage earners who do not embrace socialism (the Hollywood and entertainment millionaires get a pass because they carry the socialist flag).
The true problem is the wasteful spending and the "far left's" attempt to intentionally bankrupt America. Socialists and communists focus on class envy, to ignore the horrific wasteful spending, that liberals advocate and cause.