How is closing Guantanamo good?
2009-01-21 17:46:28 UTC
Prepare yourself for 89792659210650198650328965328 terrorist attacks...

YES there is torture, but in the countries where the inmates are from, THEY WOULD DO WORSE THINGS TO YOU AMERICANS IF THEY HAD THE CHANCE.
It is probably the only thing stopping terrorist organisations from making more attacks... because Obama's thinking that the solution to terrorism is negotiation is, well, stupid.

Remember in Reagan's time, there was a war in Africa (Libya I think?) and NOTHING the americans CIVIL-LY said stopped the war. Reagan then sent two planes to bomb the king/leader's palace. He didn't get killed, but his wife and daughter did.
Guess what?
The war stopped.

(sorry about the caps ;P)
34 answers:
2009-01-21 17:51:50 UTC
The terrorists are Husseins buddies. Why else does he give a fvck about them?
Justin H
2009-01-21 17:53:14 UTC
As a country, we are not defined by what other nations might do. We are defined by what WE do. America is supposed to be about the rule of law and justice. Being involved with torture is reprehensible and usually does not provide the desired information. Furthermore, incidents such as what has happened at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib only serve to diminish America's reputation around the world and make more likely we will be the target of a terrorist attack.


D&W: Pushing a bully back twice as hard is one way of getting him to leave you alone - that's what war and preemptive strikes are used for. But that is completely different from tying the bully up and torturing him until he agrees to do what you want. Once someone is a prisoner, the captor should follow a set of moral and ethical guidelines for how the prisoner is treated.
Eliza Vczenski
2009-01-21 17:55:04 UTC
You sound like Gorge Bush..

Guess what,

his mindset got us NOWHERE.

Terrorists are idiots and you cannot rid them either way. Forcefully will just promote more attacks because more people will hate America. Middle East has become much worse ever since America got involved. Just because of a group of idiots, war came loose and then many innocents died. I think negotiation isn't very effective, but its not harmful either. Why are you denying it so much? It hasn't even happened yet so no one really knows. Every ones been all about war so far. I honestly think the main solution to terrorism is TIME. Communism in europe resolved itself in TIME. Because in time people grow smarter and get sick of the old. The new world is much more about Independence and freedom which everyone wants. Old generations of that type of negative terrorist thought are dying. New generations of smarter individuals are being raised and in a century terrorism will most like go down a lot. Just like communism in Europe is completely gone pretty much, except some russia. Trust me, my moms from an x com mi nation.
2009-01-21 17:49:29 UTC
makes our bill of rights real vs just some propaganda

removes us from the list of hypocrite nations of the world.

If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.

--James Madison

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.


"Naturally, the common people don't want war, but after all, its the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifist for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country."

Hermann Goering, Hitler's Reich-Marshall

at the Nuremberg Trials after WWII
2009-01-21 17:51:51 UTC
1st of all you can't win a war on terror (just look at Israel). All you can do is contain it. And closing Guantanamo is a good thing because it was one of the main reasons the terrorists were fighting with such vigor because of it and the whole world thought it was totally illegal which it basically was and that hurt the US more than the terrorists. However, the bad part about closing down Guantanmo is that the inmates their will now be tried in the US and let go in the US if they are not convicted.
2009-01-21 17:50:17 UTC
Unless you want to call us the United States of North Korea or the United States of Saudi Arabia, then its time we started acting like a civilized country with higher ideals

The constitution doesn't change because there are terrorists in this world.

Rights are rights, no matter what.
2009-01-21 18:03:48 UTC
If we resort to the same measures terrorists resort to, what makes us any better than them? You say we are doing it for the better good, but who decides what is the better good? For us, it is protecting our lives. But they think they are doing things for good too..."protecting" their religion (or misguided views of it) and their people, or ideals. Obviously we think they're wrong, but my point is that we are both fighting for what we believe is right.

So what separates us from terrorists? It is how we go about it. Terrorists rule with fear. They instill fear in people's hearts so they fall, and give in to the terrorists' wishes. If we rule with fear as well, what makes us any better? I understand that we need to take harsh action against harsh people. But at what cost? Is it worth it to lose everything our country stands for? Our country is run under the principles that every man is equal, and has equal opportunity under our law. Unfortunately, that applies to the scum of the earth as well. A fair trial does not mean we let them off. A fair trial just means that we are upholding the principles of our country. And if we say "screw our ideals" then that puts us at the same position as the terrorists. If we reject our country's promise to be just and fair, then how are we any better? We are also ruling with fear, unfairly using force to gain power. And if you can so easily throw away such a fundamental right, oath, in our government, that we swear to give everyone fair trial, then what is stopping our government from throwing away other rights as well? In a civilized society, we can't always take the law into our own hands. yes, sometimes rules are wrong, but if a rule is changed, it should be changed for everyone. If we want, as a society, to give equal treatment to everyone, we can't decide who "everyone" is. It is all or none, and that is a sacrifice we have to make in order to keep from falling to the same level as the terrorists.

Sorry, I was rambling. maybe I made sense, maybe not, but my point is that it is not because we feel bad for the terrorists, or think talking to them will help, it is that Guantanamo is a symbol of the same fear terrorists use, and fighting terrorism with terrorism is only going to put us at their level.
William S
2009-01-21 17:53:27 UTC
People should make sure what Obama does is something with substance, not just something to make it "look" like he's doing something, there is such a thing as "busy being busy"...he has made very specific promises over the last 2 years and he needs to have his feet held to the fire when it comes to completing these promises. The beauty contest is over and now it is time to get done what he said he would get done. Closing Gitmo is symbolic, it won't do a thing for our economy and the economy is why he won this election.
2009-01-21 17:53:43 UTC
Good point. Many Americans want protection against enemies but they want it done in a pretty manner. Push the bully back twice as hard and he will leave you alone. Closing Guantanamo is a bad idea. By the way, it was Libya.
2009-01-21 17:49:31 UTC
That was pretty funny.

There was no civil war in Libya.

Reagan ordered the bombing in retaliation for a terrorist attack attributed to Libyan agents on a Berlin nightclub that was full of US soldiers.

I guess we can gather you are not exactly a history expert. LOL

No problem, we already knew you never do any research.
2009-01-21 17:58:18 UTC
It doesn't matter anymore. I'm not even sure if anyone can say why each one of them is there. We can just sit back and reminisce with the video's they sent us of decapitation of perfectly innocent soldiers. Maybe we can even give them a gift card for a massage as they walk out the door.
Fred K
2009-01-21 17:57:24 UTC
Its against the law during Vietnam two service members were convicted for water boarding.and if you think that torture is going to slow down someone that is willing to die for Allah think Again and Bush blowing off Afghanistan too Look for WMD in Iraq that's stupid
Legio XVII
2009-01-21 17:50:14 UTC
"There is great interest in seeing Guantánamo close, because it is damaging us all," said Lord Peter Goldsmith, Britain's former attorney general who negotiated with Washington over Guantánamo detainees during Tony Blair's administration. "It is the most toxic asset for Western foreign policy," according to Goldsmith, who calls the camp "a recruiting agent" for terrorists.
2009-01-21 17:51:58 UTC
Well it is in Cuba.

If we are going to hold prisoners without bail, without trial, without the right to speak to an Attorney, shouldn't we at least do it on United States soil.

Or does the United States hypocrisy only extend so far.

Close GITMO, and follow the rule of law.
2009-01-22 12:36:30 UTC
Giving the people that want to slaughter us rights.....Now I''ve heard it all. Liberals want our country to be looked at "in a positive light" any cost. Even our lives. Idiots.
Hater Police
2009-01-21 17:49:38 UTC
Many of our military leaders, Sec Gates included, seem to think so.
2009-01-21 17:50:48 UTC
The barbarism of our enemies does not excuse our own barbaric behavior. Didn't your mommy teach you that two wrongs don't make a right?

There are innocent people who have been held there for eight years. We have tortured innocent people. That should be a source of deep national shame. If you're not embarrassed at that thought, then you are no American.

There is a word for people who sacrifice their own principles out of fear for their own safety: cowards.
2009-01-21 17:52:37 UTC
Thanks for the cap lock.

I don't care if they close Gitmo or not. I have issues with them torturing people and holding them without charges.

We can't expect to lead the world if we can't follow the rules. If you are for torturing terrorists then lets torture the domestic terrorists as well...
2009-01-21 17:50:36 UTC
closing Guantanamo ISN'T GOOD, the things that go on there, although they can be violent and even barbaric at times are completely necessary for securing information to prevent horrific things from happening to this country... obama is an idiot at times
2009-01-21 17:52:00 UTC
ahh just bomb the hell out of them and make them hide in the caves then send the infintry and calvary in to take the rest out.
2009-01-21 17:52:31 UTC
For all of you who think closing Gitmo is good.

Where are they going to move all of those prisoners? Imagine if they move them all over here, in your back yard.

What if they escape?

At least with Gitmo, they are all over there.
2009-01-21 17:50:13 UTC
relax. Obama said it would take a year

I expect something to happen in less then six prepared

for something..and it ain't gonna be an early Christmas~~
Last Action Gyro
2009-01-21 17:50:01 UTC
With Guantanamo- we are the terrorists.
2009-01-21 17:50:52 UTC
Oh now, those guys won't hurt anyone , just let them go home. notice ? no one has an answer.

just gibberish gab.
2009-01-21 17:50:07 UTC
I don't believe it should be closed. Sorry if I offend anyone but the liberals are too pussy that they think that if we let them go then they'll be good to us. dumbasses...
Edward Cullen thinks your ugly
2009-01-21 17:49:40 UTC

thats a mature number
My Country Tis of Thee
2009-01-21 17:50:23 UTC
He's just paying back all the Muslim contributions, don't ya know?
2009-01-21 17:49:37 UTC
2009-01-21 17:50:14 UTC
Its not good, but it makes liberals feel good.
2009-01-21 17:50:28 UTC
seems like you failed math.

we've only had one so far, and im sure security is much better than it was in 2001.

paranoia must be killing you.
2009-01-21 17:49:34 UTC
It's not good, plain and simple.
2009-01-21 17:49:37 UTC
water-boarding is not torture if that's what you mean by torture
2009-01-21 17:50:05 UTC
it aint
2009-01-21 17:53:08 UTC
i think he knows wat hes doing

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