December 1st, then the 2nd, then the 5th, now January 9th...I detect a trend. And I never see any FedGov sites/sources, just oft-repeated gleanings from on-line crackpots. Wazzup wid dat?
NEWSFLASH for the "O ye of little faith" crowd:
It seems that it's a moot point, or a non-issue / non-starter only pursued by possibly *cough* well-intentioned but probably loser wacko nutjob lalalala off-the-wall screamer-flamers punkyflannelsneezyjeaner loony-toon bananas cuckoo bonkers neener-neener ga-ga wingnutters like Berg, Donofrio and Keyes.
Don't you think that the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security and even Intelligence Agencies Without Names would have 'outed' Obama before this IF there had a been even a hint of something fishy? Especially given the fact that a Republican president would LOVE to have a reason to negate the election? The alternative must be, then, that the ENTIRE Republican-run government is conspiring to aid in the commission of a fraud... how could ANYONE with 2 brain cells to rub together believe such a thing?
And if there had been, you KNOW that someone would have leaked it to those paragons of truth: The National Enquirer, Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh, all of whom would STILL be in the throes of journalistic orgasm? Hey: if even FOX won't touch it, what does that tell you? It's time for the flat-earth / Tinfoil Beanie Brigaders to give this one up.
Face it, it's a dumb rumor that 'sounds' good, replete with some erroneous legalese and a few dates thrown in, but in reality is wholly, completely, totally, incontestably, unutterably and indubitably without a speck, iota or scintilla of merit. Kinda like the "he's a Muslim / anti-Christ / Marxist / socialist / fascist / communist / radical / Manchurian Candidate" etc etc etc., rants. Too bad that so many people believe it, but it seems like a time-waster, a waste of THEIR time and effort, but not mine.
The following is a McCain supporter / McCain campaign exchange:
"I heard... he's...he's not a ... he's not like US... he's a A-RAB!!!!!!"
"No, ma'am, he's not, he's a citizen and a fine American."
"He... he IS??????????"
Sorry, but if that's typical of Plain/McCain supporters....... then it's typical of the desperate folks who cobbled this p.o.s. together, but it's not fit for human intellectual consumption. It's 100% bullcrap.
Lemme put it another way: This rumor is like what some people describe Bush as: "all hat and no cowboy." There's no THERE there!
Title 8, U.S. Code, Section 1401, quoted at the U.S. Customs-Immigration Service website "' in which it delineates between natural-born and natural-ized citizens AND states that the U.S. has no prohibition about U.S. citizens having dual citizenship/dual passports, just that the citizen has to use his/her U.S. passport when re-entering the U.S.; it also states that the Panama Canal Zone is/was NOT considered 'sovereign U.S. soil' AND further states that a parent CANNOT renounce their child's U.S. citizenship.
There is NO requirement that a President be born ON U.S. soil: Mitt Romney was born in Mexico, but is eligible by reason of at least one (both were) parent having been an American citizen.
Here's a hypothetical: suppose McCain had been born in a Japanese commercial airliner flying across the Pacific at 35,000 feet? American parent(s) = American citizen = Prez-eligible.
Time to give this haggard abused dogeared argument up: it's baseless. Period. On the other hand: if this is "only" costing $800,000 (verifiable source, PLEASE!), that's 1/10th of 1% of what Obama raised for his campaign, then that is a pretty inexpensive way to piss off a few thousand trailer park denizens... man-o-man, Obama's smart AND has a sense of humor, too. Boy, these next 8 years are gonna be 180 degrees out from the last 8.
Only $800,000? Chump change.... that's only 1/10 of 1% of the Wall Street bailout (or 1/100th of 1% of what it will REALLY cost: $8 TRILLION !!!).
However: be prepared for guffaws of laughter when the SC refuses to hear this 'case.' Then pull up a chair, light up a smoke, grab a beer and enjoy the inauguration on January 20,2009.
Is it true that "ignorance is its own reward"? Looks like it, huh?