Would you agree that gov is too big and needs to be cut down in size?
2010-02-15 04:16:05 UTC
The latest polls show a lot of Americans believe that. In Canada, we too are supporting an overbearing gov that is sapping the public dry. Spain is paying $820,000 a year to traffic controllers, Greece is going bankrupt because they are paying too much to gov employees, so is Portugal in trouble. Are we ever going to hold these people accountable? Why do they cut services, and keep paying outrageous wages, benefits, and expenses to this group of people?

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans support cutting the size of the government workforce to reduce the deficit — and a majority favor cutting pay for non-military government employees, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports.
The survey found that 58 percent of respondents think the government workforce should be trimmed; 22 percent are opposed to the idea; and the rest are “not sure.”
The poll disclosed that 51 percent favor cutting government employees’ pay; 32 percent oppose it; and 17 percent are not sure.
Nearly 60 percent of those polled said government workers earn more money than the average taxpayer, while 15 percent believe they do not, and 26 percent are undecided.
Another Rasmussen survey disclosed that by a 3-to-1 margin, Americans think it would be better for the U.S. if most incumbents in Congress are not re-elected this November.
Sixty-three percent said it would be better for the country; 19 percent said it would be better if most incumbents are re-elected; and 18 percent are not sure. And just 27 percent of respondents said their representative in Congress is the best possible person for the job.
Rasmussen observed, “The latest numbers are explained in part by new findings that show voters are madder than ever at the current policies of the federal government.”
Seven answers:
2010-02-15 04:39:25 UTC
In theory this is good

but George Bush Jr. was not really a conservative and of course Barack Obama is not either

the trend now is for even bigger government~most people are apathetic on this issue

some movements are gaining momentum but it is a little late in the game to be retroactive
2010-02-15 05:20:44 UTC
No, I think all the functions and services government provides are very important.

Schools? The Military? Roads? Hospitals? Helping people who lost jobs not lose their houses? You tell me which one you want to cut.

Illegal aliens? Problem is the huge companies with all the power won't LET any politicians do anything about it.

If they would just support Unions and pay workers more, there would be no illegal aliens here!

Snarking about the government is nothing new for conservatives - problem is every time Republicans get in power, they GROW THE GOVERNMENT EVEN MORE! And the debt and deficit with it.

Republicans have absolutely no right to claim they are fiscal conservatives - they have proven enough times they aren't. They are just pro Wall Street shills.
James E Lewis AKA choteau
2010-02-15 06:37:35 UTC
You have an interesting take on government. You remind me of one die hard Republican lady who told me that she would rather have a Republican Dictator than a Democrat President. She ignored the fact that her health insurance rates had just shot up 30% and said that that was just the cost of doing business. Did I mention that she is trying to sell off her business because she can no longer afford to provide Health Insurance for her 5 employees?
2010-02-15 04:27:37 UTC
I love that OBAMA and his ADMINISTRATION... thinks that we are SO DUMB...

(how dumb are we) we're so dumb as to expect that we would believe that the answer to every problem and every crisis (real or invented) is yet, still and again... another costly GOVERNMENT program.

Look at the government programs - that have failed?

Then look at the ones that have Succeeded...?

The ones that have succeeded are those like, Um-mm, errrrr , Ummmm...

Case in point.
2010-02-15 04:53:36 UTC
Needs to be cut. With a damn chainsaw!

It is out of control and obscenely intrusive into ordinary peoples' lives.
2010-02-15 06:45:18 UTC
Everything you said is proof that socialism doesn't work in any country.
2010-02-15 04:21:02 UTC
Yes 1/2 would be about right and then it would still be bloated.~!

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