can anyone picture palin as president?
pank t
2008-08-31 13:17:13 UTC
i am no longer voting for mccain b/c Palin might become pres and she is not ready at all. Obama has Biden. Biden is more ready then obama. Obama is more ready than Palin. Mccain is 72 yrs old. I can't risk having palin as pres. I'm voting obama, even though i can't believe i'm saying that, as a lifelong (i'm 27) rep. I can see why Mccain chose Palin for political reasons, but for the well-being of the country, i just cannot believe this choice. McCain failed to take into consideration the possibility of his death (he's 72!), which all Presidents must consider. It has happened many times before. i just cannot believe this.
43 answers:
2008-08-31 13:24:36 UTC
yeah i totally agree with you. i use to be a rep too. but i don't think people are thinking about mccain's age and his past medical complications which are rather serious. mccain's vp choice was not only for someone to stand along side him but also to actually replace him if he dies. he messed up and i can't support this craziness. he clearly is putting winning before the safety of the country. or maybe he has thrown in the towel on purpose, I think the American people are smart enough than to actually vote for McCain right now.

i know people are making the argument that we are voting for the presidency not the vp, but in mccain's case it is more than that. like i said he is 70+ years old and has had 4 bouts with skin cancer (melanoma), the vp would most likely become his successor. think people! he really could have chosen more qualified men or women such as Meg Whitman or Mitt Romney. its like he picked this name out of a hat.
2008-08-31 14:20:06 UTC
What does it take to be a president? I can do that. My son can do that. My daughter can do that. My 6 years old nephew can do that.

He produces nothing, he spends money that he didn't work hard to get, he destroys wealth in numerous ways for no good reason.

Then, he asks someone else to make numbers to prove results. And if it can't be done, he just says "oops!" and never ever get accounted for all the failures.

So I don't see why Palin can't make a wonderful president. She's just another big government socialist just like McCain and Obama and Clinton and Bush.

They're all going to do the same with shallow differences. Big spending, more government to resolve the issues and no results in the end. What everybody wants is to be on the side of the spending. That's why the candidates are so popular. Everybody supports the one who send money to his side. What they don't see is that it's the same money they worked hard for and was taken from their pockets at gun point. One may get a positive balance, receiving more than giving, but it's a temporary thing that usually don't last even for a whole term.

Again, if you're a worker that produce real wealth. Unemployed people on welfare and government employees don't produce real wealth, they always have a positive balance.

You pay high taxes even if you don't pay income taxes. The price of the products you buy are increased by the taxes. No company or business pay taxes out of their pockets, they have to put it in the price to get a return. Without a return, there's no business. Even charities have to have a positive (or neutral) balance to survive. So, don't get fooled because you don't pay taxes directly. Every dollar you pay is 60 cts of goods and 40 cts of taxes.

And the worst part, to get the government give you back just a tiny little part of the money it takes from you, you have to sell your soul and your freedom. A powerful government regulates everything, every minor aspect of your life end up being controlled and supervised. What you eat, what you drink, what you do. The choices for your life are being taken by someone who's going to enforce them using violent force paid by the wealth you worked hard to get. It may be a comfortable prison but it's a prison anyway.
2008-08-31 13:28:22 UTC
The Earth says :

"Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill."

This is another reason why Palin would be dangerous. Without Birth control, there would be many more unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation and not enough food for everyone. What about woman who would die if they got pregnant. This is a horrible move on Mccain's part and i am praying he does not get elected.
Susan M
2008-08-31 16:13:22 UTC
I think that, like a lot of men. Senator McCain thinks he is indestructible- he hasn't faced his own mortality. Succession was probably not uppermost in his mind when he made his choice for VP -it is unlikely that he has considered Gov. Palin in that light. But, obviously, the voters of America must. I,m not saying whether she is or is not suitable as a potential president, but it is a very serious consideration.
Carl Marks
2008-08-31 13:22:20 UTC
This is a valid concern.

What amazes me is that there ARE qualified women McCain could have picked BEFORE Palin, that have real experience in the Republican party.

It's like he chose the lady based on how she would look on the cover of People or Us magazine. I'm starting to think that McCain actually believed the Paris Hilton ad he put out about Obama, and even went so far as to model his campaign after that.
2008-08-31 13:26:23 UTC
I have serious doubts as for Palins abilities. I think it is great she is a Governor and has a great future and could possibly be a great GOP candidate for president with more years under her belt.

I don't know how to think about her dedication to work. While on one hand it is honorable, on the other side it seems to trump her family. (going back to work in less than a week) Because newborns need to be at the office and exposed to all the germs and people she has to see everyday.

I am a Christian and I feel a little insulted.
2008-08-31 13:23:07 UTC

But sadly, if McCain wins she is still a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

She has only governed a town of 9,000 people, this is 1/4 the size of Brooklyn and much less than most State Universities.

She is also being used because she is a woman. Would McCain have picked Stan Palin? No.
2016-10-14 08:07:24 UTC
Sounds good to me. As for mind. Palin worked WITH the Oil marketplace to create jobs & prosperity for Alaskans. Obama has killed jobs & raised gasoline expenses by skill of shutting down oil rigs. Obama isn't even on the factor of being as clever as Sarah Palin. he's not whilst clever as Bristol Palin. not joking. He will improve taxes on interest creators then wonders the place the roles are going. He flies Jumbo jets around the Atlantic to lecture Europeans on the ineffective use of fossil gasoline.
2008-08-31 13:27:25 UTC
You betcha! I am now voting for McCain/Palin, because she is more than prepared to take charge of any office. Obama does the talk, but he cannot do the walk. Obama is simply full of hot air in an empty suit. Checkout his blank record, coupled with the fact that he votes present on bills, not for or against them. The only thing that I know that he is for in infanticide, which I am totally against.

John McCain has delivered by choosing Sarah Palin, as his VP. She moved into the Alaskan Governor's house and let the chef go, saying she could prepare the food for her family. Then, she put the Governor's jet on ebay, saying she could drive herself. She has changed what was once a corrupt system in Alaska's Government while Obama just stands by The Chicago Crime Machine, so he can climb the political ladder. Talk about grabbing the moose by its horns and cleaning up Alaska! Palin became President of the PTA, which led her into being Mayor of her City. She stepped up to being the Governor of Alaska while maintaining an 80% approval rating from both the Republicans and the Democrats in her state. Thank God John McCain never gave up and was able to look past gender to find the perfect VP to help him clean up Washington. Washington is broken, but together they can fix it.
Nate N.
2008-08-31 13:27:44 UTC
banning the birth control pill?! honestly, with the current state of American in terms of both domestic and foreign affairs, I don't think she will be able to properly handle a role as president. Biden is definately more prepared in this sense than she is. Maybe she is an "honest" mother of five, but thats not who i trust to negotiate with cuthroat politcal leaders oversees.

and if your basing your whole decision on something as trivial as banning the growth control pill(not directed at questioner)?.. not to mention I cant really seeing that panning out too well, with all the unplanned pregnancies, and adoption agency being full.. just a recipe for 100's of dumpster babies and back alley abortionists

80% approval in state whose population is under 700,000 people?

thats like a chicago suburb
2008-08-31 13:23:19 UTC
First of all, you're voting for the president, not the VP. Sure, they're a packaged deal but how silly are you going to feel if McCain doesn't die? Then you voted for the opposite of who you wanted purely out of fear.

Secondly (and this is my opinion), the experience of someone pales in comparison to the values they represent.
2008-08-31 13:26:22 UTC
Is just goes to show that he is putting himself before he is the country by choosing an unknown,unheard of for his V.P. simple because she was a woman and could possible get Hillarys votes. There I said it!
2008-08-31 13:24:17 UTC
Only of the PTA

I shudder to think of her having to have a one on one meeting with a guy like Putin with the future of this nation at stake



There are approximatley 2,5 million people living in Brooklyn [Kings County ]NY which would mean that the population of Brooklyn NY is approx 3.75 times that of Alaska
Dept. of Redundancy Department
2008-08-31 13:44:22 UTC
president of a fundamentalist, no-women's-rights church bazaar committee MAYBE.

but taking over for McSame when he goes to The Big Aircraft carrier In The Sky? no freakin' way !!!

McSame has killed his slim chances. Thanks, John, you doddering old fool. Picking a Barbie? Way to go, you old f4rt.

Chill the champagne for when Barack and Joe are sworn in next year.
2008-08-31 13:33:36 UTC
Your ridiculous! Anybody can die at any time at any age. Hey, you might die next week who knows. Then we won't have to be concerned about your vote. John F. Kennedy died at the age of 46 as our President he had only served 3 years and was assassinated. So please, save it, Palin is more then capable of handling things why don't you give her a chance you haven't even seen her in a debate yet. Chill out and wait before you make any hasty decisions. You just might be surprised!!
2008-08-31 13:26:04 UTC
So you are going to vote for a guy who launched his career with the support a known terrorist and declared enemy of the United States. A guy who's favorite author is a declared communist and Soviet sympathizer. Good logic. Don't vote for a patriot vote for someone who shares views with the enemy.
Rob M
2008-08-31 13:28:53 UTC
You have 9 weeks to decide, so why would anyone make a decision before you've even seen how she handles the campaign?
2008-08-31 13:28:17 UTC
After researching her history , I like her and quite frankly maybe someone who is not your typical politician may be just what this country needs. Maybe she will be a good lead in the following election, this will be a great chance to see her at work before then
2008-08-31 13:40:52 UTC
Yes-at least she has run a state and a city. Why would we want Obama when he hasn't even run anything-not even a business? So how can we allow him to run our country?
writer's block
2008-08-31 13:21:46 UTC
You need to rethink this, IMHO.

The slimy lawyers, political hacks, lobbyist-friendly sleazeball lifers in Congress are much less legit than someone like Palin.

I'm sure any president would get good advice from a sea of aides and cabinet members. At least she is real, honest and not a sleaze. I'd take the word of an honest governor with 5 kids over, say, a Joe Biden any day.
2008-08-31 13:20:51 UTC
Sure, I suspect McCain would step down in '12 and this in the ground work.
2008-08-31 13:27:17 UTC
yes i can picture president palin

and the best changes usually come from those not entrenched in or by power
2008-08-31 13:22:29 UTC
No. Palin was chosen for the press.
the pink baker
2008-08-31 13:25:25 UTC
I can, she rocks. Can you picture Obama or Biden as President? I mean, Obama should consider the age of Biden, he's old too. Just cause Obama is "young" does not mean he can't die, young people die all the time.
2008-08-31 13:26:27 UTC
Yes, it is a very bad picture.
2008-08-31 13:25:15 UTC
She's not running for President
2008-08-31 13:22:03 UTC
This is what Republicans do. Welcome to reality my friend. The sad part is that most Republicans actually believe McCain was being "sincere" when he picked Palin.
2008-08-31 13:21:50 UTC
I am a Democrat but I have talked to people who are republicans that are changing there minds, especially people with children that are in the draft age braket.
2008-08-31 13:26:07 UTC
I could picture her in a Playboy layout...."The Girls of Politics"...
Jim B
2008-08-31 13:23:37 UTC
Yea, a lot more than I can see a elitist, racist dog NObama as President.
2008-08-31 13:23:33 UTC
Only if she's wearing this outfit.
2008-08-31 13:21:36 UTC
Great, so you're more comfortable with a president on the learning curve than a VP. Non-sensical.
2008-08-31 13:21:34 UTC
I would rather her be President.

Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

Most women do not know that if your pill regulates your period, it kills babies.

As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

Since McCain's father did not live to 72 she will probably even be President.
2008-08-31 13:21:16 UTC
heck no

the state she comes from has only 600,000 people. some joke obama was the first black person she's ever seen
2008-08-31 13:21:02 UTC
No, but I can picture her staring in an episode of Northern Exposure.
2008-08-31 13:21:41 UTC
I don't believe you for a minute. A true Republican would never vote for a liberal socialist like Obama. Be gone, troll.
2008-08-31 13:20:04 UTC
Yeah, you're 27 and can't make a coherent statement. I'm really going to trust your judgment.
Socialist KIM
2008-08-31 13:21:24 UTC
at this point i wish she is..want to how americans reacts.
2008-08-31 13:20:54 UTC
Nope! He really chose poorly on that one I have to tell you

2008-08-31 13:20:44 UTC
your loss I am voting for the pres not the vp and i will be casting my vote for McCain not Obama.
2008-08-31 13:20:48 UTC
Now dems. are coming on pretending to be republicans. So sad.
2008-08-31 13:20:27 UTC
MEEEEE!! Frankly, I'd rather have her at the top of the ticket.
2008-08-31 13:20:17 UTC
No. Nor do I want to...

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