What does it take to be a president? I can do that. My son can do that. My daughter can do that. My 6 years old nephew can do that.
He produces nothing, he spends money that he didn't work hard to get, he destroys wealth in numerous ways for no good reason.
Then, he asks someone else to make numbers to prove results. And if it can't be done, he just says "oops!" and never ever get accounted for all the failures.
So I don't see why Palin can't make a wonderful president. She's just another big government socialist just like McCain and Obama and Clinton and Bush.
They're all going to do the same with shallow differences. Big spending, more government to resolve the issues and no results in the end. What everybody wants is to be on the side of the spending. That's why the candidates are so popular. Everybody supports the one who send money to his side. What they don't see is that it's the same money they worked hard for and was taken from their pockets at gun point. One may get a positive balance, receiving more than giving, but it's a temporary thing that usually don't last even for a whole term.
Again, if you're a worker that produce real wealth. Unemployed people on welfare and government employees don't produce real wealth, they always have a positive balance.
You pay high taxes even if you don't pay income taxes. The price of the products you buy are increased by the taxes. No company or business pay taxes out of their pockets, they have to put it in the price to get a return. Without a return, there's no business. Even charities have to have a positive (or neutral) balance to survive. So, don't get fooled because you don't pay taxes directly. Every dollar you pay is 60 cts of goods and 40 cts of taxes.
And the worst part, to get the government give you back just a tiny little part of the money it takes from you, you have to sell your soul and your freedom. A powerful government regulates everything, every minor aspect of your life end up being controlled and supervised. What you eat, what you drink, what you do. The choices for your life are being taken by someone who's going to enforce them using violent force paid by the wealth you worked hard to get. It may be a comfortable prison but it's a prison anyway.